Response to Jo re 9mth old sleep pattern
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Topic: Response to Jo re 9mth old sleep pattern
Posted By: jenkinsthree
Subject: Response to Jo re 9mth old sleep pattern
Date Posted: 07 December 2005 at 6:34pm
Hi Jo,
I saw the question you sent in regarding your 91/2mth old son wanting to wake about 1.5hours after settling for the night. I wanted to let you know that my 9mth old son also does the same thing! He goes down to bed usually by 6.30pm and about 8-8.30pm he wakes. He seems really awake and just wants to have a fun time with dad! We have tried seeing if he was hungry to start with, but usually he is not, he just wants to play! We have also tried to leave him to cry but doesn't work. Usually we just give him a cuddle for a while and then put him back down (maybe half hour - 1 hour later). He might cry for a little after that, but usually he settles himself to finally go down for the night. So just wanted to let you know that I don't think you are alone and that I don't think it is unusual he is doing it now. Some babies will sleep straight away and other don't want to. Perhaps we have taught them that they will have lots of cuddles and attention by waking at that time, but in the end he wakes in the morning happy and contented. It's just annoying for us!
Jenkinsthree mum.
Posted By: helbaby
Date Posted: 08 December 2005 at 2:29pm
Wow! It must be going around- our 8 1/2 month son has just started doing the same thing. Trying the leaving 5 mins- going in , reassuring him, tucking him in and then extending the period by 5 mins each time. Really hard work, tonight will be our fourth night of this. Hope he returns to his normal pattern soon. Luckily once asleep for the second time, he will sleep through to 6am, or so. Hmmm, always a challenge...but, such a darling at other times.
Posted By: daikini
Date Posted: 08 December 2005 at 3:18pm
Hi you two, and welcome to Oh Baby!
I'm Becca, and I have 2 kids: Kiya who's 4.5, and Josiah who's 7 months.
There's a thread called "Let me introduce myself", if you have a look you'll meet a lot of us regulars and we'd love to hear about you!
------------- Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 08 December 2005 at 9:46pm
My 6 month old does exactly the same thing! Down at 6.30, then calling out for a play round 8pm! I have started just going in, not picking him up, but patting his head, re tucking, etc, kissing him and walking out. Crys and grizzles for no more thatn 5 mins or so, and back to bed, where as if I get him up, thats it, wont go back down for hours, and will wake every 4.
If he wakes and crys within the hour, I will go back in and feed him, but usually he stays asleep. If I take him out of his room (into a lighter room) thats it, hes up for hours! GGGRRRRR!!!
------------- The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P
Posted By: jenkinsthree
Date Posted: 10 December 2005 at 9:41am
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your responses! It's great to hear that we are definetly not alone! We will try your suggestions and see how we get on too. I will try to track down the "Let me introduce myself" thread too (if I can find it) because it's good to hear how other mums are getting on with the different stages.