StudyLink's the place to go. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of support out there - although you can borrow some living expenses and might be eligible for an allowance, it can be hard going. But talk to them, they'll give you what help they can.
Check out scholarships, too. It takes a lot of work to find them, there's not just someone who can tell you 'you need to apply for a, b and c', but there really is money out there that might not be enough to get you through by itself but can help all the same. And don't give up if your first application is unsuccessful, keep trying.
Here's some websites which might be helpful (I've included lots which might not be helpful depending on your ethnicity, but since I don't know they *might* help):
TeachNZ (this could be the best site for you - if you happen to meet their criteria you could be home and hosed for money. They are quite specific about subjects etc, but it's worth a shot)
Universities NZ (these guys mostly do the big ones like the Rhodes, but have a few random ones too, well worth checking out)
FOMA (links to iwi and hapű sites)
Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs
Pacific Islands Polynesian Education Foundation
All the Universities will have scholarships pages on their websites, too, check out the one for the Uni you're studying at (if it's Waikato, check out my gorgeous photo while you're at it
I work in schols (at Waikato as you'll have gathered from the above), and we do a monthly newsletter summarising everything we've heard about (because even though we don't administer a lot of the ones we advertise in it, people do let us know about them). Obviously, we're only going to put awards in it that Waikato students are eligible for - but a lot of the ones we advertise students from anywhere else are eligible too, and we don't mind if you sign up while you're at another Uni
. Just email if you want to get it sent out.
*ETA that BreakOut is a subscriber site - costs $50 an hour from home, but is free from public libraries or places with a subscription (like Universities). DON'T use it at home!!!
Edited by Hopes