I've been meaning to post this series of photos for ages, but I'm a slack ass.
Background - back in Rotorua, my mum's house is two houses down from Gareth's house (my sister's boyf who we live with and Hannah's favorite play buddy). When we were back home for Han's birthday, Han discovered Gaz's house as she could see him working on his car from our deck... so she'd just take off and visit him. (Damn mother - get a fence would ya?)
This was the result of one of her many trips over.

And Hannah has recently demostrated the extent of her escaping techniques by pulling a chair up to our door, pulling down the handle, getting down from the chair and pushing open the door, making her way down the path, reaching through the gate, lifting up the latch, stepping back from the gate, pulling open the gate and - VOILA! Freeeeedommmm!