Hey Pocohontas
I had my Lap in December 2011 - not long ago. What I have learnt from reading different threads is that everyone's experience is slightly different, but you can get great advice from all the ladies on here
Did you go Public or Private? I went private through FA, they referred me to Anglesea Womens (in hamilton). If your FS told you you need one they will sort it all out for you.
Did you stay in hospital over night? no, I was feeling pretty good after, but I think I should have, remember that when you wake up you are still drugged up and that doesn't wear off for a while.
How long would you reccomend to take off work? I took a week off but it varies for different people - I work in an office but I found my tummy/abs got sore by the end of the day, as I don't lean back against my chair. My brain was fine, just got tired by the end of the day.
And the biggest one for me right now...
Did it hurt? not much, drugs are great :) But I do recommend lying FLAT for a couple of days after - *TMI ALERT* they pump gas into your stomach to see everything, and it takes a while to seep out through your pores - I was sitting in my lazy-boy for a couple of days and got very swollen down there which hurt and kinda freaked me out, I think if I had laid flat on the couch I would have been fine
and how long did you have to wait for BDing time??? We could have BD'd after about a week but then AF came...
Other tips - if you are going through medical insurance, when you talk to them don't mention that it is for fertility - they may decline it if they think that is the only reason. I was being checked for Endo too, and I told them I have very painful periods, that was fine :)
Also take a pillow with you for the drive home - your tummy will be a little sore/funny feeling, and it's nice to have something between you and the seatbelt :)
Check out
this thread for more lap and dye experiences