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Topic: Hi Posted: 18 April 2008 at 3:38pm |
Dont know why I have come in this thread but have a feeling that although I am denial I think I should be here.
Some days I am ok but other days I dont feel like getting out of bed, nothing makes me happy, I cry at the drop of a hat, cant laugh in funny situations and just shut off.I fake my happiness around Bella so she dosnt think I am unhappy at her. My relationship with DF suffers as I am unbearable to be around.
Ok, that made me feel better talking about it. I should really talk to my GP but feel embarrased.
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Posted: 18 April 2008 at 4:28pm |
Don't feel embarrassed, your dr should totally understand. 
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Posted: 18 April 2008 at 4:51pm |
Yeah topsy...dont feel embarrassed its normal....jsut like some women get haemorrhoids! Some get PND. Oh the joys of childbirth
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Posted: 18 April 2008 at 5:06pm |
I've been doing this parenting thing for 12 years, and what you are going thru is completely normal, it does get easier and it does get harder too.
You are going to have good days where everything is all good, and other days are just suckful.
My only advice is to not put to much pressure on yourself, don't worry if things don't get done, theres always another day, or your partner will have to pitch in and give you a hand.
Go and talk to your doctor, and don't forget to come here if you need a boost.
It really is ok to have a bad day.
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Posted: 18 April 2008 at 9:58pm |
Oh hun, big  to you...I think every Mum has moments where they feel like this and I really think you should talk to someone. I haven't had PND but have suffered from clinical depression in the past and there is light at the end of tunnel! Talk to anyone that will listen and remember that you are not alone!
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Posted: 19 April 2008 at 2:40pm |
Aw Topsy!!
The sleep deprivation in the early months does crazy things to ya... as does hormones etc... (and that's without suffering PND!!)
Have any mama friends you can talk to?
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Posted: 19 April 2008 at 5:35pm |
Its definitely not sleep deprivation as Bella sleeps around 13hrs at night(thank God for that!).
Today I feel great and I think the fact that I have been out and about with adult company has made me feel better. So really it is being stuck in my tiny little unit that makes me feel like this. Maybe I need to make an effort to go out during the week. I will give more walking a go.
Thanks ladies for your kind words- what ever would I do without Ohbaby!
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Posted: 19 April 2008 at 7:47pm |
Having something regular to go to each week really helps me, as it makes me get out and about, and gives a reason to get dressed etc! Try mainly music or a playgroup maybe?!
You could try talking to your plunket nurse also - the ones we had in Whakatane were pretty useless, but in Gizzy they have been so great with me with PND. They pop in and see how we doing, have a support griup etc etc.
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Posted: 20 April 2008 at 1:39pm |
I don't know if this affects you as well but I know I suffered major identity crises in the early days - all my friends just didn't get the whole mum thing. They invited me out for lunch dates and parties etc and I just couldn't go! (well, the lunch dates were alright but more of a hassle sometimes than they were worth) In the end I just felt left out and down about the fact that I didn't have anyone to share the whole mum thing with.
It took quite a while before I found friends that I connected with on a 'mother level' (there were lots of people in between that were mothers too, but we were only friends because of that, ya know?) but now I have a few close mates who are also mums and it is awesome hanging out with them.
So anyway, just in case that is part of it - it does get better and you'll find people you click with.
If it isn't then just ignore me
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Posted: 21 April 2008 at 10:05pm |
nikkiwhyte wrote:
I don't know if this affects you as well but I know I suffered major identity crises in the early days - all my friends just didn't get the whole mum thing. They invited me out for lunch dates and parties etc and I just couldn't go! (well, the lunch dates were alright but more of a hassle sometimes than they were worth) In the end I just felt left out and down about the fact that I didn't have anyone to share the whole mum thing with.
It took quite a while before I found friends that I connected with on a 'mother level' (there were lots of people in between that were mothers too, but we were only friends because of that, ya know?) but now I have a few close mates who are also mums and it is awesome hanging out with them.
So anyway, just in case that is part of it - it does get better and you'll find people you click with.
If it isn't then just ignore me  |
That is definitely part of it. My friends understand but invite me to things just to make sure that I dont feel left out. This makes me feel worse though, like I am missing out. I find the weekends hard because of this but the loneliness hard in the weekdays- cant win! A couple have kids but live out of town and several are TTC at the moment so it shouldnt be too long before I have more daytime company.
I went for a long walk today and felt good all day so I just need to keep getting out and about in the fresh air.
Thanks ladies!
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Posted: 22 April 2008 at 7:46am |
Topsy I totally recommend walking too. I walk twice a day without fail. Mainly to help get my weight down, but also just to get some fresh air as you get a break from bubs while they sleep in their buggy! I feel so much better when I get home.
I also make sure I go out atleast 3 times per week. Even if its just to see MIL or a friend or even just to the shops. I find if I don't go out I go stir-crazy and Lauren becomes bored and gets annoyed at me for playing in the same old place with her same old toys. Whereas when we are out and about it keeps her happy!