my DD went to kindy and my DS was at daycare for the last 2yrs and has now started Kindy he LOVES it
Personally i perfer Kindy (im a bit bias as my mums been a kindy teacher for 40yrs)although they are all different but he seems to do alot more things at kindy than he did at daycare and learning alot of different things and also i didnt agree with the daycare sleep thing for children 3.5+ as when they go to school they dont get a sleep etc so i dont see how that is preparing them for school
some kindys are still sesional (excuse spelling) but all are moving away from that my DS is at kindy from 8.30-2.30 but some times are different and start at 9 etc so pays to look into them all,
and as someone said above some let them eat whenever they want which i think they call "rolling kai time" they can eat as long as they are seated at a specific eating table , others have set times they have lunch which is good
also some kindys now as they are not sessional have a waiting list to get in, we had DS on the waiting list for about 2mths before he got into the one we wanted.
But pays to call in one day and have a chat to the teachers and then you can see the kids etc and how they all interact
saved us alot of money! we were paying $185pw for daycare 8.15 - 2.30 and kindy is $2 a day and thats just a donation