Thanks! Been in touch with midwife, things are still happening so she'll come to me at around 11 unless I need her earlier. Definitely having my show now and contractions are anywhere between 3-6mins and getting stronger... hoping things will heat up pretty quickly from here so that before long I'll be holding my wee bubs!
twins in heaven Oct07
Is 40:11 "He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart."
ooh best of luck Kirsty. Lets hope it is all happening for you and you get to hold your little one before the day is out.
Just had first visit with the Plunket Nurse. She's really nice and keen to get a coffee group going as there are a few new mums and bubs in the Mangere Bridge area from August/September period so hopefully you will shortly have your little one and can join us.
That sounds really nice Kelly. I've also bumped into some mothers who have a group in our area, so maybe we can tag along to both in the meantime
Yep I'm STILL here!
Mw checked me and I was 3cm dilated at 12:30pm. She gave me a stretch and contractions have definitely stepped up a notch since. Now about 3mins apart and lasting for up to 1min. Just sent DH to bed for a nap as he had very little sleep last night. Believe it or not I managed to get some shuteye earlier - it's nothing short of a miracle that I feel like I managed to slept deeply amidst contractions! Will let them intensify a lil bit more then wake him up and get ahold of mw again...
Lol that I actually managed to get this written betw contractions
twins in heaven Oct07
Is 40:11 "He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart."
OMG Kristy - I am so impressed that you managed to post on here between contractions. Wonder woman you. Hoping that you have your little one by the next time you are in any condition to post on here!! Hehe. Can't wait for your birth announcement.
Our final Sept baby has arrived!! Kristy texted 'we are delighted to announce the arrival of our wee girl, Bethany Grace Cammell. She arrived at 11.34pm last night (oct 2) weighing a gorgeous 6lb13oz. We're smitten!
Congratulations to Kristy and Hubby - and welcome wee Bethany Grace (fabulous name!). Can't wait to see pics and hear your birth story Kristy. Yayyy, you can finally join us in the Sept Babies thread.
Hi Sep08 Mums. Sorry to hear your thread disappeared . Just wondering if any of you had remembered about this thread - it was hiding out at the bottom of the list.
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