Last year G had only just turned one so she just went to her Dad's for a few hours on Xmas day. She had the morning and her afternoon sleep here and then went to his house for about 3 hours till it was dinner time. From memory I think he gave her afternoon tea.
I totally understand not wanting to hand your baby over to someone he doesn't know but maybe he could take him for an hour or two between feeds and sleeps? That way you get a break (and probably a nap to sleep off Xmas lunch
) and DS gets to see his Dad.
Re the whole separation anxiety thing, totally understand that too. G still gets clingy sometimes and had a full crying "don't leave Mummy" meltdown last Thursday when I left her overnight at her Dad's. I just keep thinking she will thank me later for keeping the contact with her Dad. Its hard but I know she stops crying and is quiet happy within 10 minutes. Plus I do love my break away from her, I reckon it makes me a better parent coz I get a bit of rest for a change.
I think also that our kids can pick up on our anxiety about leaving them with the other parent. So I try my best (even though I think G's Dad is a total prick) to stay all light and happy - "Its Dad day today, bet you and he will have lots of fun" then when I drop her off I tell her to have a great time with her Dad and I will pick her up at such and such a time (or he will drop her off, depending on what is happening). If she is crying I suggest that she gives Dad a cuddle, and I ask her what toys she is going to play with. I have also suggested to him that he has a special toy for her like she has teddy at home, she takes teddy with her but he also greets her at the door with the massive Piglet toy he brought her. Sometimes that gets a smile.
Sorry, have gone right off the Xmas track there. I am in a rambly mood ....