Hi ladies,
I am 26 & DH is 29 and we are due to start our second round of ICSI in the next few days (waiting for Day 1).
Last time we did one Day 3 fresh transfer & then a FET with a Day 5 blastie, both negative and that was all we had to work with.
I vaguely recall the convo with the Drs last time about how many embryos can be implanted etc and for someone of my age, they will only do one (In NZ). DH and I were wondering if there was possibly any way this time if we have bad fertilisation etc whether they would consider putting in more than one to bost our chances.
I know all the hoopla about multiple births etc, guess what I am asking is is anyone under the age limit has been allowed to transfer more than one?
I'm pretty sure Jay Jay was allowed on that Doco they were on?