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Topic: What do you do to keep your spirits up? Posted: 10 May 2008 at 11:03pm |
I'm having a bit of a tough time at the moment, theres no real reason I'm just feeling really down, no energy, really short temper, no appetite, no sex drive, that sort of thing. I was just wondering what sort of things people did to get through each day? What helps and what doesn't? Also what kind of natural things have people taken that have really helped, I'm still breastfeeding so know I can't take some stuff.
I really feel like I'm letting my family down at the moment, I get angry all the time and can't keep on top of all my jobs around the house. I just want to get on top of this and get back to normal.
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Posted: 11 May 2008 at 10:06am |
I've been feeling like this lately too. Just really burned out and fed up with the grind. Everything seems too much. You've got my sympathies chick!
I find that I have to make myself lists of the stuff I want to do. All small achievable things so that the list itself doesn't bog me down and setting myself the goal to get at least 3 things done on it. Being able to cross things off it gives me some motivation to keep getting things done.
Drinking lots of water helps and making sure I sit down to eat lunch...
Complan is good for a vitamin boost in the mornings too.
Some days I make a rule with myself that I can only use the computer when I'm sitting down to eat and only for as long as the snack lasts.
And I have to go out for a walk every day, whether its for a purpose or not.
Good luck Rach, I hope we're both feeling better soon!
Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:
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Posted: 11 May 2008 at 10:45am |
Getting out of the house at least once a day is good for you. Walking would be better but if you have to go out for a drive just do it.
I find doing something that is just me is good. I have band so I look forward to my Wednesday nights most weeks.
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Posted: 11 May 2008 at 3:45pm |
I second getting out of the house each day...helps keep me sane.
Do you have any family close by that could help look after the kids for a couple of hrs so that you could have a bit of alone time?...I alway find that helps and recharges my batteries.
hope you feel better soon..
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Posted: 11 May 2008 at 9:23pm |
Thanks everyone, hugs to you Mel I think its the weather getting colder, its so depressing (and I usually love winter)
I love that list idea, I just wrote a huge list of everything that needs doing and I already feel so much better. Sometimes it helps just saying you aren't coping.
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Posted: 11 May 2008 at 9:54pm |
Bigs hugs. We all feel like that at times.
I'm not much help. I tend to shop and both me and my bank account balance regret that later. On a more constructive note, I find a good brisk walk in the sun helps or putting on some crazy music to inspire a more energetic approach to daily tasks.
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Posted: 12 May 2008 at 11:10am |
i feel the same way lately!
i'm trying to not spend so much time on the computer and have found getting out for a walk or putting on some funky music and dancing around perks me up abit. the kids love that too
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Posted: 12 May 2008 at 12:30pm |
I spent some time in my last therapy session looking at things I can do to take time out for "me" coz I tend to focus on everyone else in the house and just getting thru the day and not spend any time on myself, which I think is the curse of being a mother - we all do it!
Some things I came up with were having a bath, and making a point of turning the computer off at set time each night. I've also committed to finding a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird which I've always wanted to read but never mae time for.
Some of the things my therapist said that other people did sounded really weird, like one lady apparently enjoyed handwashing her clothes, but she said the important thing is that whatever it is works for me (or you in this case!)
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Posted: 12 May 2008 at 1:48pm |
I work. I love my job, my staff and my boss. I have really found that it has helped my PND. I am still on my meds, and after trying to come off them, I will be on them for some time but coming back to work was the best way to help me out.
I find that if I am not at work for a period of time, I get the same old feelings back.
Its just what works best for me.
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Posted: 13 May 2008 at 4:27pm |
lists helped me too. Just don't feel guilty if you don't get it all crossed off as quickly as you would like!
Other things I do are:
- go for stroller walks, or visiting a friend or something
- joined a gym that has free daycare for 1 and a 1/2 hrs (gives me some me time as well as letting me keep fit... having a break is good incentive to do some exercise)... but it took a lot of motivation.
- do simple things for yourself when you have five minutes, eg. painting your nails, putting on perfume, using some nice smelling moisturiser, etc. (try and do something like this at least once a day, to make yourself feel nice)
- see if you can get someone to look after the kiddies and take a nice long shower, use some nice smelling body wash, wash your hair, shave etc. (again make yourself feel nice)
-chat on ohbaby
- try do something crafty with the kids (like getting them to scribble on a piece of paper, then sticking a photo to it, and *voila* you have a photo framed by the kids to give to Grandma)
ETA: My counsellor told me to do AT LEAST one productive thing a day (eg. vacuum the house) and at least one fun thing a day (eg. taking time out to watch a favourite episode of something, or a long hot shower, or a break from the kids, etc.) Often you have to force yourself to do it, when you really don't want to... but if you do it then you feel a sense of accomplishment and it makes u feel more positive.
Also wanted to add... when I force myself to try and make myself feel nice (wearing makeup, painting nails, wearing sexy undies etc.) then it will sometimes pick up my libido a bit
Edited by Janey77
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Posted: 13 May 2008 at 10:22pm |
Janey77 wrote:
ETA: My counsellor told me to do AT LEAST one productive thing a day (eg. vacuum the house) and at least one fun thing a day (eg. taking time out to watch a favourite episode of something, or a long hot shower, or a break from the kids, etc.) Often you have to force yourself to do it, when you really don't want to... but if you do it then you feel a sense of accomplishment and it makes u feel more positive.
This is such a great idea, I was getting overwhelmed by everything so I would end up doing nothing and then feeling worse. I managed to mop the floors today and I felt so great so thanks for that.
I think I'm going to have to cut down my computer time too. I try to only do it when the kids sleep, but then they wake up and i stay on.
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Posted: 14 May 2008 at 7:11pm |
First off **hugs**, second, I have had to cut my computer time down heaps, i was getting way behind on things and spending good time with the kids. All the suggestions up top sound great, I will have to give some ago
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Posted: 17 May 2008 at 9:59pm |
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