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Topic: Baby Monitor Posted: 23 April 2009 at 10:27am |
Hi ladies, a baby monitor is next on my list of purchases ... can anyone recommend one that they've found particularly good, or one that should definitely be kept away from? I don't think I want a movement monitor (but convince me if you disagree!), just a sound one that covers enough distance so I can have it in the garden with me if I feel so inclined
Thanks for your help!
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Posted: 23 April 2009 at 11:58am |
We were't particularly paranoid parents and had a completely healthy baby but the movement monitor was wonderful, just gives you that extra peace of mind, especially when your baby first starts sleeping long periods overnight.
We have an Angelcare sound and movement one and I would completely recommend it. They come up on Trade Me regularly, or if you bought it new you would be able to onsell it easily later. Worth the little bit extra $ in my opinion.
(and you can turn off the movement part so it is just a sound monitor too when bubba gets older).
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Posted: 23 April 2009 at 12:22pm |
Hi LeeG, I too am on the hunt for a monitor. Didn't use one for our first child but want to be mobile (into the garden also!) if need be.
I've heard the Philips SCD361 model is a good basic model ($100 ish in Farmers?). Has range of up to 250m, portable with rechargeable unit (will work off battery or mains power). Has adjustable volume and sound level lights.
This way if baby falls asleep in car you can take base (with batteries) and put in car and when baby wakes you will know!
Hope thats some help.
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Posted: 23 April 2009 at 6:54pm |
Beware long post follows
Tommee Tippee Ultimate Reassurance Monitor Vs AngelCare Sound and movement Monitor AC401.
We have been in the unique situation of having used both monitors so I feel that I am situated that I can explain and compare the features of both. These are only my opinions which you can take or leave.
I’ll tell you why we had both monitors later.
The TT was cheaper. I liked that there was a movement light on the TT parent unit that flashed every time movement was detected. The AC has a movement light on the nursery unit but when you are standing by the cot you can usually tell if your baby is moving or not. I guess you don’t really need to see a movement light flashing on the parent unit because if the baby is not moving the alarm will sound but watching the light flash did “soothe me”.
It was VERY easy to switch the TT nursery unit from movement to sound only when you picked up baby out of the cot. This can be good if you want to be able to call for backup in the middle of the night from DH sleeping in bed or bad if you don’t want to be heard talking in baby talk.
They both display the temperature however the TT is on the nursery unit. The Angelcare has a reading on the parent unit so I can see from my bed whether the nursery is hot/cold/just right. The AC monitor allows you also to set an alarm if the temperature goes above or below levels you set. (I have never used this function but could be useful in winter)
Both monitors suck in that if you turn off the nursery unit (movement and sound) the parent units sound an alarm if you haven’t turned the parent units off first. Annoying if you forget to turn the parent units off before you go to the nursery.
Both monitors have a small warning beep if there is no movement for 15 seconds then the big alarm at 20 seconds. The small warning can jolt baby back into breathing.
Both monitors have a night light (I thought they were both pretty pathetic)
The AC has two sensor pads which I think will be good once baby start moving around in the cot.
This is a BIGGIE… The AC monitor charges the parent unit when you put it on the charger. An overnight charge is enough for a whole day. I don’t even move the charger now and just take the parent unit with me from room to room during the day. The TT parent unit does not recharge and if you use rechargeable batteries you void the warranty. We went through a set of batteries with the TT monitor in two weeks which is a cost you need to factor in.
The sound function on the AC monitor can be set to continuous transmission or voice activated ie if there is no sound in the nursery there is no sound coming through on the parent unit. You can also set the AC monitor so the “voice” has to be a certain level to activate… ie if you don’t want to hear all the little grunts you don’t have to and you can just hear the medium to loud crying.
The AC monitor also has less feedback or interference than the TT monitor and you can also change the frequency if you want/need to.
Both monitors can run on batteries so we could take either up to my parents and use them in the portacot up there. We never bothered to take the sensor pads. Alternatively if baby falls asleep in the car you can put the ‘nursery’ unit in the car to hear when they wake up.
The TT monitor is certainly cheaper. Rrp around $270 but we got it on special for $198. The AC rrp $400 we paid $330 on a web site I had never heard of (I won’t name it so I don’t get into trouble but I ordered it at lunchtime and it arrived at 9am the next day) There are price comparison web sites so regardless of which model you want to buy you can find it cheapest.
Now my confession:
We had the TT first and had a number of false alarms with it (ie over 20 in 3 weeks). We had baby sleeping at one end of the cot and we changed the cot end he slept in so that our set up was EXACTLY the same as the manual. Then when the false alarms continued we changed the end back again but the alarms continued. We discovered a major installation error after three set up changes. I don’t know if the installation error was present in all the three set ups we had tried (I would be really surprised if both DH and I failed to notice this 3 times when changing it around. However more importantly the false alarms continued after we put it the right way up so it appears that the installation error was not the only problem with this unit.
We returned it and got our money back no problems. I have not heard of other people having this trouble with the TT monitor (our issue may have just been a one off) but we have had NO false alarms with the AC monitor for 6 weeks… and counting.
I love my AC monitor.
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Posted: 24 April 2009 at 10:03am |
I didn't read all the post so sorry if I repeat what has been said.
We just got a sound monitor as I felt that we had a healthy baby and we didn't full into any of the high risk catergories for SIDS. If my boy had been premie I would have got one for sure.
We just got a phillips one. It was good had two channels to choose from so when we went to friends places we would take it with and only once could we not use it because of interference. I think I would have prefered the silence option on the tommee tippee one which show lights flashing instead of hearing the baby. At home hearing a baby is fine but having lights while you are out would have been good but I've never tried it so it may just sound good and not actually be good.
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Posted: 27 April 2009 at 10:26am |
Thanks for the info guys
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Posted: 27 April 2009 at 10:52am |
i use my portable phones as a monitor....
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Posted: 07 May 2009 at 9:18pm |
I love my Angel care monitor, I got it off TM.

DD-Carys Amelia 17.03.06
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Posted: 07 May 2009 at 9:49pm |
Thats really interesting RunningT...we are having false alarms with our AC at the moment and its driving me nuts. I am 99% sure they are false alarms as I have actually stood by him watching him breathe and had the alarm go off.....but I dont want to start ignoring it. I am actually going to ask the doc tomorrow about sleep apnoea in babies as I would imagine that if he did stop breathing and then restarted that he would stir somewhat ...not look totally peaceful.
sorry for the TJ
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Posted: 08 May 2009 at 2:16pm |
When Mercedes had her apnoeas her face would go a really awful gray color and her lips and tongue would go blue, it was quite obvious.
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Posted: 13 October 2009 at 5:53am |
I bought a new video baby montor from Works really good, I like it
Edited by rosekelin
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Posted: 13 October 2009 at 3:22pm |
I was speaking at length to the sales assistant in Baby City and are too trying to decide what to get,
Angel Care - I have been told and read up that their alarms do go off even when bubs is still breathing and can be quite annoying (but im not 100% turned off the idea of getting one)
Oricom 200 is a new australian brand that I have been looking at too, its the same as the sound Phillips one but $100 cheaper, cheaper should be great but not convinced on this too.
To be honest for piece of mind I think im going to go the whole hog and get an Angel Care, being first bubs I will hopefully get to use again
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Posted: 04 April 2013 at 4:55am |
Hi after visiting aus I saw this video baby monitor when I got home I bought it. and they had free delivery Hestia h100
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Posted: 09 April 2013 at 9:55am |
I love our angel care, especially because bubs was a tummy sleeper from early on. Helped his colic! We have had false alarms and worked out that bubs was sleeping in the corner of the cot and off the pads so just needed to move them out a bit and all was good!
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Posted: 08 May 2013 at 7:58pm |
Or if you have iPhone or iPad you could use some baby monitor apps out there. And you could save tons of money :)
Here is one of the best app in my opinion :
It has many features, and also it can send soothing voice like white noise etc over the monitor.
And it's free, for now I think.
Hope it helps (:
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Posted: 11 June 2013 at 8:55am |
It depends on your budget and what you features you need from a baby monitor. One of the best budget video monitors is the Levana Jena. I know you said you don't really want a baby movement monitor, but I would take a look at the Angelcare Baby Movement and Sound Monitor. It's really excellent value for money
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Posted: 29 July 2014 at 6:11pm |
Hi, have you tried the AngelCare monitor ? They have both sound or video and sounds alarming, depending on the budget. I never heard anything bad about them, give it a try. You can see what they can offer here - angelcare deluxe movement monitor
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Posted: 02 February 2018 at 1:34am |
I know this discussion is bit old but i just want some suggestions regarding your experience with Baby monitors I was Looking For the best Baby monitor And some questions regarding their use so i found this discussion forum.Can Anyone please Suggest Which brand is the best for Baby monitoring? Which is the safest nd good quality Baby monitor to keep an eye and watch over your baby need serious suggestion please.
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Posted: 06 August 2020 at 8:07am |
I'm currently using Infant Optics' latest model — the DXR-8 baby monitor. Both the audio and video quality is pretty good based on my experience. You can take a look here to see more info:
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Posted: 09 May 2021 at 12:03pm |
The baby monitor I am using is from ChildAngle. So far so good. It has got two-way audio talkback feature allowing us to talk to the baby through the baby monitor and the pan, tilt and zoom feature for me to follow your babies as your baby walks around.