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Topic: What a week! Posted: 08 July 2005 at 5:25pm |
My husband, Nathaniel, has just finished training to be a high school science teacher. His last exam was Wednesday last week! He's been applying for jobs, but there arn't many around that start at the start of the third term, and are not long term relief positions.
Tuesday last week, his Grandad died. Grandad was over 80 and had been quite sick for a while so it wasn't completely unexpected. On Sunday I took Nathaniel to Rotorua so he could fly down to Christchurch for the funeral. When I got back to Hamilton, there was a message on our answerphone from a school in Ohakune. I returned the call on Monday morning, to say that Nathaniel would ring them back on Tuesday after he got back. Monday afternoon, a school in Taupo calls.
Tuesday afternoon, Nathaniel got home with his parents, who had left their car at Rotorua Airport while they were in Christchurch. Nathaniel rung the two schools, and organised interviews with both. Gran and Grandad took Kiya back to Tauranga with them, and on Wednesday morning Nathaniel, Josiah and I drove to Ohakune. The interview took most of the afternoon, as Nathaniel met practically the entire staff! and was shown all around the school.
After the interview, we drove to Taupo where we stayed Wednesday night. Thursday morning, Nathaniel had his other interview. After lunch we drove to Tauranga to pick up Kiya. We had dinner in Tauranga then drove home.
After all this running around, Nathaniel has been offered the job in Ohakune. He has accepted, and we hope to move by Tuesday 19th at the latest. There is so much to do! As it it Nathaniel's first permanent position, the MOE will pay for our shift including packers, and we are moving to a school-owned house (which means cheap rent!)
Kiya had her last morning at her kindy this morning... she's going to miss it!
Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
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Posted: 08 July 2005 at 6:48pm |
I was almost expecting to read that Nathaniel had also been offered the Taupo job!!!
sounds like a full on wekk u all had!!
Good luck with the move and hope u have lots of winter woolies as Ohakune is pretty cold I imagine
Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)
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Posted: 08 July 2005 at 7:31pm |
Thanks Becks...
No, we knew the Taupo job was a long shot, as he doesn't have quite the qualifications they were after. Nathaniel almost didn't apply for the Ohakune job, as its so middle of nowhere! but we talked about it and decided that it's better to have too many job offers than none at all. As we've since realised, we will be 30 minutes from Mt. Ruapehu, 30-odd minutes from Waiouru, just over an hour from Wanganui (where one of my best friends live, as does Nathaniel's aunt and uncle), and 1.5 hours from Taupo.
Ohakune was really nice. I wandered round the town, and everyone was really friendly. I met the principal at the school at the start of Nathaniel's interview, and he offered me the use of his house to make it easier for me with Josiah, while I was waiting for Nathaniel! Gave me a key and everything!
Edited by becca.l
Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
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Posted: 08 July 2005 at 10:00pm |
Wow, pretty full on! I have been to Ohakune once and it seemed a nice wee place! Hope the move goes well, great that the move is taken care of and you have somewhere to live straight away as well!!!
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Posted: 08 July 2005 at 10:22pm |
wow how kewl for you all. you know.. ohakune isn't tooooo far from Palmy north as well. If you ever want a day trip i'm sure there are a couple of us that would meet up with you for coffee. lol.
good luck with the packing and moving.. we have never moved house with kids.. and are dreading the day we have to.. but at least you'll have packers and movers.. that should help you out a lot.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 08 July 2005 at 11:01pm |
Hey, Ohakune have GREAT vegetables!!! My school was in taumarunui and we used to have lots of sports exchanges....if you get the chance to go to taumarunui though, I'd pass.
Good luck for your move. I seem to remember there being a playground in Ohakune that I always wanted to stop at as a kid on the way to nana's, but mum would never stop. (what a mean mummy!)
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Posted: 09 July 2005 at 8:27am |
hey that is such great news. All the best for the move
Jayde 25/12/04
Alyssa 08/04/03
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Posted: 09 July 2005 at 12:09pm |
We are going to be only 30 minutes from the snow, so if any of you are thinking of taking your kids there for a play you are more than welcome to come round to our place to defrost afterwards! I'll even do some baking if you warn me in advance!
Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
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Posted: 09 July 2005 at 12:18pm |
This will be about the 10th place Nathaniel has lived in (he's 23) and the 4th town. It will be the 7th place Kiya has lived in, and the 2nd town. It will be the 2nd place Josiah has lived in, and the 2nd town. As for me, I'm 24 and it will be the 21st place I have lived in, and the 8th town.
Yeah, I've moved round a bit.
Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
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Posted: 09 July 2005 at 4:20pm |
Wow, full on! Good luck with the move! It's great that the MOE pay for movers etc, will make it heaps easier for you to focus on settling the kids. And I'm sure Kiya will settle well at her new kindy.
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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