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Topic: c sec - private for surgery only? Posted: 21 September 2010 at 1:27pm |
I am going to most probably be having a third c-sec in Nov. My LMC is a midwife, and has said as it's a third - it will be an experienced registrar or consultant performing the op, and that she didn't think I'd get 'better' care going private for the surgery.
But I am still wondering about it - has anyone had experience just hiring an ob for the just surgery part of things??
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Posted: 21 September 2010 at 3:25pm |
First of all, how on earth did you swing getting a midwife for an LMC!?!? Noone will take me on, so I have gone with my GP for ante-natal care under a shared care scheme with the local hospital since the c-section will be done there (this will be my 3rd) and he'll refer me to hospital OB towards the end to arrange the date. I had an elective with DD, and the only time I saw an OB was at mid 30-odd weeks to decide between VBAC or elective. Never saw an ob during or after my c-section, and everything went great with the public hospital staff(there was a fair bit of blood loss, but they kept their cool and got it stopped before it got too dramatic!) My best friend went private, but didnt feel that she received any better care than what she would have if she'd just gone public.
The quality of care will probably depend more on what region your in, and what the staff members are like on that particular shift...
Brandon - 05/12/2003 
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Posted: 21 September 2010 at 5:26pm |
Thanks for that - I'll be at Middlemore, also had our second baby there and was happy with care I received then, so hopefully all good again!!
Think I'm just having a few anxious moments about upcoming events...
As with you, I didn't see an ob til fairly late on last time to decide between vbac/elective for #2 - and have yet to see one this time. MW reckoned she was waiting til I'd made up my mind but I'm fairly certain I have!
Wow - didn't realise it was an issue getting midwife..
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Posted: 21 September 2010 at 8:09pm |
Yeah they dont like to take you on because they dont get paid as much.....
Not sure I would pay an OB just for surgery... though I dont really have the money, but depending on cost my health insurance might cover it...
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Posted: 21 September 2010 at 8:14pm |
Gapster, thats where I had DD last year, and the staff were fantastic, one of the midwives on shift even took lots of photos for me (and she even remembered me when we stayed at KidzFirst 3 months later!), they also made sure the few wishes i had were adhered to (skin-to-skin within first hour, as well as first attempt to BF, block DP's view of the op so he could stay with me and not keel over... lol!) My issue was more with the post-natal care over the following few days, I needed help, mostly with feeding, and I had trouble finding someone to help me how I needed help... in saying that, they did try their best (unfortunately staff numbers are still fairly low compared to patient numbers!), but at this stage I plan on transferring to a unit afterwards to try and get more help with feeding since i know the basics for everything else!
Brandon - 05/12/2003 
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Posted: 21 September 2010 at 9:31pm |
A lot of specialists/surgeons work both publicly and privately. I had my c-section done in the public system, but I know of a number of people who used the same surgeon privately. So it might not make any difference - but if you can get health insurance to pay for it, go privately, just for the fact that your hospital stay may be a bit nicer as you are a paying customer.
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Posted: 22 September 2010 at 2:52pm |
I do expect our Health ins would cover it. But as Babykatnz, this time I intend to transfer out of hospital to a closer-to-home maternity unit as soon as I can - so I'm not sure private would mean better care?
I can't complain about the care I received last time.
ha, ditto with having to make sure DP couldn't see the surgery - then when he was walking round with MW to see baby he unintentionally turned round and reckoned he saw EVERYTHING. He says he had flashbacks for ages and kept saying to me "I can't believe I've seen the inside of your stomach.."
I didn't realise there was a difference in how much the MW go paid - makes me appreciate mine even more. She was with us for the whole operation/delivery and recovery last time, helping with the skin to skin and BFing. Must make sure I get her a lovely present!
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Posted: 22 September 2010 at 7:03pm |
Interesting... i am in south auckland too and both times have had electives due to medical reasons. I was under the community midwives at middlemore hospital but they have clinics in super clinic. Excellent care had the same midwife through the pregnancy. Would recommend them there is a team of about 5 i think. The g.p can refeer you.
When i have our third will go to them again as have heard ordinary MW's are not keen as don't get paid the 'birth' fee.
Anyway goodluck Gapster I have found Middlemore to be excellent both times went to botany the next day excellent there as well.
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Posted: 22 September 2010 at 8:11pm |
Hi gapster
My midwife gave me the option of using a private OB if I needed to have a c-section. I have had a bad experience with a family member being under the hospital team's care, so I ended up doing this and it worked really well for me.
I was really terrified of having a c-section and the OB spent quite a bit of time explaining everything to me, he put my line in and helped wheel me from the ward into theatre chatting away and helping to distract me! I think that if I had gone public the OB on duty might not have had as much time to provide me with that reassurance.
Good luck
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Posted: 23 September 2010 at 7:15am |
Lisa my midwife ill take me on for my third baby even though it will be my third CS...