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Topic: Pregnant and Depressed Posted: 18 September 2011 at 12:03pm |
Hi everyone Im 30 weeks pregnant! I just wanted some help /advice - but throughout my pregnancy I have suffered from depression on and off (I had been on Meds for 3 years before falling pregnant & going off them at 12 weeks) this was an unplanned pregnancy and I am also on my own ! I have managed to get this far without taking any meds, with the help of seeing a Councillor weekly,but as time goes on an due date approaches I'm having constant feelings of despair,feeling isoltaed and constantly feeling down,crying all the time and wondering how on earth I'm going to cope :-( have spoken to my GP about going back on AD's but hes very hesitant as to giving me AD's as he says even the safest one's can still have risk's to the baby?? apparently even at 30 weeks ??
Just wondering what peoples opinion is on this and what medication you guys are on if taking any??
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Posted: 18 September 2011 at 8:39pm |
I dont have any advice on meds (you've come to the right place though, Im sure someone can help you) but I hope things get better for you  . Do you have good family support to help you out? Perhaps getting involved with a mothers/coffee group to help with support etc.
Our Angel July 08  Gone but not forgotten
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Posted: 20 September 2011 at 11:53am |
Hi there,
I don't have any info on meds to take either - I too am realising that I am depressed - I'm only 9.5 weeks. I'm constantly fatigued, crying all the time, not enjoying anything that I usually find joy in and I look at my partner and feel nothing, and can't face work. It's also an unplanned pregnancy.
I wish I could help you and give you some information; I know a friend of mine took meds through her whole pregnancy at a small dose - she felt it best for her well-being and she thought that could only be good for her baby too.
But, it's a personal choice.
All I can give you is healing, loving vibes from one pregnant woman to another. You're not alone.
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Posted: 20 September 2011 at 12:51pm |
Hi girls,
I haven't been pregnant on meds, but a good friend of mine was having a hard time with her PND from 6 weeks pregnant. They put her on citalopram and diazopam (least side effects - most pg friendly) to keep her going. They say that the first trimester is the one where any effects from the PND meds can happen - but for the other 2 trimesters its fine. It all depends on how medication sits with you while pregnant - totally an individual choice! Remember at the end of the day, you need to make the choice that is best for both YOU AND BABY - without you there won't be any baby.
Hugs ladies - lots of healing loving thoughts coming your way xx
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Posted: 21 September 2011 at 9:56pm |
thanks guys so much for the support :-) Its just a sh*tty head space to be in xx
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Posted: 22 September 2011 at 9:13am |
I had hideous PND with #1 and when I got preggers with #2 I was on low dose citalopram. I couldn't take it during the first trimester coz I couldn't keep it down but then my dad actually went to the pharmacist and he made it up into a sweet liquid which I dropped into juice and it worked great. DS2 is now 18mo and has no problems whatsoever so I'd be pushing the situation with your doctor. Happy mum = happy baby and in your situation you don't need the complications of depression especially when it can be so easily helped. I recommend fish oil and evening primrose oil too - great mood stabilisers. HTH hun and GL x
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Posted: 26 September 2011 at 10:49am |
Hannah, meds are the unsafest in the first 12 weeks, I come off my meds prior to conceiving, and then go back on them when I reach the second trimester, so don't worry about harming the baby, they are much safer this far along in your pregnancy. I say find another doctor who is more up to date with pregnancy and medication!
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Posted: 26 September 2011 at 6:23pm |
I took citalopram during the pregnancy as I had depression. There were no negative effects that I noticed on my baby. The only major risk starting so late is that sometimes after birth the baby can go through a minor withdrawl. I went off the tablets before lexie was born and then I have gone back on them once I stopped breastfeeding
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Posted: 17 October 2011 at 10:09am |
Hi Ladies,
I'm now nearly 14 weeks pregnant and still so depressed; I don't know what to do. It's been like this for months now and I'm at a loss. I've been sitting here crying; trying to call lifeline, line, of which none ever pick up. I called pregnancy counselling services too which also didn't pick up. I feel very alone; and unable to talk to anyone about what I'm going through. I'm having serious thoughts of termination and running away; leaving my partner and the country; to just escape - hoping that I might feel better as right now I feel so trapped and alone.
I have made an appointment with my doc; perhaps anti-depressants are the way to go at this point...
I hope you're all doing OK.
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Posted: 17 October 2011 at 10:19am |
Hi Lovebubbles,
sorry to hear that you feel this way.I have pretty much feel this way throughout my whole pregnancy and now Im 34 weeks and cant wait to meet my baby,after wanting a termination and crying for days and hours on end that I have mad the wrong choice to keep him...
I have been going to counselling since I first fell pregnant, its an absolute life saver,to be able to talk to someone has really helped me through.If you are not working WINZ can actually cover the costs for councelling.
I have also been recently referred to a physcologist from my GP, which is funded only for 4 sessions though, but it would usually be $140.00 a session.I think you should talk to your doctor about this, and maybe anti depressants are the way to go,I have made it through this far without them, being on them for 4 years before I got pregnant, but I have just started back on them now and already they are making a difference :-)
I hope you start to feel better soon
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Posted: 17 October 2011 at 10:32am |
Hi Hannah,
Thanks for your reply; it's comforting to know I'm not the only one who feels this way in pregnancy. There seems to be this expectation that I should be happy, bubbly and glowing so it's difficult to feel this way without also feeling incredibly selfish and guilty. Which adds to the depression.
I will try to make some counselling appointments and might go back on AD's (I have also been on them in the past for depression and wanted to stay off them; or at least go the natural way but the way I'm feeling today - I wonder if it's best to try to get some balance before making any major decisions!).
What else seems to help you? How have you come around from thinking about termination to wanting to meet the wee being inside you? Pregnancy really is a mind-screw! There's part of me somewhere deep inside that thinks that this could be a joyous thing... but it's pretty deep and very buried.
It's good to hear you're beginning to feel better - what a relief for you.
Thanks again for replying; I feel a little less alone.
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Posted: 17 October 2011 at 6:03pm |
Oh I so know what you mean about the expectation of pregnancy being the most wonderful amazing time, unfortunately I have spent most of it being a wreck. I had a miscarriage in December, which was a planned pregnancy I was with my partner at the time, we broke up afterwards as he is a major control freak and didn't say nice things to me ! I was at a total loss, and thought my chances of ever getting pregnant again were slim !(I had also had 2 previous terminations) So in february I found myself pregnant again,not planned and not knowing who the father was ! as I slept with someone else,& I still don't know who the father is, it could be out of my ex or this other guy.Anyway freaked out I thought the only easy way out was to have a termination,but something hit me and at the last minute I decided that maybe I was ment to have this child despite who the father is but knowing that in some weird way this was ment to I have been a huge wreck constantly thinking everyday who the father might be, also at 20 weeks I was diagnosed with severe pelvis problems and can hardly walk I had to give up my job, and has pretty much left me debilitated (and need crutches to walk) which has also made me sink into a horrible depression and major anxiety...there are lots of day where I just cry and cry,but I've kind of learnt to just get on with it,and look forward to of the arrival of my baby even though I'm a massive ball of nerves..
so yes my pregnancy has been a really horrible time, but somehow Ive managed to pull through the despair and just somehow got on with it...I still have days where I think what the F have I done & Im sure Ill have alot of days like that after my son is born !
My only advice to is just do what feels right , go with your intuition even if you feel like this now, just hold on to the hope that things will get better.
I also suggest maybe seeing a homeopath,I saw a woman who made me up a remedy to ease the depression and anxiety and I think its really helped, but definitely speak to your doctor.I hope this all makes sense.
Im here if you ever want to chat !
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Posted: 17 October 2011 at 8:43pm |
wow, you have had so much to deal with and yet still stay positive; I truly admire you. Thank you for sharing your story with me, it seems to me in the brief glimpse you have given of your life that you have such strength (even if you sometimes don't feel it). Your son sounds like he's going to have a pretty amazing mother.
Life is a funny old thing, it does throw curve balls (many!) of them ... I think what I'm beginning to learn is that I have a choice - a choice of how I can be with what is happening to me. To try to choose how I feel about things: which is easier said than done and I'm still at the beginning stages of figuring out how to do that... but you're right about holding on to the hope. That's the only thing that has got me through in the past when the darkness is so dark and the tears don't seem to stop. Somewhere deep inside is a woman who still wants to live. And not just live - but thrive.
Somehow I need to get in touch with my intuition again and listen to what my heart tells me.
Do you have other support systems in place, friends and family that are helping you through this time? It sounds pretty rough what you've been through - are you going to try to find out who the father is? Big question. But - I suppose the most important things are that you are OK and that your son is loved.
I went to the Doc today, she was so lovely - she took me seriously and listened to me; she suggested I get into counselling straight away before going on the anti-depressants and will refer me to maternal mental health. It was such a relief to have someone take me seriously and to begin to come up with ideas of how to get through this.
Have your pelvic problems gotten any better? I do hope you have friends or family that are helping you. I'm here too if you ever want to chat.