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Brenna View Drop Down
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    Posted: 10 October 2009 at 8:28am
Well here I am...I'm scared about having to take meds because I feel like I should be able to cope on my own.
Some Q's:

Did anyone else feel like this when they started?
How long did you use them for?
How hard was it to come off them?
How long did they take to 'kick in' for you?

Thanks, I'm on 20mg once a day
My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months
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KH25 View Drop Down
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Sorry obviously I know nothing but just wanted to give you huge hugs, I'm so sorry you have had to down this path as I know it was the last thing you wanted    Please don't feel bad for having to take them, you have tried all the natural stuff first so you have done everything you can and if a few little pills are gonna get all your chemical imbalances sorted out and make for a happier mummy then it is all good!!

Did you wanna catch up next week or do you think you aren't really up to it?
Kelly, mum to DD, 19Jun06 (26wks 1lb15oz) DS1, 24Oct10 (32wks 4lb11oz) and DS2, 31Dec11 (32wks, 4lb11)
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shadowfeet View Drop Down
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Hey Brenna, sorry you're feeling this way

I'm not on Fluox, but wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you. Fluox works great for a lot of people and I hope it starts working soon for you. Sometimes the benefits can take up to 6 weeks to take full effect so don't be too discouraged if it's too quick.

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emz View Drop Down
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Hey chick, will try to answer your qu's, was on them with Jack as had AND and PND with him. I often have depression just normally so I kind of knew when I was 'right' again to come off them.

Did anyone else feel like this when they started? Yes, I felt like a failure. But you've got to remember, it's a chemical and hormonal imbalance, not something you're doing 'wrong'.
How long did you use them for? 3-4 months, should have been on them since I was 6 months pg but refused to use them until Jack was 2 months old (which was stupid on my part).
How hard was it to come off them? Not hard at all, I started getting a bit too happy during the times a normal person would feel sad, so decided I would be better off without them (have been on other things for over a year at a time though).
How long did they take to 'kick in' for you? 2 weeks to fully kick in, you may notice you get more down in the first couple of weeks before everything balances out (or you may not, but it was a definite side-effect for me, so much so that I wondered what the point of taking them was, but then they kicked in and it was like a cloud started lifting).
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Brenna View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Brenna Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10 October 2009 at 3:01pm
Thanks Emz, that makes me feel so much better!! It's nice to know that I'm not alone with my thoughts
My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months
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Smurfling View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Smurfling Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10 October 2009 at 3:05pm
Hey Anna, I've been on meds for depression a few times in the past, but I still felt like a failure when I started on fluox about halfway through my pregnancy. To be honest, I still feel like that a lot of the time, but you've just got to tell yourself you're doing the best thing for yourself and your kids- a happy mother on medication is better than someone who is too depressed or anxious to handle them, you know? I don't like being on meds, but I know that with the way I feel some days I would be no use whatsoever to Kaia, so I'm going to keep taking them until I can cope on my own again/

I've been on 40mg for about 2 and a bit months now, was on 20mg before that but they didn't seem to be helping as much as me or the MMH people wanted them to, but 20mg is perfectly fine for most people, and you should feel them start to kick in pretty soon

Oh, and I've taken them before at 20mg and coming off them was fine.

Proud Mummy of Kaia (age 6), Ridley (age 5), and Charlie (age 14months).
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Elsie View Drop Down

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Hi There,
I have stuggled with PND for 3 years and was VERY anti meds but was also very desperste at the same time. I have been on a real rollercoaster and hit real rock bottom a few times and it was very scary. I have been on 4 different med's and reacted really badly to the first few (nasty side effects) and came straight of them. My sister was just diagnosed with depression a few months back and had an amazing team working with her and we now know depression it was very genetic in my family and she was placed on the correct medication. I decided to try this medication but was very worried about the side effects and didnt believe it would work for me. I did have side effects but now I feel FANTASTIC for the first time in 3 years. It took a good 3 weeks to kick in and I dont feel any guilt as I now KNOW it was a real chemical inbalance its NOT about not coping your brain just cant deal with stress and you need to sort out the chemical inbalance to function. I am just so so happy I have found something that works and everyone around me has noticed a huge difference. Please dont feel bad about the med's or guilty, if you have depression they make your quality of life so much better for you your family and friends. I am planning on staying on them for a few years while I adjust my lifestyle to really healthy food and much more exercise. There is an amzing book my sister is reading which is helping her so much so she can eventually get of the med's if you want the name I can post it. Best of luck :-)
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Blankney94 View Drop Down
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Elsie - can you tell me what drug you were prescribed that worked so well for you?  Just curious.  I have taken Fluox and Citalopram - haven't noticed much difference though. 

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Mercy189171 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mercy189171 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 July 2015 at 1:40am
I've been on 20mg Fluox (Fluoxetine) for 6 months and it is working wonderfully for me, my expecatations were low prior to taking them but they have really lifted up my mood in general, I can handle situations much better, I think especialy since I've been conditionioning myself throughout this year when it comes to social situations. Side effects for me were big libido reduction and waking up sweating every morning no matter what. Totally worth it in my opinion. I ordered my pills on very convenient to do business with them. I like the way they treat me as their customer and of course, I do order here because of best quality products they have.
Wish you good luck, stay strong
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