Keith was born after i develeped sever pre-eclampsia at 39.2 wks pregnant after 18 hours of labour and being only 4 cm dialated then falling asleep after i asked for pain releif. LOL.and my poor kidneys were failing , my urine was the colour of coke a cola but like a syurp , and then I was on restricted fluids .
He was 8.5 lb and spent the first 10 days of his life in SCBU . I didnt have anyone checking on my cs wound and then it turned septic and ended up in ED the day after i got home to have it cleaned up and the dressing ripped of OUCH .
Well, 5 months later we are doing well my little pumpkin is the best thing to ever happen to my partner and I , and it was worth all the pain and stress just to see him smile at us every day .
Edited by switches