Dagster wrote:
kebakat - I agree,
The bubs are cute but Ange is already talking about adpoting another kid from China, I think its all for attention to be honest.
That's very cynical. My MIL had 8 kids and she definitely didn't do it for attention and my mum had 6 (including 2 foster kids) and she loves us all.
I think Ange and Brad do love their kids and they genuinely want the best for them all. Why is it hard to beleive that they love their adopted kids too?
I read that they want a large family (double figures) and that they want to have them while they're both young and can really put a lot of time and energy into bringing them up. Good on them I say.
If I had the money DH and I would be working towards double figures too possibly including adopted children, I find it very hard seeing or hearing of children suffering or living in squalor, I just want to take them home and care for them.... she probably feels the same way plus she has the resources. I think she's shown self control only adopting 3 kids so far.
Oh and the $20mil they got for publishing the family photos went directly to childrens charities so if they are doing things for attention the attention is all for the right reasons.
Edited by MrsMojo