I have a 20 month old who has reflux. He wasn't put on medications until he was 11 months old. Before that I wasn't super aware of reflux episodes except his really strange thing of going blue! He was treated for broncolitis, asthma, heart issues until I stumbled across a reflux site that stated that his reactions/symptoms could be to do with reflux!
He also has some pretty strong food intolerances, both reflux & skin related. He's on a pretty minimal diet & neocate.
I've just taken him off omeprazol & am using infant gaviscon at the moment but he's started waking more in the night so am thinking he's still go pretty severe reflux.
Has anyone taken their reflux toddler off PPI's & how long til they needed to take them again? It's been a week since I've had him off it. I have the paed on monday which is why I trialed him off it.
Jodz, if it's recent, maybe it's food or maybe something else. Look at this
Reflux org and see if you notice anything that has been going on with him for a while. My boy started waking every two hours, I think it was to do with food? He also went through a period of fear of foods as well. He recognised that food was hurting him. He also sat very early. Have you raised her cot up?