I think Liz posted about this a while ago, but I'll just make a new thread, cos I can...
Sunday, Rod got JJ out of bath, pulled out plug, yadda yadda, I went in ages later to have a both myself,a nd was emptying toys etc out, and there were 2 little brown parcels sitting on bath bottom...
Didn't think any more of it untill last night, Rod takes JJs nappy off, and he's standing beside bath, and just does wees against it, all over the floor, like a dog marking out his spot... totally unaware he was doing it, engrossed in the boats in the bath. THEN about 10 mins later, I hear this humumgous roar from Rod, he had gone to the loo, leaving JJ in the bath playing with his boats, came back in to mulitple multiple brown floaties. EEEUUUGGGGHHHH
and guess who had to clean it up...
Why do they do this? How can I stop it? When I went in to see what the fuss was, I said "Jacob, you did poos in the bath! We don't do poos in the bath"
eeeeewwwwww gross man!