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Topic: coming off meds Posted: 09 August 2009 at 9:40pm |
I've been on loxamine/paroxatine for about a year now. I've been taking half a tablet for the last week or so, now, trying to wean off them now that I find myself coping well with things. The first couple of days were okay, but by day 3 things just seemed to start falling apart. I'm struggling a lot of the time now, just finding that I have NO energy or motivation, all these thoughts keep running through my head, I've been getting a bit anxious/stressed about things, and I spend half of the day trying not to cry, and half of the evening actually crying. Over nothing in particular or things I wouldn't normally cry about (well not since I've been on ADs).
It's freaking me out a little since I'm so busy at the moment, with my two babies and in the last semester of my biomedical science degree... I just don't have the time to go downhill again.
What are other people's experiences with coming off meds? How long does it take to adjust to your new dose of AD? I'm wondering if it's worth it or if I should increase my dose again, until I'm not so busy... but then I keep thinking, I am coping fine now, so I can't really need the meds anymore, right?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 09 August 2009 at 10:54pm |
Can't help much but wait to hear from others as i am facing coming off mine soon too. am scared as hell about it.
I can only say to go with what works for your family - if you are in a busy time where it is going to be stressful anyway then maybe it may be worthwhile to rethink it and leave it until you are in a situation where you are going to be able to adjust to the lower dose or coming off them without having to cope with added pressures like study etc and deadlines.
hope it all works out for you.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 09 August 2009 at 11:36pm |
Hey LB,
I've come off ADs many times before.
With a doctors help is preferable, they will be able to give you a suggested timetable. Otherwise, take it REALLY slow. I probably wouldn't do it at a busy time because that can enhance all the feelings that you haven't been having so much. Now, they say that AD's aren't addictive, however, there are withdrawl symptoms that may as well be withdrawl from a serious addiction. Some people get physical pain (headaches etc). If I started on the downhill that soon after stopping I'd probably rethink my decision to come off, or move to even 3/4 of a tablet daily (or 1 tablet then 1/2 tablet on alternating days) to reduce the effects it's having.
Can I ask how long you've been at a stable good level for (with the same dosage)? It's not advised coming off them or reducing the dose at all if that gap's been less than 3 months.
I wish you the best of luck coming off them, I'm sure you'll do great 
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Posted: 10 August 2009 at 2:13pm |
I came off paroxetine just over a year ago now, My GP came up with a really slow gradual reduction for me, I think at the end I was taking half a tablet on alternate days and each reduction step i did over three weeks. It took about 3 months to stop completely, the side effects were horrendous.
If it is a stressful time, it may not be the right time, I did it as we were buying and house and moving and surprise surprise 6 months later I was back on something else when the wheels fell off again.
do you need to reduce /come off now or can it wait
It may be that you are coping with things due to the meds, and you still need them for a bit longer. would it be better to wait until the girls are older or your study is finished,( just my thoughts not adivce or suggestions,) then try when life is a little more straightforward. I understand you wanting to sto[p tho as i was and am again desparate to not take anything
sorry about the english i think i have fixed all the typos but i have a BAD COLD AND I DON'T THINK i AM GETTING ENOUGH OXYGEN UPSTAIRS TO MY BRAIN. and now I've hit caps lock
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Posted: 10 August 2009 at 2:33pm |
It's interesting how quickly the withdrawals hit too, ie for me we went out the other week with work, and i never usually drink, i had 2 mudshakes and so decided to take my tablet in the morning instead as i didn't want to mix it all.... morning got busy, and i forgot. I got about half way thru my shift that evening and bam, foggy cloudy cotton-wool-filled head, just couldn't problem solve or anything, and i was sitting there thinking what the heck caused this, I then realised where i knew this feeling from and clicked that I didn't take my tablet so had effectively not had anything for near on 2 days!...realllly silly...I think that's my biggest fear that after missing 1 tablet, what the heck am i going to be like decreasing them.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 10 August 2009 at 3:52pm |
Thanks for the advice... maybe I will try one tablet and then half a tablet then back to one tablet, alternating. And talk to my Dr about it.
I've been pretty stable for about 6 months now, my Dr didn't want me to try and come off the meds until Ollie was at least 4-5 months old though, to get through that intital new baby stage. My main reason for wanting to stop the meds is that I'm applying for midwifery for next year and the applications close at the end of the month, and you have to do a health declaration on it... I don't want it to negatively affect my application that I have PND especially when I'm feeling heaps better in general (when not taking my meds down!)
Mum2paris, I'm the same, if I miss more than one dose then I sort of fall apart, but I thought weaning off them rather than going cold turkey would be heaps better. At the moment it's only marginally better
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 10 August 2009 at 10:19pm |
I found that even when I'd gone 'cold turkey' I was accidentally missing a day, taking the next day, missing another in a semi-regular pattern which is a form of weaning.
The alternating strengths is the method that's actually useful, and really slow like Redbedrock said. If you get absolutely horrific withdrawl you're probably withdrawing too fast so it's too much of a shock to the system.
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Posted: 11 August 2009 at 11:14am |
I'm not sure that being on meds will reflect negitively on your application for college. Your health dec should go straight to Occ health and not to the interview panel as it shouldn't prejudice your application. Occ health will assess how well you are coping to do the job and let the interview panel know of any concerns after the interview, not before. I guess what I am saying is that declaring you have an issue with PND should not prejudice your application so don't make that the catalyst to come off if you need tobe on them for a while longer
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Posted: 11 August 2009 at 7:44pm |
oh I hear ya about the withdrawl I can't go a night without my med's or I am totally stuffed. I have to come off them just before I have baby and not worried about the emtional side of thing's just the the actual physical side effect's. Good luck hope you manage to get a good plan in place.
I have found and was told by MMH that fish oil really hepl's not sure if you taking it but my lady had be on very high doses and it really did make a difference.
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Posted: 18 August 2009 at 1:51pm |
Okay, so I've caved and gone back onto my full dose of meds. My Dr was happy with the way things were going, last week, and suggested I try the alternating method that you wonderful ladies suggested... but for the last week I have just been so stressed out and been getting really anxious. With uni and a baby and a toddler, I just don't have time for that at the moment.
I feel kinda like I've failed. I know it's silly thinking like that... but I was so sure I could cope without them and now I just really seem to be struggling.
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 18 August 2009 at 2:19pm |
You can't think you failed at all, but I know that's what I thought 6 months ago when I went back on meds. If you feel better on them stay until you are in a better place with less on your plate.
You have an incredible amount on at the moment with two little ones, study and a home to run, be kind to your self for a while, let the meds help you and try again later on.
It not a failure, it's just not the right time
the withdrawal really takes it out, but it's not a weakness to postpone that
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Posted: 19 August 2009 at 4:06pm |
I agree, do not think you have failed. You will know when it is the right time for you to try again. Having your dr as support is always a good idea. I think its pretty amazing you are studying with two such small children. I had to stop during this pregnancy as i just couldn't balance studying with home life this semester. Im 8 papers off a BA majoring in History .im also resigned to the fact that i may have to stay on meds for a long time yet . been on and off meds for a cople of years. I find being on them just means i can have a more normal life. Did any one else get a weird side effect of electric shock feeling inside your head when coming of anti-ds?

Edited by Larrl