Emma Rose is almost one... and recently her eating habits have gone absolutely wild, and I am at my wits' end with her! As I type this, she's sitting in her high chair screaming in rage!
It started when she was just about 10.5 months old -- she fussed every single time I would try to feed her. I put her in the high chair, put the bib on her, and the minute she sees the food bowl -- no matter what's in it -- she'd start to grizzle. Once I get the spoon in her mouth, she is usually fine... depending on what's on the spoon...
That's continued, but around two weeks ago she started getting picky about what she was eating. Before, she'd eat just about anything I offered up -- veges, fruits, cereals. Now, she only wants yoghurt and cereal. No veges, no fruit, no meat, no rusks. She won't take them pureed or in lumps. She won't do finger food. I sneak bites of fruits and veges in between the yoghurt and cereal, but she catches on pretty quickly and turns her head away from those.
She also doesn't want to feed herself, which I've tried letting her do -- she drops her finger food over the side of the tray for the dog to get. Now he's started lurking at mealtimes, which also makes me NUTS!
What is this all about? Has anyone else's child done this? I thought it might be tooth-related, but Bonjela smeared on her gums before the meal doesn't help. She also seems to be weaning -- boobs are no longer her best friend.