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Topic: What do you do with your evenings? Posted: 04 June 2011 at 7:23pm |
Like now, when i'm home alone at 7.30pm on a sat night and DS is in bed and nothing good is on TV and i've gone cross eyed from knitting and i'm tired so buggered if i'm going to do any housework...
So what do you do to fill in all the creepy quiet time?
And has anyone ever gone literally a week without speaking to another person save from baby? Because he's been sick so i've been sticking close to home and realised at the supermarket today that the checkout chick is the first adult i've spoken to out loud in a week!
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Posted: 04 June 2011 at 7:41pm |
*sigh the joys of single parenthood ay. Well I tend to be online like I am now, or watching tv, or fixing nappies and even sometimes reading a book! Sad huh.
I live with my Aunty and my other Aunty lives like 50m away and my grandma lives 500m away so I have adult contact quite often. I NEVER see any of my 'friends' from pre-babyhood as they are always working and live in town (im rural). I do see other mums at SPACE and coffee group but thats about it.
I do wish I could go out and visit people, however my aunty is usually home late from work and I have this weird paranoia about leaving DD at home without me, like what if she wakes.... its silly I know
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Posted: 04 June 2011 at 8:24pm |
I'm only doing this temporarily while Dh is away, and I found when DD and I both had colds we spent the best part of a week not leaving the house and never seeing another person.
That's what OB and FB are for. Without either I'd have no contact with the outside world at night.
I make an effort to get out during the day to various activities - Wriggle and rhyme on Monday and SPACE on Friday. Or like today when the weather was crap we went to the shopping centre.
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Posted: 04 June 2011 at 9:39pm |
HMMM, watching rugby and chatting to random strange men on line...oh the joys!
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Posted: 04 June 2011 at 9:53pm |
I facebook, play the sims, come on here, google random things then think 'oh god, who AM I?' then go on facebook again.
I got out every thursday night for 1.5hrs and leave the child behind. Usually asleep.
Otherwise try get an early night. The more sleep the better.
I have no life.
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Posted: 05 June 2011 at 11:36am |
hahaha Mizpix same lol
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Posted: 05 June 2011 at 1:27pm |
I live with mum so I do have adult company, and up until a few days ago I was working AND studying so never had enough time! I am looking forward to being able to go things but I am such a nana I'm happy to sit and knit/sew things for DS in the evenings
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Posted: 05 June 2011 at 9:16pm |
I know, I create pages on FB and write a blog.... hahahaha
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Posted: 06 June 2011 at 8:42am |
I'm not single, but my nights sounds pretty similar to some of yours. I get the boy in bed and curl up myself with a book. I have no energy to have any more of a life
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Posted: 06 June 2011 at 8:45am |
Well, if we're all doing the same thing then i guess none of us are really that lame then
I need a new hobby. Cross stich maybe...
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Posted: 06 June 2011 at 9:03am |
Start doing 5000 piece jigsaw puzzles then framing them
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Posted: 06 June 2011 at 9:12am |
Don't start cross stitch you'll never be able to put them down. LOL
I'm going through a book phase at the moment I've read 5 in the last 2 months. If I'm not doing that i'll be doing housework or trawling trade me for nothing in particular. Dh and I play rummi - o on monopoly, but if you're on your own that might be a bit hard.
PF I love those wassjig puzzles they were the best.
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Posted: 06 June 2011 at 9:48am |
I'm not single but DP and I have been living apart for the last 3 weeks and will be living apart for the next 3 weeks as well.
I go on FB and browse the net, see if anything good is on TV (I never watch TV normally), do puzzles, chat with my mum (where I am staying), read... Not a whole lot!
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Posted: 06 June 2011 at 12:44pm |
I get to spend my eveings trying to get the kiddies to sleep. And if on the rare occasion that Cody is alseep by 8pm then I watch a dvd or tv or read in bed while letting Rose go to sleep next to me.
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Posted: 06 June 2011 at 7:28pm |
I have a flatmate who has her own lounge but she is still adult company there if I want it.
I have made scrapbooks for DD and I read books, FB and ohbaby and play on the wii. I generally do my housework and washing in the evening too....yay
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Posted: 23 June 2011 at 10:55pm |
I'm the other way around - I so envy people who have time to fill in. Oh, to have an evening to myself ... a nice, sweet cuppa ... music ... computer ... jigsaw puzzles ... a movie ... crosswords ... a good book.
I separated from my husband at the beginning of April, and still don't know which way is up. My life has been completely turned upside down. I work full time, and have an active 2 1/2 year old boy. I get up, get his breakfast ready, hang out the washing, get him up, get him ready for preschool, quickly get myself dressed, take him to preschool, race to work ... finish work at 5pm, get to preschool asap to pick him up, organize his dinner, play with him, get his bag ready for preschool the following day, clothes out, bath, teeth, pjs, bottle, and finally tuck him into bed. Then I get time to ... bring in the washing, do the dishes, clean the house, make his lunch for the following day ... by then it's usually 9pm and I have a nice shower and crash.
I'm also pregnant - 35 weeks - so I'm completely exhausted. My poor wee boy simply doesn't get the best of me, which really isn't fair. It's not his fault that everything has turned to custard.
Oops - sorry, that was quite a rant. Hi everyone, I'm new to this site. And although it's awful that there are so many of you lovely ladies out there who are going through crap at the moment, in a way it's nice to know we're not alone I guess.
Best wishes to all of you. Heads up, things will improve ... at some point:)