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Topic: Toddler not eating much Posted: 25 April 2009 at 9:46am |
Hi, my DD nearly 2 hardly eats anything.... I dont know weather she's super fussy or there is actually something wrong, She's still fine within herself and she is still grwoing but Im really worried about her not eating much at all.....
I dont know weather we need to get rid of the bottle. She has 1 in the am, 1 in the arvo & 1 in the evening... We always try to feed her food 1st before giving her bottle and all she will take is about 3 - 5 spoonfuls/forkfuls of the food & then thats it. She wont even finish of a wafer biscuit (and they are small) I try to entice her with little snax constantly thru out the day eg.... bits of fruit, sammies, biscuits, youghurt and even that doesnt work most times....
I've checked her mouth as she was a very late teether (thinking she might have sore gums) but that all looks good and no other signs of mouth problems....
I know i have heaps of kids but none of my other chillies ever had probs with eating...
Im gonna take her to the DR's but I dont really know what they could do for me actually....
Any Idea's please????
Edited by xox6Girls1Boyxox
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Posted: 25 April 2009 at 7:25pm |
I had this problem up until about 18-20 months with my son, he still at 25 months eats like a bird but believe it or not he weighs 16kg and is around 96cm :S!. Just doesn't eat as much as some other toddlers.
He eats a reasonably healthy big brekky, and then throughout the rest of the day he will pick here and there and maybe eat his dinner.
But you've mentioned that your toddler is growing, so that is a sign that she is getting something out of the milk/what she eats.
Personally i'd be inclined to drop a bottle, maybe even 2. Are we talking formula or cows milk?
I breastfed up until 2 years, lucas was bfing 3-4 times a day most days but as I cut them down his eating (or at least his brekky and sometimes dinner time) seemed to get better.
Best of luck, we tried going to the Dr and getting bloods done months ago when i was really worried, and despite him not really eating any meat at all and not touching veges - his iron was really good and everything else was fine.
Let us know how you get on 
Edited by BuzzyBee
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Posted: 25 April 2009 at 9:07pm |
hugs.. my youngest has always been a very slight eater also, compared to my eldest boy!!!
I agree with the other poster, it's probably a good idea to get rid of one or two of those bottles, as food is the most important nutrition for her now.
My boy turned 2 in Feb. He normally has a milk drink with breakfast, and sometimes one before bed, but his food is his main nutrition, and also try to ensure his meals are healthy and spaced.. but he seems to be a snacker more than eat a big meal type of guy, so I work on good healthy snacks.
definitely worth talking to your plunket nurse or doctor to get an idea of what is a good meal plan like for her, but remember all kids/babies are different and will eat different amounts. The main things are to ensure she is growing (not by the books either, as all kids grow differently) she is developing ok, sleeping ok etc... all the best!
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Posted: 25 April 2009 at 9:53pm |
my son has just gone through blood tests for iron problems - in the reading that I have done, they say one of the causes of low iron can be too much milk. we found that when he was really low in iron, he ate hardly anything, exacerbating the problem. you may want to have your wee one checked as iron is simply treated, but can be serious.
if you do go that track you'll need a blood test. INSIST on the numbing cream. taine didn't cry at all for the blood test after they gave him this cream.
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Posted: 26 April 2009 at 7:02am |
Hi Ladies
Thanks for your input...
Buzzybee DD is on cows milk, I forgot to mention also that she gets constipated alot & her number 2's are usually always hard and look like marbles... I took her to the Dr's for that a while back and they just said to give her prune juice or kiwifruit juice....
She sleeps well & is just full of energy, so maybe she is just a little nibbler....
I will get her in this week for some tests.....
Hope I can get some answers....
I really appreciate your comments...
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Posted: 26 April 2009 at 10:20am |
Maybe shes having trouble digesting the cows milk (not the same as an allergy). Constipation and small appetite are symptoms. I'd be inclined to give her either a dairy or lactose free substitute and get her drinking more water or watered down juice instead.
Good luck
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Posted: 26 April 2009 at 12:34pm |
i would consider not giving the bottles either. try giving her a drink with her meals instead and if she is getting dairy other ways the milk isnt that essential anyway.
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Posted: 26 April 2009 at 12:58pm |
Yeah my boy drinks cows milk every now and then, maybe 1 cup a day but he eats plenty of cheese, butter, yoghurt etc etc.
He loves Up & Go breakfast drink, chocolate flavour (like choc milk)- maybe worth a go? It's got vitamins, minerals and is meant to be like weetbix in drink form.
I give it to him with his brekky and he finishes it with no probs, on top of 2 pieces of toast, cereal, cheese and seeds. Breakfast is definitely his best meal of the day.
Thats the meal i'd focus on the most with your girl, before giving her any milk offer her a nice nutritious meal in the morning, hopefully she will take to it after a few goes and then you can be reassured that she's starting the day off well  . Maybe make it so that her reward for eating is getting a cup of milk afterwards (not as much as you'd give in a bottle iykwim).
Big hugs, I know how frustrating and worrying it can be to have a wee one that is fussy and only picks at food. I'd say its just a phase....
ETA: Another option would be maybe resorting to complan in a cup of milk AFTER food is offered? Or V8 Vegetable/Fruit juice boy loves his vege juice!
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Posted: 02 May 2009 at 6:57am |
Thanks for that info Ladies, very much appreciated...We did try to take the bottle from her but my goodness talk about tantrums, I think I have to take her to the shops and let her choose herself a drinking cup & hopefully she wont notice her bottles have gone MIA, LOL...
What kind of seeds do you give your boy BuzzyBee?