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Topic: Gestational Diabetes Posted: 08 August 2005 at 4:03pm |
Just wondering if any of you ladies out there had (or have)gestational diabetes? My sister had it with her pregnancies and my mum may have. Did the glucose screen and blood test today, should find out tomorrow. I had a trace of sugar today in my urine sample (every other time had been negative) which I did before the glucose screen. Not too worried about it at this stage cos if it comes back high you need further tests to confirm, but am curious as to the impact it has on the last few months of pregnancy. Any thoughts??
Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08
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Posted: 08 August 2005 at 4:18pm |
I am due for a glucose blood test soon too....due to my family history of Diabetes....I might keep a close eye on this thread!
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Posted: 08 August 2005 at 9:03pm |
we have a big family history of that sorta thing too and my sis had it with one of her pregnancies.. i didn't get the results of mine until a few weeks later when i went to see my midwife. that stuff they make you drink isn't that bad.. i think it's just the fact that you have to drink so much in a small amount of time and you don't have the room to do that comfortably.
I had lots of traces with this pregnancy and had a few probs early on that made the midwife think i might have it, but nope, test was negative. As far as i know you usually manage it with diet.. which can't be a bad thing.. maybe just a little healthier and less of those yummy craving foods. i think the main thing is you have more risk of having a larger baby cos most of their nutrition is sugar! so all the probs that go with large baby's apply. all the best, here's hoping the tests come back negative for you.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 8:53am |
I already had a glucose test early in the pregnancy and it came back negative.
However at 24 week scan the baby was 4 days larger and that made my docs think that it might be due to sugar...however I never have any trace in my urine.
The scan yesterday showed that my baby was bang on its date (growth wise) should I still worry? I have been eating allot of chocolate cakes recently (like yesterday)...LOL.
Edited by Roksana
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 10:45am |
I have a family history of diabetes and with my last pregnancy I developed Gestational Diabetes. It was diet controlled for me. I also developed another condition during preg not related however I was induced 3 weeks early and my baby was almost 8lbs I shudder to think what she may have been if I had carried her to full term. I had 3 sets of blood tests to confirm it I felt like a real pin cushion.
High sugar levels in your blood can be unhealthy for both you and your baby. If the diabetes isn't treated, your baby may be more likely to have problems at birth. For example, your baby may have a low blood sugar level or jaundice, or your baby may weigh much more than is normal. Gestational diabetes can also affect your health. For instance, if your baby is very large, you may have a more difficult delivery or need a cesarean section. You can check out more info HERE. I now have to have regular blood tests as you can be more prone to developing type 2 diabetes specially if you have a family history.
I hope you have got your blood results back and everything is fine with you.
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 11:26am |
I think also if it goes undetected the mum can put on HEAPS of weight too, is that right?
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 2:08pm |
Roksana, a big baby isn't neccessarily gest diabetes at all. I had two GTT's when I was preg with Maya, at 24 weeks due to persistent UTI's and again at 36 weeks as she was HUGE for dates. My blood sugar was only 4 after the drink tho, so I didn't have it, and Maya was born 2 weeks early and a big baby, but healthy as.
Good luck ladies!
Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 2:21pm |
hmm....I think my docs wanna be safe then sorry huh?
Oh well I have to get the glucose blood test done this Sat....wish me luck!
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 3:40pm |
Luck Rosksana. Man I'm glad we heve no more of that to look forward to.
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 3:42pm |
Havent heard anything yet, so either everything is fine or results havent been reviewed yet. Good luck with yours Roksana
Hannah 22/10/05
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 3:46pm |
Aimee hope yours come back clean....
When was the last time you had a scan? If your baby is growing fine then I think you dont have a problem. I think the fact that my 24 week scan showed a bigger baby scared my Docs.....
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 3:52pm |
Only had an 18 week anatomy scan. Think the GP is a little concerned cos of family history
Hannah 22/10/05
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 4:00pm |
Ohh....I've had a few scans. Mind you they did them because of my Haemorrhage, and since they said I dont have one now...I might not get another scan any time soon. Unless my bloods come back positive.....
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Posted: 12 August 2005 at 9:39am |
I havent heard anything so I am assuming all is well with my test I may get another scan at around 38 wks to check babies position - cos I am having it at a small rural hospital if its breech we get sent to Palmy just in case
Hannah 22/10/05
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Posted: 12 August 2005 at 2:12pm |
Glad all seems to be well!