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fallen View Drop Down
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    Posted: 11 October 2009 at 10:04am
I've had a pretty crappy 10 weeks. The last 4 weeks of my pregnancy were hard. I was itchy and not sleeping. The drs thought I have chollistasis of pregnancy so I was up and down to the hospital for monitoring 2-3 times a week. Sometimes daily blood tests. My liver function tests were abnormal. I had random vomiting and stomach pain. High blood pressure too.

Sebastian was born two weeks early by elective c/s. Two days after birth he was diagnosed with a tongue tie which was clipped at 4.5 weeks and a slight heart murmur. The paed drs assured me that the heart murmur is nothing significant, but you can't help but worry. All that aside hes doing extremely well. Has been putting on 360gm/week on average and at 6 weeks is over 6kg.

About two weeks after he was born I had my first bout of severe pain and vomiting. That time it passed. The second time at around 3.5 weeks I ended up calling an ambulance at 4amish. Initially the ED dr thought I had pulled a muscle???? (In the middle of the night???) But the pain wasn't going away so he called in a consultant who sent me for a ultrasound. Turns out I had huge gallstones. They referred me to the surgical drs and sent me home when the pain was manageable. I also had a wound infection in my c/s and spent 17 days on antibiotics.

In the 10 days from that day I got rushed to hospital in the middle of the night in extreme pain twice more. The pain and sleep deprivation was really getting to me. I had also received a letter saying it would be 5 months(?!?!?!?!?!?) before I even had an appointment to SEE a surgical dr. The third time I was rushed to hospital I broke down. The nurse who was looking after me was on her first shift after coming back from maternity leave with a 4 month old baby son. She was amazing, she spoke to her boss who agreed to get the consultant to come and see me again. The consultant got the surgical drs to come and see me, and admitted us. (All my trips to hospital I had to take Sebastian with me as he is fully breast fed) The surgical drs agreed that I was classed as 'acute' and scheduled my surgery for last week, a day before Sebastian was 6 weeks old.

So on Tuesday they operated. All went well. DF looked after Sebastian at home for most of the day then brought him back to me in the evening. That night was horrible, I had to ask the nurses to take Sebastian because he was unsettled (the bottles DF had given him had given him wind + I probably had medicine in my milk) and I was sore and tired. The next day the drs decided to cut back my pain relief because I shouldn't need it. It really hurt to breathe so the nurses called the drs back. They begrudgingly agreed to give me codeine. By this point I'd had enough and discharged myself. That night was another horrible night. The next morning I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a bus. One of my surgical port sites was particularly sore and had a bright red ring of tissue around it. So off to the gp I went and yep, another wound infection.

So anyway, the third time I went to hospital with pain and spoke to the helpful ED nurse it was decided that I have PND. I spoke to my midwife about it and she agrees I don't have the usual symptoms of PND, but possibly have a form of depression due to the circumstances I've experienced in the past 10 weeks. I agreed for her to refer me to MMH. Someone called me Thursday the week before last and said someone would come see me this past week. On Friday I had a call from the same lady who apologized for no one getting to me that week but assured me someone would be in touch this coming week.

So when they come what happens? I don't want medication at this stage. Just someone to talk to would be great.

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FreeSpirit View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote FreeSpirit Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 October 2009 at 10:40am
You don't have to have medication - MMH will send a mental health nurse out to see you and have a chat once a week if that's what you want, you just have to say so.
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Tastic View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Tastic Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 October 2009 at 10:48am
what a rough 10 weeks you have had, hugs hun

you dont have to go on medication if you don't want too! sometimes just having someone there to listen can be very helpful.

I hope you start feeling better soon
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MonicaMouse View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MonicaMouse Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 October 2009 at 10:40pm
Like the others have said, they will send someone out to chat to you , and in the process will possibly ask questions to see where you are with regards to certain areas of your life - as a way of finding out if it's possible that you have PND. I saw my case worker a couple of times, the first time she confirmed my thinking that I had PND and suggested that I head off to my dr to get the meds. To be it wasn't a major biggie as I have a history of depressioon and always knew I was high risk.

You've had a tough 10 weeks, and I'm sure if it was just one or 2 of the things you would have coped, but as everything hit at once it's just made it harder

*hugs* good luck

Blair 15/10/2007
Daniel 30/07/2009
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