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Topic: The mighty 2 week wait Posted: 28 September 2012 at 9:45am |
Carry on from old thread as page number are not working correctly. All old posts can be viewed here.
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Posted: 28 September 2012 at 10:45am |
Thanks for the new thread OhBaby! It's much better being able to see the Message box.... So guess I will be the first one to continue from the old thread....... Yaye CarrieMum another BFP!!!!! I hope you and Twinkle have started off a chain of BFPs' and mine is to follow next week!!  ]8D] Twinkle I am 8DPO today. I had cramps during the day yesterday and maybe real faint ones today.... has to be too early for AF, but REALLY feels like she is on her way Twinkle do you mean your test got darker? Or did it actually get lighter?
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Posted: 28 September 2012 at 12:42pm |
oooo this feels a little weird. Congrats on the BFPs guys! Exciting times in the 2WW! After seeing the  in your post storm, it made my wonder who is still around from the positive shades days! Haha!
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Posted: 28 September 2012 at 1:15pm |
Hi guys, yay Twinkle Rose and Carriemum! It must be catching because the one month I didn't write in the tww i got a BFP, really had just about given up and what do you know. Due around May 29, Twinkle and Carrie you guys might be June not May? Thank you all for your support over the last year or so and I have my positive shades on for more BFPs 
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Posted: 28 September 2012 at 1:19pm |
Im glad we've started a new thread now. That other one was so annoying!
Well I've had my blood test (took her 3 attempts, ouch!) so just waiting til about 4pm when I can ring the Dr to get the result. My BFP was really faint but I am CD30 & AF was due today so its super early anyway. I really hope its a sticky bubba, at my age (37) miscarriage is a real threat so I'll keep everything crossed.
Congrats to you Mumma2one, yes my EDD comes out at 6th June.
FX for you too Storm.
How are you going Twinklerose? I think I remember with my DS having very faint urine pg tests for quite a few days. That's why I always do a blood test.
ETA: Well my blood test just came back positive so its official!
Edited by CarrieMum - 28 September 2012 at 4:18pm
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Posted: 28 September 2012 at 5:49pm |
Hi there, So I am feeling a bit confused. I have always been super regular. The first time we tried for a baby I conceived straight away and we only did it 3 times over the ovulation period. I always seem to ovulate bang on. But since the miscarriage, I am not sure anymore. I got my AF 32 days after the miscarriage, which I have heard is normal, I am due to start trying on Monday through to the next Sunday. However, my AF only lasted 3 days (usually lasts 7), and I am having pains and other things like I am ovulating at the moment. I am wondering if even though my AF was a bit late, maybe I am still ovulating at the right time? How will I know? I don't really want to miss the window for another month.
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Posted: 28 September 2012 at 6:07pm |
Yay yay yay Carriemum and Twinkle! I had faint tests for about 4 days after first faint BFP with DS if that reassures you. CD28 today - havent tested in a couple of days but trying to wait for a couple of days coz cycles have been about 31-35ish days long. FX for more BFPs!!!!
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Posted: 28 September 2012 at 7:56pm |
Congrats CarrieMum and Mumma2one!!! Wow that's three of us now!!! This must be a lucky streak! Hope others get theirs soon too. Thanks for the reassurance Dunson Storm, that sounds promising! I started getting cramps around 6DPO! Then just started feeling really under the weather and achy. Let us know how you go  And yes my PG test got a tiny bit lighter this morning. I'm going to do one everyday to see if it gets any darker. I'm going to see my doctor next week. Do you think that's too soon? I remember she told me to see her as soon as I found out I was PG because there is a long wait list for midwives.
Edited by Twinklerose - 28 September 2012 at 7:57pm
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Posted: 28 September 2012 at 9:15pm |
Congrats Carriemum lets hope there are more BFPs. Sticky baby dust to you all
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 7:15am |
Morning ladies! So I woke up this morning needing to vomit big time and just feeling really sick! So I POAS and I wish I hadn't...... very faint second line appeared within just a few minutes and I know a line is a line but now I'm sooooo nervous that the outcome will be the same as the last 2 times I got a faint line, an that's that it didn't really get darker and a week later I was bleeding so I'm trying to be positive that my test is positive but really worried at the same time. Maybe at 9DPO today it's just really early for a darker line??is it even possible? lol I wouldn't even be 4 weeks! Good thing I have 3 more tests in the bathroom
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 7:24am |
Exciting times for you storm think this thread has some good vibes going with i think 4 BFPs now congrats
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 8:13am |
Wow Storm that's very exciting! But how awful for you what happened that last 2 times. I sure hope this line is darker each morning for you. 9dpo is very early but maybe your pg tests are super sensitive? My pg tests aren't because I only got a very faint line the day AF was due!
Twinklerose I think you should go and see your Dr asap. I saw mine yesterday! I will be ringing a midwife on Monday to book in. I know the popular ones book out really fast.
AFM I had a much darker line this morning so that's good. I've decided to wait until 8 weeks to tell my friends as apparently the risk of miscarriage is worst between 6-8 weeks. I sure hope I get a sticky bubba.
All the best to everyone else testing soon!
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 9:49am |
Yay Storm!!!!! I really hope your BFP is what it is  So now that's four of us! Anyone else yet to test? POAS this morning had a slightly darker line but still not as dark as the control. I'm going to make a dr appointment as soon as I can next week CarrieMum, thanks for the advice!
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 10:54am |
Well i got my +ve OPK this morning so now im in the 2ww so hopefully i can keep the good roll going that seems to be going on in here
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 12:30pm |
Yay yay yay storm!!!!
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 1:21pm |
Thanks ladies. I've decided to take the positive road and take it for what is it - a BFP!!! I'm sure it will get darker and am thinking that if my test is picking up HcG at 9DPO then maybe into because there is lots of it and this is going to be a sticky one!!!  Have actually been feeling really sick all day and headachy  and so so tired that I am about to have a nap while DD is napping lol and I even felt very nauseous earlier when DH brought home some McBites from McDonalds... The smell did not go down well! I actually feel a little crazy with all this so early on.... But I'm taking it as a good sign Kumeroa - yaye for the +ve OPK - keep that BD'ing up as OV will happen anywhere in the next 2 days Twinkle and Carrie Good idea getting onto Doc and MW early. I am going to call mine on Monday to hopefully get domes bloods done Tan73 are you charting at all? Taking temp or OPK's? Might be useful if your cycles are a little different after mc?
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 4:48pm |
Twinklerose my line this morning was still only about half as dark as the control line but darker than yesterday so that's the main thing. I might buy one of those clearblue digital pg tests to keep as a momento as this will be our last child.
Yay Storm what a great positive attitude and I agree if you have a faint line at 9dpo then it must be a sticky and strong one! Im also having some tiredness and headaches but my DH thinks its all in my head! How rude!
We had a lovely day today out in the sun feeding the ducks at the lake and then a picnic lunch. I hope you're all having a lovely weekend too.
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 6:55pm |
Look at this thread at the moment!! So many BFP's!!
Storm - woohoo!!! So flippin' excited for you!! I am crossing EVERYTHING that this is a nice sticky bubba for you - that break must really have worked huh!
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Posted: 29 September 2012 at 7:16pm |
Thanks Epic!!! Really hope your BFP is next  I wasn't even going to test till Tues next week, but with feeling so sick today I thought best too. So no usual glass of wine for me tonight Haha Carrie, my DH wasn't too convinced when I showed him the test this morning, I had to explain to him a line is a line LOL It's all still a bit out there for me, putting it into my FF on my iPhone, it tells me I'm 3 weeks 2 days - it kinda shouldn't even be real lol Hence why I'm still in the TWW hahaha
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Posted: 30 September 2012 at 2:42pm |
Storm11, CarrieMum and Twinklerose - congratulations! Praying for stickies for all of you. I remember begin unsure about the faint line when I did my pg test but I just trusted it was what it was. My midwife didn't even want me to go and get another done with her or anything. She said if there were 2 lines on the stick, that was good enough for her, no matter how faint. And I was pg!
Storm11 - I don't know anything about charting. Is there something on here I can use? Last time we were TTC I took my temp, but it turned out to be unnecessary as we got pg straight away. I remember being a bit disappointed as I really wanted to see a pattern over the next few months! LOL I might have to take more notice this time round.
2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.