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Topic: NZ health care sucks. Posted: 03 August 2005 at 11:11pm |
Hey guys I just thought i would post a couple of pics of my not-so-wee nephew Bailey, my little sister's boy. These pics were taken when he was about 4 and a half months i think. He's now 6 and a half months and is a big boy, only a bit shorter than Paris as you can see, and 9.4 kilos. He's been sick on and off for a while now and finally they did a chest xray yesterday after him being admitted to hospital on the weekend, yet again with breathing probs. my mum had been pushing and pushing for them to do it for months, since his last hospital admission, but no-one would listen. He's gone downhill really quick in the last few days, they have found out today after doing more tests that he's got an enlarged heart, a huge liver and kidney probs. He's on oxygen, has a feeding tube only tolerating 40 mls every few hours (usually drinks 1.2 litres per day as well as solids) and they aren't allowed to hold him any more cos he's too weak. I went to see him tonight and they are keeping him drugged up at the mo. He's off to Starship tomorrow morning to see if there's anything they can do for him but the prospects aren't really looking too good. So yeah, it's pretty stink for our family getting all this news in the last 24 hours. Just goes with all the posts we've already had about how terrible the health system is here in NZ.. mum asked why they hadn't given him the tests sooner when she'd been telling them for ages.. the doctor's answer was "oh, but we see so many kids like this". if you ask me, that's not good enough. maybe if they did they tests earlier then they wouldn't see so many "like this". it just makes me soooo angry.

Edited by mum2paris
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 03 August 2005 at 11:25pm |
That is awful Janine. And "we see many kids like this" what a ...terrible...excuse. Hmm, not my usual turn of phrase but one must be polite on a baby forum. I hope Bailey is okay, and keep us posted. What a terrible thing for your family to go through. We are thinking of you over here in japan!!
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Posted: 04 August 2005 at 6:11am |
Janine, My heart goes out to all your family. Your right our health system does suck, the way you guys have been treated is nothing short of disgusting, what a lame excuse. Thinking about you all.
Abigail 06/01/2005
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Posted: 04 August 2005 at 7:58am |
Janine that sucks! When the page loaded i was thinking how cute he was. Then i read what you had to say. Poor wee mite, makes me put my problems in perspective aye. The staff in the heart ward at star ship are fantastic (thats where we stayed with Jayde). So helpfull and supportive. If lots of your extended family is going and there is no room at ronald mcdonald house. The Domain lodge is just beside (3mins walk) the hospital and its run by the cancer society. I dont know if you know or not but your family can also claim costs of travel (take note of mileage) and accommadation up to $80 a night and dinner max $20 a night.
Thinking of you all, and hoping to hear some positive news.
Jayde 25/12/04
Alyssa 08/04/03
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Posted: 04 August 2005 at 8:30am |
Thanks for that Maria. Just mum is going up at this time, my little sister isn't even going.  she doesn't get the seriousness of the situation.. was more concerned last night with the meal she had gotten from the takeaways by the hospital. I know that's a characteristic of ADHD.. wanting to be centre of attention. but it sucks. mum told her she can't be taking care of her as well as bailey up there, so just mum is going so she can focus on helping Bailey. I think she's planning to stay in the room with Bailey.
Thanks for your support guys, will keep you posted as we hear news.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 04 August 2005 at 10:17am |
Janine....I dont know what to sorry to hear about Bailey!!!
I always say that NZ Govt does nothing for it's citizens...and yet again have been proven right! I have health insurance and plan to get one for my little one, because I cant wait for the hospitals here, to get their heads out of their A$$ and help us.
Bailey is in our thoughts and prayers....I am sure he will be getting better in no time.
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Posted: 04 August 2005 at 12:11pm |
Thinking of you Janine! Keep us posted.
You are right about the health system, something really needs to be done!
We have health insurance too.
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Posted: 04 August 2005 at 4:31pm |
Janine, we'll be keeping your family, and especially Bailey in our thoughts and prayers. Maria is right tho, the ward staff at Starship are great. I know too from experience unfortunately how hard you have to push to get answers, it took me months of Maya being really sick to get anyone to listen. But here's hoping that the docs at Starship can get Bailey all sorted out soon.
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 04 August 2005 at 11:32pm |
just a thought about your sister. When my grandfather was really really sick (he had cancer), my nana rang me and said "you need to come now", and I tried every excuse not to go and see him. I guess because if I thought about it, I would realise how serious the situation is. maybe your sister is the same. She is ignoring it so she doesn't HAVE to deal with it. She might think, that stuff doesn't happen to real babies, just ones on TV, he'll be fine.
hope everything is going well with little bailey!
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Posted: 05 August 2005 at 12:53am |
My Gosh, I don't know how your family deals with it, as if your Mum especially hasn't been through enough. Would have been nice to be seen earlier on rather than letting it get to the point where Bailey is really sick!
I hope he gets better. Poor kidlet has had a hard time of it so far
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Posted: 05 August 2005 at 12:20pm |
Oh I hope everythings going to be alrite, The staff at starship are great, and yet I to know from experince, Health care here is terrible, we were sent to wellington auckland and bak again with Caleb to be told um we dont atually know so go home keep an eye on him anh if your not happy come bak, so I said WHAT im not happy now so just make me up a room and il stay till you figure it out, Caleb now on his own accord 4 yrs later has grown out of his stomah probs and to tis dsy i dnt know at caused me 3 and a bit years of worry and stress, im glad Calebs ok but how many other parents dont have answers with worse outcomes than mine????? makes you wonder
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 11:23am |
Hey ladies just to update, haven't heard from mum, my guess is she hasn't been able to get through cos mike's on the net, lol, but she has rung my older sister and apparently he is doing a bit better, they were going to do a heart biopsy but haven't been able to yet cos of his infection in his lungs, but they now know that his left side of his heart is enlarged and they are trying him on meds to slow his heart down and make it pump more effectively, he will be on these for the rest of his life, he will also more than likely go down on the list for a heart transplant. okies, will let you know more as i find out.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 09 August 2005 at 11:56am |
Oh Janine I'm so sorry. What a lot for a little man to go through. Sounds like he's tough though. Thinking about you guys.
Abigail 06/01/2005
Jayden 21/11/2001
Micheal 03/04/1997