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Topic: Antenatal Classes Posted: 03 October 2012 at 3:26pm |
I know it is early still, but they book up really quickly, my midwife said I should be looking for and booking myself and DH into an antenatal class sooner rather than later!
Has anyone else started thinking about this yet? I suppose since I'm due at the start of the month everyone else may not be thinking about them yet!
How many weeks should you be at the end of your antenatal classes? I don't know when to book them for!
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Posted: 03 October 2012 at 4:02pm |
Hey dotty My midwife said book as soon as you can. I just booked mine and told them my due date and they put me in the Jan & feb classes. Whoever you do it through will tell you the best time to do them. Hope all is going well for you 
Me 34 Him 35 DD almost 2 years old and... Baby #2 on it's way!
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Posted: 03 October 2012 at 7:58pm |
None for me, since it's our second - but seriously - make sure your group exchanges info to make a coffee group!! Mine never did, and I feel a bit robbed of the kiwi "coffee group" experience
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Posted: 04 October 2012 at 12:55pm |
We went along to the West Auckland Parent Centre classes last pregnancy (although we only made it to the first one) and they were so lovely and they really encourage the group to form a supportive coffee group from them. You do have to pay for these ones but I think it is well worth it and you get the option to do some extra courses with them.
I think they like you to finish the course around 4-6 weeks before you are due and they do book up fast so I would suggest getting in to one ASAP.
TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012
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Posted: 06 October 2012 at 9:21am |
Hi everyone, My midwife gave me the same advise, sign up early. I just sent off an e-mail this morning to book my classes probably around the end of Jan/ beginning of Feb. She also recommended the Parents Centre classes although they charge for them because they are more community oriented and include postnatal classes as well. Since this is my first and I don't really have any pregnant friends I thought it would be best to try to find some other couples to commune with :)
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Posted: 11 October 2012 at 5:12pm |
We went to Birthcare antenatal classes. I didn't really find them helpful looking back on it now. DS came 2 days after the last class - a whole month early. Our birth experience was out of the ordinary so there was no preparation in class that was useful for us. We never got a coffee group out of our class so I am going to the Plunket under 1s coffee group that starts next week in our area.
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Posted: 12 October 2012 at 7:10am |
Hi everyone, I am in the process of signing up for classes now and I was just wondering about everyone's experiences. Are these classes worthwhile? Sarah you said you didn't find them helpful, is that just because your experience was out of the ordinary? I suppose I will sign up either way I would just like to know what to expect :)
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Posted: 13 October 2012 at 11:45am |
I did one, the lady who ran it was quite good at focussing on natural birthing and stuff. We formed a coffee group, but out of the 15 couples who came, we have a group of 5. But we all get on really well. Make sure you get the timing right, so that all the babies are around the same age.
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Posted: 13 October 2012 at 5:03pm |
I have booked one thru MAMA maternity which is held just up the road from home. I will be 32 weeks at the end of the course, but the other option was 38 weeks, which is cutting it a bit close!!
Edited by dottydot - 13 October 2012 at 6:00pm
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Posted: 13 October 2012 at 5:43pm |
Hi, dottiedot 32 weeks sounds better than 38! Sussmzz I found ours boring due to who was taking them but well worth it for the coffee group-invaluable in those early days and still meet 3 years later.
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Posted: 17 October 2012 at 5:50pm |
Thanks ladies, I signed up for classes at my local parents centre in hopes of starting a coffee group!
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Posted: 23 October 2012 at 11:27am |
yah have booked in for my antenatal classes beginning in Feb for 6 weeks - looking forward to gaining some knowlegde as I feel like I know absolutely nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted: 24 October 2012 at 1:42pm |
How early do you need to sign up for classes?
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Posted: 25 October 2012 at 2:24pm |
sooner rather than later Smurfette!
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Posted: 26 October 2012 at 11:24am |
we did one held at Three Kings centre under the library with my number 1 and i dont know if we will be able to do them this time around but im going to find out because it is DH's first. we had a coffee group but all teh ladies were older than me at the time (i was only 21) and Vincent was the eldest in the group coz of the timings of the class and i was the only one initially who went back to work. I never found i jelled with them well but even if we dont do the classes this time around im going to look for a good coffee group. i used to run a playgroup and this disbanded coz most teh kdis went to school or kindy so no longer have that but i felt i missed out on a good coffee group coz i had to return to work so early on with Vincent then never had one and didnt know people around here when i had David.
Certainly recommend them if you have no clue on the different options around, but i found most of it i already knew from my nannying training plus i was a nanny at the time, lol