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Topic: Poor wee boy! Posted: 28 July 2005 at 1:49pm |
Josiah fell off the couch this morning. I'd settled him against a pile of towels while I put something on the bench, and came running back into the lounge when Kiya squealed. I was in time to see him slide down the front of the couch onto the (carpeted) floor. He landed on his back, and  and  and  . Kiya didn't like it much either, so I had both of them sobbing on me.
After a couple of minutes, he'd gotten over the shock and stopped crying. I took him to the doctor anyway, just to confirm he was alright. The doctor said Josiah will have some bruises on his right shoulder and back (which he hit the floor with) but will be fine. I just have to keep an eye on him, and take him back if he starts vomiting or won't feed. I guess the doctor is thinking concussion.
Josiah has spent most of the day so far asleep on me or on the beanbag. Poor wee boy, I guess the excitement wore him out!
Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
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Posted: 28 July 2005 at 1:53pm |
yep just keep an eye on him. Ayja landed on her head, so i guess that's why she didn't have any bruising anywhere else on her body.
just watch with the sleeping as well that he doesn't sleep over feed times.. that he is easily woken, if not, take him back to the docs. chances are he'll be just fine though.
feels terrible as a mum though.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 28 July 2005 at 1:58pm |
Sure does, Janine.
I'm keeping an extra close eye on him. I can't be bothered doing anything I had planned for today (like finishing unpacking) because he wakes screaming (I wonder if he's dreaming?  ) and I need to be close to settle him again. Plus: keeping near him means I can catch up with you all!
Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
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Posted: 28 July 2005 at 3:10pm |
Oh no!  God, that must be so scary! I am sure he will be fine though!
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Posted: 28 July 2005 at 3:24pm |
Poor baby and Mum. Im sure we mums feel worse than the bubs do.
Jayde 25/12/04
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Posted: 28 July 2005 at 3:30pm |
Right now, Josiah is lying on my leg, cooing and giggling and trying to stuff his fist into his mouth - just a normal male!
He'll be fine, and I'm sure I'll get over it soon!
Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
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Posted: 29 July 2005 at 2:08pm |
Yep, I dragged Maya off to the ER when she fell out of the Jolly Jumper at 3 mths, and she spent 4 hours there entertaining the nurses and being disgustingly charming with nothing wrong with her, while I felt like the worst mother in the world!
Glad to hear he is fine!
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 29 July 2005 at 4:26pm |
Good to hear that he is being his normal self!
I've dropped Hannah any number of times (though she's a bit older now) but one day she fell off the couch and my friend (who was standing close by, but in no way responsible for keeping Hannah on the couch) felt so guilty. Her nasty flatmates tried to tell her that the reason Hannah could only crawl backward was because of her dropping Han on her head. How mean is that!!!
Luckily Hannah crawls forward now, but I'm sure Catherine still looks out for signs of damage! hehehe
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Posted: 29 July 2005 at 6:56pm |
Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)