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Emmecat View Drop Down
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    Posted: 24 March 2009 at 9:06am

Hi ladies

Well I was hoping I would never have to post in this thread, but looks like here I am.  As a few of you might know, I've not had a great pg....apart from quite severe ms, the whole thing has been terribly stressful, which I'm gutted about. This is my first-and much longed for- baby, and I'm so sad it's turned out to not be the happy experience I thought it would be.

Most of the problems are related to our life cirumstances....i.e a few days after I found out we were finally pg (after a couple of m/c's), my grandad died...and then a few days later, my brother in law as well (totally unexpected). 2 deaths and a pg in less than a week was horrid, but that was just the beginning.

It's a massively complicated story- one of which some of you may well know-  however, in a nutshell, since the start of my pg and the loss of our loved ones, I have struggled more and more with bonding not only with my bump, but with the foster son we are raising. It was his biological dad who died, but we were looking after him already as the childs bio parents have been totally unsuitable and unable to raise this poor kid since his birth. So my DP has raised him, and I kind of took on the mothering role by osmosis when DP and I got together (it's not actually that was never part of the plan, but anyway that's how it's turned out).

A few months before BIL died, DP got a new job which pays better but is loooong hours...about 70 a week.  I work p/t and study p/t at uni. It's absolutely gone down hill since DP has been away from home for so long. Although he has tried to help, I have essentially been left to care for a child who I didn't really overly want to begin with and just cannot bond with.  I look after him well I think...but the emotion is not there for me at all and I worry so much about that. The situation is made worse by that fact that BIL's death left behind another child...this time a 2 year old who is currently being looked after by her Nana but whom everybody wants 'us' to take. US means ME though..and I want to enjoy my own baby!  There's been no overt pressure but Nana is very elderly so is logically not gonna be able to care for a baby forever and they absolutely won't hear of putting her up for open adoption.

Added to this the stress of being alone on my own with a child who is not mine, who is a lovely kid but def has a few issues, and the job market being such that DP would be hard pressed to find another job that would feed us as he is less skilled than I (I don't mean that in a horrible way...but he has a very limited number of jobs he can do and this one pays well and he enjoys it despite the long hours). There are also 2 other children from his previous r'ship, however they are lwo on the list of problems...although his ex is pretty interesting! 

So that's my problem in a nutshell. I broke down last week to my mw, and she has been fantastic. She got me to fill out a depression/stress test and my marks were high enough to get her to refer me to maternal mental health for councelling...which I am a bit embarrassed and ashamed of as it clearly shows I'm not coping (which I totally knew and have been saying to DP for about 6 months). But still. Also, mw is actively looking to ge tme some practical help for our foster son before bubba arrives and after she is born. This has been worrying me as I don't know how I'll manage with no family nearby and us in a new suburb (we moved about 3 weeks after the deaths...that was preplanned and couldn't be changed).

I just need some support and how to learn to love this foster child, or even like him would be a start. It's not his fault, but it's also not mine. I know that probably sounds childish. But it's how I, I've been left to tidy up a great big mess that nobody else wants to deal with, just because I am a 'capable' type of person. Well turns out I'm not that capable while Im pg, and I'm so scared of getting PND after baby is born.  I have thought often of leaving DP, not because I don't love him- I do very much- but because the situation is so so stressful and complicated. And now I'm pg, I think it's so unfair to leave our daughter without a father...I do NOT want to be a solo mum...we planned and both wanted this baby and it's just so damned unfair that life has thrown us (ME) these curveballs.

People keep saying to me how amazing I am looking after this kid and even the paedeatric social worker my mw spoke to reacted like 'OMG how is she coping in THAT situation? How stressful!'..... and I imagine a social worker has seen it all!

DP's family is mildly grateful for what I'm doing but they're all very stoic types and get on with the job type people..which I usually am too, however my baby and my grief has been overlooked by them in all of this. And I certainly don't feel amazing doing what I'm doing. I feel like sh*t, and quite frankly probably wouldn't care if foster son was rehomed to parents who could give him the love I can't as it would be better for him and better for me. I have nothing left to give anyone (I don't mean that in a suicidal way at all....just in an empty tank kind of way IYKWIM?!).  I want to enjoy our daugher when she comes alog, and I know DP is so looking forward to having her, as are the stepkids....but it's all so overwhelming for me.


Edited by Emmecat

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surfergirl View Drop Down
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Wow! It's no wonder you are feeling so overwhelmed. Well done for asking for help from your midwife. I hope that the people she has referred you to can help ease the burden and give you some coping skills.

There's not much I can say as any advice I give would be unfounded and useless, but I do want to to know that I think you are amazing to have come this far and that I will be thinking of you and hoping you get the support you need really soon.

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jaycee View Drop Down
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Oh Emmecat - what a stressful time you have had . I don't really have any advice but didn't want to read and run. .

I am glad that your MW was so understanding and helpful. I hope that they can find help and solutions for you and your family.

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ElfsMum View Drop Down
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to you....

good on you for having the courage to talk to your midwife and for getting help.. I know it's so hard to admit you need help and accept the feelings that comes with that..and I hear you on the pregnancy not being what you expected.. I know you don't feel like you are doing a great job but you are such a caring wonderful person to be taking on the foster child and doing your best with what you can.. it's totally not selfish to want to do the best for your child and your family.. no advice but
Mum to two amazing boys!
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Here's hoping that MMH will be able to see you soon and be able to help out. As Four_eyes said, it's not selfish to want to do the best for you and your family.

Blair 15/10/2007
Daniel 30/07/2009
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Big hugs! I can relate to your situation a little, and it's no wonder you are feeling like the tank is empty! Unfortunately it's what we as women tend to do - give and give and give to everyone else and neglect ourselves until we simply don't have the energy to get up any more.

I think/hope you will find MMH really useful, I know I did. I was feeling very overwhelmed as well and talking to my key worker and therapist gave me an opportunity once a week to have an hour that was just about me - I could unload all the crap stuff I was thinking and feeling, and they tried to offer strategies for improving things.

With regards to the bonding with your wee foster boy, there are agencies set up to help with things like this. Without going into too much detail, I had severe antenatal depression when I was preg with the gremlins which really affected my bonding with them, I felt like I wasn't bonded to them at all. MMH referred me and the girls to the Kari Centre which is the child and adolescent mental health unit and we've been working with a child psychologist there doing play therapy, family strengthening and other things to improve the relationship I have with them. It sounds a bit naff, but it really has made a huge difference to us, and I'm finally able to actually enjoy the gremlins instead of seeing them as a challenge that I have to survive . I don't know whereabouts in NZ you are, but there may be a similar service near you, MMH should be able to let you know. Otherwise try CYFS, they have access to these sort of services as well. Are you getting any support from them with the fostering arrangement?

As for your wee foster son's sister, it sounds harsh but I really do think that you need to think about what's best for YOU and your wee girl right now. Could you maybe put it out there to the family that you might be prepared to take her at some stage in the future, but that now just isn't the right time?

Feel free to PM me if you want, I'll try and think of other things that might help.
Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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BOPKiwi View Drop Down

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Wow you are going through alot. I can only imagine what it is like to be rasing a foster child. I really hope once baby is here and you discover what it's like to love a child that's your's. That you'll start to feel a bit better

Edited by BOPKiwi
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midnight_sakura View Drop Down
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WOW! Bigs hugs to you, it really puts my dark days into perspective.

I found MMH great and you can get a lot of ongoing help from other services as well.

Good on you for doing all you are doing in such a tough situation.

Feel free to PM if you just want a shoulder to lean on.

I cant promise i will have any good advice but i am a long stand friend of depression and PND... so i will understand that side of things.

Where have you moved too?

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Emmecat View Drop Down
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Thanks for the support guys.  It's been a pretty bad week actually. I have days when FS and I get on ok, as in I feel more bonded with him- but most of the time I just think how rude and ungrateful and needy he is. I know I'm terrible but he is very trying.  Like yesterday, I organised Easter Bunny to visit him in the night and he responds by waking up about 5am singing loudly for attention (which he knows he's not allowed to do), gets told off by his Dad but then starts up again not long after when I tell him off. I try to get a lie in while DP takes him downstairs to watch cartoons and eat one of his chocolate eggs for breakfast- TOTAL change of the normal rountine- and he's so excited and telling DP about easter bunny etc and then when I go down an hour later I barely get a good morning from him, he's so busy watching stupid mindless tv and eating chocolate (that I organised btw!). And his whole manner is just one of not being thrilled to see me and annoyed that I'm there.

He's only ever interested in me and what I have to offer if noone else is around and quite frankly I'm sick of it. It's not fair (I know I sound like a child now!), and I do 99% of the care, planning and attention for this child and am getting F*** all in return from him. I really really feel like giving up. If he thinks he can get better elsewhere (esp with his drug addict of a mother) then maybe he should go and find out how good his life is now.

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Babe View Drop Down
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How old is he?
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Babe View Drop Down
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He sounds like most 6 year olds I know - the world revolves around him actually my 23 month old acts that way sometimes. He'll completely ignore you if you aren't doing something he wants to do.
I wouldn't take it too personally hes just a little boy who, from the sounds of it, hasn't had the greatest start in life. The other thing is he may be acting out more than usual because you're preggers and he feels like his place in the world is threatened. He already knows he doesn't belong like normal kids so you not really feeling connected to him AND having another baby might be freaking him out. Maybe hes worried that you're gonna rehome him once the baby is born which means you feeling all upset at him won't be helping things. Dunno thats just a thought.
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