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Posted: 13 May 2012 at 12:40pm |
Happy Mothers Day to all our new mummy's!!
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Posted: 22 May 2012 at 7:23am |
Well, my little girl was 1 month old yesterday. Time is going so fast.
I've packed up all her newborn stuff and need to list it on Trade Me. Maybe I'll just look at it for another week or so first!  (Lol, the maternity clothes are listed though, I'm not going to miss them!)
A is getting very strong in the upper body and holding her head already, as well as pushing up for quite long periods of time when she is on her tummy. Hope this is not an indication that she is going to be an early mover like her brother! Oh well, at least the house is already baby-proofed.
How is everyone else doing with their little ones? (Busy, busy, busy, I bet!)
Edited by Stoked
Joined: 29 May 2012
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Posted: 29 May 2012 at 10:10pm |
hey every1, my lil girl is now 6 wks old, she is still the size of a new born as she was 6 wks early. She had a rough entrance into the world but know is loving life. Im so glad to have her home with me and wanted to say a HUGE thankyou to New born intesive care at Waikato hospital. They did a fab job caring for my darling
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Posted: 17 October 2012 at 4:35pm |
I'm posting here because no one uses this forum anymore. I guess it will sort of be like a diary entry lol. A is almost 6 months old now. She's such a lovely wee thing, I think I possibly have the worlds happiest little person, thank goodness, it makes each day a little easier because she is so happy. I am so tired, my DS is such a busy boy and trying to keep five steps ahead of him can be pretty exhausting. My very good friend has just been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. I so, so, so hope that the surgeons manage to get it all out. Why is it that cancer never seems to select bad people? Actually, apart from A this year hasn't been a very good one - nor was last! Things must be due to look up soon! Right, back to playing with the boy.
Joined: 07 August 2010
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Posted: 21 October 2012 at 10:21pm |
Hi Stoked, I was waiting for some action on this page! Where are the other posters? My wee girl was 6 months yesterday, she's rolling onto her tummy but can't get back yet! And wants to sit up all the time :) I marvel all the time how lucky we are to have her. I'm sorry to hear that your good friend has breast cancer and hope that the surgeons can get it all out. Such a horrible thing to have going on. Just thinking today that it's 6 months til we TTC for a sibling for N, I wonder if any of the other ladies from April 2012 are thinking about more babies yet? Hope you are having a nice labour weekend
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Posted: 24 October 2012 at 8:57pm |
Hi Nats-mum, your little girl is a day older than mine. :-) All the original posters in this thread are over on FB, if you pm me your details I can join you up, though I think it is really sad that no one posts in here. I found these forums so helpful when I had my first kidlet.
We find out late tomorrow whether they have managed to get out all my friends cancer. I really hope so, it's a very aggressive form apparently but she is very positive at this point.
Well done to your little girl for rolling back to tummy! Funny that she learned to do the hard way first though! Scary to think that in another 6 months time they will be walking or close to it.
Some of the other April mum's are not trying / not preventing, think that we will probably have a few pregnant people (fx for them!) in a couple of months time. I've already had my two in quick succession, so it won't be me!
Where abouts are you based Nats-mum?
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Posted: 25 October 2012 at 10:04am |
Hi Stoked, yeah, I was reading these pages a bit when I was pregnant but then noticed they had gone a bit quiet, in a lot of threads really! I've only posted a few times since joining but find the comments and posts so helpful.
I hope your friend gets the most positive news ever tomorrow!
I'm in Christchurch and I'm on FB as well so I'll PM my details. Great to hear some other April mums are not preventing also.
I wish N would learn soon how to roll back, it's a lot of back to front then "help me I'm stuck!!" But she'll get there
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Posted: 31 December 2013 at 10:20pm |
I noticed that some of you mummy's are thinking about 2nd's and 3rds!! (MotherLtd and Dot2012). Good luck to you both, I hope you don't have to wait too long!!
I think there might be a few more siblings now too? I hope everyone is doing well.
Over and out - Oh, Happy New Year!!