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Topic: Picking a Midwife Posted: 11 October 2005 at 8:20am |
hi wondering if anybody has ideas of how to pick a good midwife. (Am in Palmie)
Have been told of a few but they are independant. Is there any gain by going to say a group of four of them over just one on their own.
Need some help with this one. AM NINE WEEKS and apparently should be looking into this now.
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 8:34am |
I went with Midwifery care (On Cnr Grey & Martin St) - My midwife was Lois Butler and she had a 'back-up' - Her name is Liz (cant think of last name).
When I first went to see Lois she told me to go and see a few other midwives to see who I wanted - but I didnt cause I got on real well with Lois from the first minute!! (That's always a good sign) - If you go to Community Birth Services on Church Street they have all the pamphlets on midwives in PN.
Most midwives have back-ups (in case there are 2 births at the same time, other appointments etc) - I have only heard good things about Lois, if you PM me I will tell you a few that I have been told not to recommend!
Hope it all goes well for you.
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 8:36am |
Oh and I forgot to say - Go with a list of questions but also just sit and talk - If you can talk to them then you know if you have problems at 2am you know you can ring your "friend"- and the questions help if you want to go through the "business" side of things
Alan Mum
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 10:28am |
There are also a group of midwive's based at the hospital too I had Chris Holmes she was real good although I did not have her ofr the birth cause I moved. Also look in the front of the white page's there is a huge list give them a ring but deffently get on to it now they full up fast in Palmy.
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 11:17am |
yep they certainly do - i went with independant midwives too - a few great ones are blondie Warrington, maretta rongonui, daphne mckay, jo henwood and bridget kaaka, and megan too... they all operate from the midwifery care rooms on corner of grey and martin sts. - i think all the midwives there are a great bunch, very friendly and just so nice to you - so if you ring one and can't get in with them , ask if they know of any others that might be able to fit you in. i think a few from there do operate in a shared care type of thing - but all it means is that you are going to be seen by someone that is safe in their practice - ie... they haven't been up at delivery suite for the last 2 days non stop without sleep delivering babies and now they're gonna come do yours... instead they'll call in someone fresh to make sure you get the best quality care... and they will make sure that you have probably been introduced to them long before the birth any way. I definately think independant midwives may give a better continuity of care.. and might be a little more open to more birth options... also - the thing i found interesting is that those who go through the hospital might get a bit more monitoring on machines - some see that as good, and some just find it annoying and restrictive during labour.. again different people like different things- .. but like Lena said - find someone who has the same ideas you have and you'll get on well with - it's a very special time and you wanna be sharing it with someone who's on the same level as you.
hope that helps.
Edited by mum2paris
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 1:13pm |
Yeah I always noticed the other midwives there were really nice even if you weren't one of their "ladies" - They have a brochure of all the midwives that are based at Midwifey care with their contact phone numbers / pagers.
When you get to the stage of doing your birth plan they take a copy so when you get to the hospital they know what you want - However mine didnt turn out that way (wanted a water birth but was induced and then had problems so I ended up with a epidural stuck on the bed!) But they keep you updated and try their hardest to give you want you want.... and a happy healthy baby!!
Just a note when you are in the post-natal ward - If you really really need sleep and baby won't and has had a feed etc the nurses come and look after your baby for a few hours... Keeps you a bit sane!!
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 3:07pm |
OOh, Jo Henwood was my midwife. she was lovely. Mum chose her for me as I was in Japan. My nana and her used to work together at Te Aoraki...when it was Mercy.
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 6:46pm |
i had Paula Spargo when she was at midwifery care but has since gone to the hospital team.i then had Lynley Allot who was paulas back up for my sons care.both ladies r so great n i was told lynley is one of the best .sorry to dis maretta(? i think it was her) but a freind lost her babe at term due to negligence possibly due to over worked midwife??So terrible for both parties i guess.
on a brighter note........... congrats n good luk on ur hunt for the right m/w!!
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 7:57pm |
Thanks guys.
You have been a big help.
Lots to think about now. Will certainly be getting on to finding one straight away.
Alan Mum
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Posted: 12 October 2005 at 12:13pm |
one thing the hospital midwive's only take on bout 4 a month where as independatns can take on upto eight the more they have the more money they get. Where as the hospital get paid regardless of how many. just something to think about.
My friedn had Dafaney(sp?) and sais she was wonderful! she is at midwifery care.