The births of my two daughters (2.5 and 7m) wasnt the best experience. Wont go into details except to say they were long winded, lots of intervention due to my body not doing its thing, and both girls ended up in NICU.
Since DD2s birth, a gynocologist has suggested that although I could go for vaginal birth in future (with lots of close monitoring), the damage she (DD2) caused (prolapse) means she advised a c-setion for future babies to avoid any more damage.
Im not UTD at the moment, not planning on it for a few months yet but would love to hear experiences from people who had been in my position. Did you find that an elective c-section make you view birth in a positive light again? Did you find it hard to find a supportive midwife? My mw for my girls would be supportive but Im not sure if Ill be able to have her again. Any advice or comments welcome