Hi all, Im a newbie to the site and am really struggling at the moment as it sounds like many of you/us are! I am 31, Type 1 diabetic, and I had 3 normal miscarriages prior to my daughter in 2004. That relationship ended quite soon after a nightmare of a pregnancy and delivery (6.5 weeks prem, C section, I went to Intensive Care for 4 days and she had to stay in NeoNatal Unit for almost 6 weeks) and I have since found the love of my life who is a wonderful father to my girl and really looking forward to children of his own. We have been together for almost four years now and have been trying for babies for about a year and a half. We became pregnant in October last year and as a family were SO excited. We took our daughter (now 6) to our 12 week scan just after New Year 2010 only to discover there was no heartbeat and baby had stopped developing at around 8 weeks (the same time I lost my previous 3). I was absolutely heartbroken, my partner was amazing although I felt he didnt really understand the grief I was feeling. I had an ERPOC (D&C) and each month from then I was consumed with getting pregnant again and devestated when I wasnt. I dont think I really got over that loss but was excited and terrified when I fell pregnant again in June. I had morning sickness for the first time ever and was told theis was a good sign! Because of my diabetes I fall under the At Risk Pregnancy Clinic at the hospital and on sharing my fears and the fact that as with my pregnancy late last year I was quite crampy.
My Obstetrician ordered a monitoring scan at 9wks and I was both excited and scared as i had to go alone because my partner had to work. I felt quite severe cramps that day and by that afternoon at the scan I was given the worst possible news, that again there was not a heartbeat and it was only very recent (that day) as the foetus was the perfect size for the dates. I had another D & C a week later and that was two weeks ago.
I know grieving is different for everyone but I am SO angry, SO sad and SO consumed with guilt for my partner and fear that I may never have another child. I had a huge amount of blood tests while in for the procedure and we have a referral to the Gynocology Clinic in 4 weeks to see if they can shed any light. I am finding it hard to work, to concentrate, to sleep and to connect with my partner - I cant look at him without crying as it just brings it all flooding back. I am reading lots of Miscarriage books from the library and am doing my best to acknnowledge and embrace the grief rather than trying to bury it.
It is 2 weeks tomorrow since the D & C, I was meant to have a 12 week scan today & the hospital lab rang just now to say I can go pick up what was removed when I am ready. My body feels like it is protesting to what has happened - I have horrible lower abdominal cramps which flared up a few days ago and the bleeding is all on again. I actually feel physically worse than immediately before and after the D & C.
Im a mess. I just really needed to share all that somewhere that others may understand rather than with my GP nurse who says "it was for the best, it wouldnt have been healthy", or some family and friends who say, "you can try again, the next one will be as strong as you!"
I dont feel strong I feel as though Im falling apart
Im so grateful to have somewhere to offload, thanks in advance