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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 2:21pm |
Janine - Don't forget about walking the 5 miles to school in bare feet in the snow!!! (One of the classic grandma lines of all time...)
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 3:55pm |
I'm voting National. I met Helen Clark and boy did she look down her nose at me coz I had a baby! Grrr!!! And the tax cuts that National are proposing suit me fine. My fiancee will be getting more money in his pocket instead of paying it to the tax man. He isn't on a huge wage & he certainly works hard for it. He gets 3 days off a month so it will be nice for us to use the extra money for family time.
Mum to Alex (11), Blaire (10) & Erika (8) and Damien (6)
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 5:03pm |
and with a my mum apparently did that but also with a hay bale on her back. Re votes. I think im voting NZ first. I really like winston ha ha please dont slap me. I also read their policy and i like the fact that they are going to put more money into health and dental. I really think these tax cuts are a waste and more money should be going to health.
Jayde 25/12/04
Alyssa 08/04/03
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 5:21pm |
lol lets all go work in management at petrol stations shall we? at least that way, the company pays for our fuel
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 5:43pm |
Haha I'll definately be voting Labour. I think Nationals tax cuts are a load of bollox and as pre said they are just in making the rich richer and the poor poorer. It's a shambles.
I met Helen Clarke last friday when she spoke at Waikato university, and think she is an amazing, devoted person and we are lucky to have a Prime Minister who is interested in the welfare of everyone in the country not just the busnessmen like National are.
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 6:14pm |
Well hubby and I beating petrol prices by having bought cycles and we are cycling to work and only really using the cars in the weekend...once we have a new addition to the family that obviously won't work for me but B will still be able to bike to work.
As for give the tax cuts National will apparently have to borrow the money...I'll be going for the devil I know...I don't trust Don Brash!
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 10:17pm |
well, I was bitching about petrol prices today and had a student really surprise me....
she said that everyone was moaning about prices but no one was thinking about why, and that was a hurricane destroying thousands of peoples lives and all we can think about is paying more when we drive to the shopping mall. So I shut up!
I plan to vote labour again. I just don't like Don Brash. We will have nuclear subs in our waters faster than..a fast thing...if he gets in.
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 11:27pm |
I definitely won't be voting Labour - our government at the moment is a right mess (how did they 'find' a surplus $7billion when there are families living below poverty level?), but I'm not so sold on National either. I agree with a lot of what Don Brash said in both his Orewa speeches (and I'm the semi-single Mum of a Maori kid who has been on the DPB so that's saying something!) but I think National as a party don't have much in the way of decent policy.
I've always voted Act before, but I can't stand Rodney Hide, and I think Act will probably fall flat on their faces this election, and Winston just doesn't do it for me (sorry Maria lol!), so I'm in a real dilemma.
If I didn't believe so strongly in the importance of excersising my democratic right to vote I probably wouldn't vote at all. But I do, so I will, I just don't know who for.
LMAO can you tell I was a Political Studies student?!
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 03 September 2005 at 9:23am |
Thats alright Emma. Rob thinks im crazy too. He likes Jim anderton, he thinks hes honest?....... I guess the votes from our house arent going to make much of a difference but neither of the major partys do it for me. I totally agree with what you said about Labour Emma. They keep finding all this surplus money and it just makes me so angry. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
Jayde 25/12/04
Alyssa 08/04/03
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Posted: 03 September 2005 at 10:56am |
I think I'll be voting Labour too as much as I dont really want to! Theres something about Brash that I just dont like and I dont trust him - not that Helens much better!! But we've both got student loans and as I work in the public health system, we are more likely to get a payrise with Labour.
Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08
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Posted: 03 September 2005 at 2:17pm |
What do you do Aimee?
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 03 September 2005 at 3:37pm |
What about the greens?
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Posted: 03 September 2005 at 4:45pm | too young to vote, i dont have the problem of deciding. i think that none of the current parties will do anything about petrol price anyways because out of $1.53 they get around a dollars tax out of it. Its easy money...there was an mp last year that made a fuss about the price of petrol, but nothing was ever done about it! public transport has been something my partner and i are trying to adapt to, and he has recently started cycling to work... lol though im not sure that my bump would fit on a bike if i tried it!!!
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Posted: 03 September 2005 at 5:54pm |
Janine - Im a physio
Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08
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Posted: 03 September 2005 at 8:59pm |
oh kewl. I'm a nurse.. well, nearly, i've been studying long enough to be classed as one... just haven't sat the exams yet. lol
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 04 September 2005 at 11:10am |
Nearly there! I have been qualified for almost 2 years - time flies. Should be relatively easy to pick up some part-time work next year if not in Dannevirke then maybe in Palmy (esp if we get our payrise like the nurses!)
Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08