Ok so to add to all the dramas my 4.5 year old was playing at a school playground while my friend and I were waiting for her kids to finish... next thing I know I heard a bang and him screaming..I stood up and as I did a lady across the playground said "Oh he is bleeding" So I ran around to find him COVERED in blood
all down him and his hands... this was a matter of seconds... got to the Drs and they ended up putting those strip thingees on... it wasnt holding the edges together or anything... The reason the Dr didnt want to suture was that i would traumatise him.. ?? I would rather it was fixed properly... anyways get home and its bleeding everywhere... rang nurse and she said just put pressure on it... ended up at the A and E and getting it seen to properly....he had already had the area shaved etc. so they glued it shut which yes it hurt but hey... its fixed better and will leave a smaller scar!
My son is really good... he just cried a little and was fine within a second... they were quite surprised!
It just makes me mad he had to go through all that... I see it as unnecessary...
Sorry... that was my rant
This was the worst accident to happen to all my kids so far... so I guess that added to the stress of it?!