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Topic: periods Posted: 31 May 2005 at 1:19am |
Just wondering if I am Normal!! I had Jake 7 months ago. I had my first returning period about two months ago, and have not had anything since....I stopped breastfeeding completely at 4 months. Mygirlfriend had a baby about the same time and is having regular periods now. She thinks I should live it up now and relax but, I'm just a little worried something might be wrong.
Edited by lizzle
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Posted: 31 May 2005 at 6:37am |
It can take a while for the body to return to normal, and not everyones the same, I'd either just wait and like your friend said enjoy or ask your doc. Chances are it's nothing. Gross out but I had really really heavy really painful periods from the start until I had my first child, then they were painless and went from 8 or 9 days to 5 and really really light. So things can change.
Abigail 06/01/2005
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Posted: 31 May 2005 at 12:50pm |
Yep, I had really painful periods pre-baby and now they are shorter and less painful. I had my first postbaby period when Maya was about 4 mths, and they were pretty regular after that, but I was still breastfeeding which kinda screwed them up a little.
I'm sure you are normal!
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 31 May 2005 at 4:21pm |
My period came back last month but I haven't had another one yet and it has been almost 6 weeks. I was having crazy cramps and stuff the other day but no sign of my period yet?!? Usually it comes the same day I have cramps.
I think my body is still adjusting. I was wondering about going to the doctor but feel a bit better reading your posts - especially since you had a jake at the same time lizzle. I'll just see how it goes.
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Posted: 01 June 2005 at 2:13am |
Cool. I feel better too, thanks Nikki.
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Posted: 22 June 2005 at 1:02am |
Okay, got my period today, the second one in eight months from having jake. Freaky thing was, it came all of a sudden. You know, the way you think it will when you hear for the first time about a river!! Thank goodness I was wearing black pants and sitting on a black chair as it was dripping.....disgusting I know. Is this normal? "someone" ..cough cough Nikki cough cough, suggested my lack of period may have been cause by pregnancy, this wasn't a miscarriage was it? I haven't had much tummy pain at all, however, I rarely got any period pains before. Someone say I'm normal!!!!!
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Posted: 22 June 2005 at 8:31am |
Get it checked out Liz. Ive never had a period like that. Unless of course you were sitting in the chair for hours and then stood up.
Jayde 25/12/04
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Posted: 22 June 2005 at 12:52pm |
I had what we think was a miscarriage last year... my period was just heavier than normal, but didn't any more suddenly than it usually did. Get it checked out, Liz, because if it is a miscarriage, you might need to be (sorry for the crudity of this term) "cleaned out".
Of course, it could just be your period starting again!
Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
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Posted: 22 June 2005 at 1:03pm |
I didn't get mine back until Paris was 5 months, but it was terrible, have always had really bad painful ones anyway, but after i had her i would have it last even longer, up to 8 or 9 days instead of 5 like before. The pains were worse and I would wake up at night shaking and having terrible cramps (have since discovered that I seem to get the shakes when i am in pain). It had just started coming right before i got preggers again.. am hoping this time it hopefully gets better cos i really don't think it can get too much worse. While mine were heavier after having paris, they weren't like you have described...I agree with the others, get checked.
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Posted: 22 June 2005 at 4:13pm |
It's weird but since having Hannah I am much more aware of what is going on with my reproductive system than I was pre-pregnancy. I can kinda tell when I'm ovulating and when my period is going to arrive.
I'm just thinking with the suddeness of your bleeding and the lack of warning means that it was a miscarriage? Anyway, getting it checked out either way would be a good option. (Good luck with the Japanese speaking docs!)
(Damnit lizzle... I was being discreet with my pregnancy question  )
Hope everything is ok
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Posted: 22 June 2005 at 5:39pm |
Hey Lizzle I have had a couple of periods like that. I was standing and then suddenly a bloody puddle at my feet. Thank god I was at home! Went to the docs straight away. Got bloods down and it wasn't a miscarriage just a really horrid period. Has happened to me twice now, lucky both times I was home but still very scary
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Posted: 22 June 2005 at 9:40pm |
Well, have decided I'll go to the doctor...after thailand. don't wanna spend money that I could otherwise spend on fake Luois Vuitton handbags...srriously though, will go next week and relax now.
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Posted: 22 June 2005 at 10:41pm |
mmmmmmmm.... maybe it's the all the damn stretching from giving birth and less pc muscle control.
arghhhh. poor bodies!