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Topic: Zero Sperm Count Posted: 04 October 2011 at 8:01pm |
Hi all =)
Found out that DP has a zero sperm count a couple of weeks ago, blood tests revealed nothing - Everything as it should be. We have a referral to Fertility Associates.
Has anyone else been through this process? What can we expect?
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Posted: 06 October 2011 at 10:15am |
Hi Dazzz - We had the same thing around a year ago. Nothing in the first test. DH re tested after 6 weeks, and there was 'some' sperm. We were referred to FA. I have endo, so our combination isn't good. We will be starting IVF with ICSI at the beginning of next year. We already have 2 straws frozen with his sperm. There is a total of 20 sperm. (as in the sum of fingers and toes!) So, he really is infertile. I laugh when people say low sperm count of 1 mil or something, becuase to us, that is high! DH will do a fresh sample on the day of EC, so hopefully we don't have to use the straws. We are in Wellington too.
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Posted: 08 October 2011 at 8:03am |
Hey typical_kiwi. I have a few questions, apologies in advance! The Dr wasn't very forthcoming with information and we're feeling in the dark about the whole process. I really appreciate you replying!
How long did it take to get your appointment after referral? How have you found FA? Also, I presume there is a bit of a waiting game for IVF? Do you know how they determine this e.g. age, severity of infertility etc? Our Dr mentioned re-testing sperm but said that there wouldn't be much point for him to do it as I guess FA will test again anyway? Lol, I agree about the low sperm count being high - We've had a few people say 'Oh it'll happen, it only takes one'... Sure does, but we have zero. lol
I wish you the best of luck for IVF!
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Posted: 08 October 2011 at 11:09am |
Our Dr sent the referral letter to FA on xmas eve last year! So we had to wait until Jan 5 to hear from them as they were closed and got an appointment in Feb. We did go private for this apointment as we didn't want the extra wait for a public appointment. But we are shift workers so it took a while finding a date which suited both us and FA.
We've found FA really good, helpful with all questions. DH thinks the dr we are using is a bit strange. I find him quite funny, this helped me relax during appointments.
We are starting IVF (publically funded) in Jan, so it'll be around 11 months wait, which is what I had heard is the time frame for Wellington. I think if you're older than 35, you might be able to rangle reducing the time. I'm only 26, so time is on our side there. But if you go private, you can start in a month or two.
We did all the pre testing with our own Dr then FA requested more tests which were for more specific things ie. Any genetic problem with the sperm, my AMH etc.
You are right about those comments. I tell people we're focusing on buying a house and doing it up before TTC. Then they answer "well, you never know!" Yes, we have a tiny, tiny amount of sperm, but they are useless when my tubes are blocked due endo, so IVF is the only way for us.
I hope this helps. :)
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Posted: 08 October 2011 at 12:12pm |
I have no known issues with fertility thankfully, and already have an almost 4 year old. We had our referral faxed off on Monday, so should hear from them soon - Hopefully we're able to get a private appointment for November/December. Tis good to know the wait time for IVF - I expected it to be that long, and while I'm impatient and loathe the waiting 11 months seems pretty reasonable. We have time on our side too, DP is 25.
Its a comfort to know that IVF is still an option with a very small amount of sperm - We are hoping for *any* sperm at this stage!
Lol @ "well, you never know!" - I guess people really struggle with what to say and try be positive? I take the comments in good grace but vent to DP, we've had some shocking responses!
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond, it has really helped and has given me an idea of what to expect.
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Posted: 13 October 2011 at 3:18pm |
Hi Dazzz, ask for more comprehensive screening of your partner's blood; get them to do a chromosome check. My husband had the same thing, called "azospermia", with the first sample having zero, then his second sample having three sperm in it. The chromosome tests take two weeks. We found that he has a balanced chromosome translocation, meaning we will neve conceive naturally and we must have "preimplanatation genetic diagnosis" (PGD) which is a test on a single cell from each embryo, to see which embryos have a balanced set of chromosomes. If this is the case, you will qualify for publicly funded IVF and go to the top of the waiting list. Please message me if this is the case, because I don't know of any other couples where this is the case for the man, only for the woman.
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Posted: 13 October 2011 at 4:39pm |
Oh, DH got tested for that, but doesn't have it. TBH I wasn't aware of it until we got told they were going to test for it!
MrsMW, have you started IVF yet?
Dazzz I wish you luck with your appointment. It can be very overwhelming!
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Posted: 14 October 2011 at 9:39pm |
Hi MrsMW
- Is that a test we need to request or is it one that is routinely done on men with zero sperm? He has been ordered to do a second lot of bloods but only for testosterone + FSH again. I will indeed message you should the results come back the same as your husbands.
Thanks typical_kiwi ! We have an appointment for early next month, would have been earlier but they've requested my blood work be done prior as well.
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Posted: 15 October 2011 at 11:15am |
Dazzz If you are unsure about whether they will test for it, just ask. I think when results come back incredibly low or nil, they may test for it anyway.
Yeah, that blood work takes time! I tried to get an appointment in Jan this year, but hadn't done the blood work so our appointment was mid Feb. But at least you have a date set. It's the begining of it all! It will come around quickly, then you will have a better idea of where you stand!
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Posted: 16 October 2011 at 8:45am |
Thanks kiwi - I'm sure they will.
So much to try and get our heads around, its quite daunting when it's unknown - Great to have forums like this to find out more!
Our appointment is only three weeks away so not long of a wait.
I started a blog when we found out if your interested to see, only 8 or so posts so far but thought it would be really good for me to write about it.
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Posted: 16 October 2011 at 10:15am |
Not only will that blog help you process everything and come to terms with what you are going through, but for anyone who finds themselves in the same situation, it can help them understand too.
Good luck for your appointment in 3 weeks! :-)
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Posted: 16 October 2011 at 3:48pm |
Hey. My DH has been tested and come up with a zero count. He has Crohn's disease. When he was tested about 4 years ago he had a count of 'slightly below average' so no one was overly worried. I was told to go off and loose 10kg before we could be referred to FA. At the beginning of this year he had a count of 1 million so
FA were talking about IVF/ISCI and had him tested at their lab and came up with nothing. At this stage we are having a counselling appt this thursday as we are now looking at sperm donor
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Posted: 27 October 2011 at 6:00pm |
Hi Nickle, what a journey you and DH have been on. How are you feeling?
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Posted: 05 November 2011 at 10:08pm |
Like most, some days are better than others - but all the pregnant ladies seem to be out at the moment!! It has been alot of pressure the TTC and having to loose the weight at the same time. Still feeling selfpressure and pressure from others with all the 'when are you having kids' questions.
We had out councelling appt which went really well and have our next specalist appt this week.
How are you gals doing?