1st May
gypsynita - Baby #3 - Finding Out!!
2nd May
MakeItWork - Baby #1 - Finding Out!!
3rd May
JaneyG - Baby #1 - Finding out!!
Dottydot - Baby #1 - Surprise!!
7th May
Hayley84 - Baby #4 - Surprise :)
8th May
Angel1974 - Baby #2 - Finding out!!
Chonny - Baby #3 - Hoping to find out
9th May
curlysue - Baby #2 - Surprise!!
Jas2010 - Baby #2 - Will you be finding out?
10th May
Smurfette88 - Baby #1 - Finding Out!!
BakingFairy - Baby #1 - Surprise!!
11th May
Vanessa92710 - Baby #1 - Will you be finding out?
13th May
Peaches21 - Baby #5 - Finding out
14th May
Pepsicle - Baby #4 - Finding out!
15th May
Youngin - Baby #1 - Surprise!!
Fiwi mum - Baby #4 - Will you be finding out?
16th May
Mintyfresh - Baby #1 - Finding out
tigercub - Baby #2 - unsure
17th May
caliandjack - Baby #2 - Finding out!!
18th May
JadeC - Baby #2 - Surprise!!
Analiza92676 - Baby #? - Will you be finding out?
20th May
tiger-froglet - Baby #1 - Its a Surprise
22nd May
mousey - Baby #1 - finding out
24th May
Laurz_20 -Baby #3 - Surprise!!
29th May
Mumma2 one - #2 - Surprise!
Bell - Baby #4 - Will you be finding out?
Sammy78 - Baby #2 - Will you be finding out?
Vineyardhoney - Baby #? - Will you be finding out?
nicki92798 - Baby #? - Will you be finding out?
Selena92236 - Baby #? - Will you be finding out?
Scans/MW Appointments
19th September:
Pearlesc - First scan
JaneyG - Had scan, heard heartbeat
26th September:
Peaches21 - First official MW Appointment (11am)
27th September:
Pepsicle - Dating scan
Angel1974 - Dating scan
28th September:
Sammy78 - Dating Scan (due somewhere in the middle to end of May)
1st October:
Smurfette88- First scan and MW appointment
2nd October:
Pepsicle - OB appointment
11th October:
dottydot - First OB appointment
12th October:
Tiger-Froglet - Dating scan
16th October:
mousey - First OB appt & scan
17th October:
Chonny - had our first scan today :)
18th October:
Youngin - First official MW appointment
6th November:
Tiger-Froglet - NT scan

Angel babies..
mum2ollie (EDD 1st May)
kalika (EED 12 May)
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