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Weight loss programmes

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Topic: Weight loss programmes
Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Subject: Weight loss programmes
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 11:13am
I really want to loose weight and have a rowing machine a pilates ball, DVD, resistance band combo.
Would also like to join some sort of 'dieting' programme.
Am considering Sure Slim as it has a breastfeeding scheme and is a one off payment.
What has worked for you?
Any ideas, tips etc?


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 11:18am

I joined WW and I find it great. They have a BF plan and you get to eat heaps. I have been doing it for 5 months and the weight is slowly coming off.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: baalamb
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 11:28am
Sure Slim is SO expensive. I've known a couple of people to go on the programme, without any significant long-term results. Sure, the weight comes off quickly, but you don't learn to adapt your lifestyle to it. And I noticed that you have to buy speciality foods like all sorts of random seeds and nuts and oils. It just seemed like too much of a gimmick.

I've been doing Weight Watchers since August. The main bonus with WW is that you only need to make slight adjustments to your lifestyle in order to see results. You don't need to buy speciality foods, and you still get to have treats!!! And because you've learned how to make better choices and developed good habits, it's something that will stay in your mind for the rest of your life, even if you're not on the actual programme. I've lost 16kg in 5 months

Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 11:29am
weight watchers is the only programme i 'believe' in
i don't know much about sureslim, can you eat what you want? that's the thing i love about ww, you can eat whatever you like within reason...there's no restrictions so you don't actually feel deprived of the things you love

i've successfully lost 10kgs on ww (pre-kids) and am now trying to lose 5kgs by doing it at home with the books i got from last time.

pilates is excellent too!! i love it. without sounding like a informercial, it really does flatten your belly and shape your butt and thighs   20mins a day, 3 times a week is enough for me to notice a difference


Posted By: baalamb
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 11:30am
What Pilates programme have you got, Vanessa? I'm currently looking into getting a pilates DVD but there are SOOO many out there, I have no idea what to choose!

Posted By: Sarah Beth
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 11:32am
I am WW fan as well, it teaches you to make sensible choices - sure you can have a Wendy's frosty but that is all you can have all day, unless you save points to allow for it during the week. I have great success on it in the past, I am just bad at keeping up with it!


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 11:46am
Friend of mine did Sure Slim paid $800 and only stuck at it for a few weeks, she found it quite restrictive and had to eat lots of nuts and seeds.

I'm a WW fan too, life long member it would seem.
I think its the accountability of the weekly meetings that keep me on track.

I also find I can't lose weight without exercise, reducing my food intake alone doesn't work.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 12:24pm

I have the WW pilates dvd and it is really good. I got it at the meeting.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 12:27pm
I have windsor pilates, it really works if you stick to it.

I'm also at WW, though my eating hasn't changed all that much despite sticking to their plan so I don't know if it will work for me.

Posted By: almostthere
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 12:31pm
My friend tried sureslim, and she managed to keep at it, but found that it was just to hard to do long term. ANd you guys are right, lots of weird foods.. Like that mountain bread!
Then i saw another frined who tried it, and she had the same diet as my other friend.. I was a little suspicious.

I know alot of people find it hard but ive found the way ive been losing weight to be really good.
Just making healthy choices MOST of the time. Ok, so occaisionally i hae a choc or i have some wine. But I eat to me. So, if im hungry i eat something. I guess it also helps that im diabetic and have to really watch everything that goes into my mouth to keep in control of the dreaded blood sugars.. They really suck sometime but I find that if i watch my sugars, i am also watching what i eat..

I also go to a gym, but its not for everybody.

-------------"> - chart

Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 12:35pm
Thanks for your input! Good to know about hte wierd foods etc.
Am setting up meetings with WW and sureslim so I can quiz them


Posted By: Paws
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 12:43pm
My friend has done SureSlim with success but personally it leaves me cold. For example thanks to them carbs are branded as evil....I'm not a fan of those sort of programmes. Like others I'm a weight watchers fans as it teaches balance and sensible choices.

Good luck with the weight loss!

Maybe we need a new weight loss support thread???


Posted By: baalamb
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 1:09pm
Yeah I agree, Paws. The other one died off a bit, didn't it?!

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 1:20pm
Maybe Emma can sticky one?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 1:30pm

I do know that it was asked if we could have a seperate forum for weight loss as there are some losing weight after having a baby and some losing weight to TTC.

I would love either a sticky or a seperate thread as my support person has left me for a bit.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 1:48pm
Just wanted to say congrats Kirst that is a HEAP of weight to lose in that short amount of time! Good on you girl you must look fab :)
Dal x

Posted By: Paws
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 1:49pm
I would still love a separate forum!!!


Posted By: baalamb
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 2:24pm
A sticky thread would be great, but a separate forum would be better!

Thanks Dal!!! I feel fab

Posted By: baalamb
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 2:25pm
BabyOnBoard - I'm envious that you have a rowing machine!! I really would like one. There's one at work in their tiny gym that I haven't even touched though so I think it would probably be a bad investment for us to get one I'd love love LOVE a treadmill.

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 2:33pm

I like the idea of a seperate forum. As its a support thing that could be included in the support ones.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 2:56pm
I'd looooove a treadmill too. I use to love going on it at the gym when I was a gym nut. I miss it

Posted By: mamanee
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 3:02pm
My mum is a Sureslim consultant and she has helped so many people to lose weight. The thing about Sureslim is that you HAVE to stick at it and in the beginning, yes it is hard, because part of it is a detox programme. Carbs are not branded as evil, you are allowed to eat carbs, you just have to limit them to a few slices of bread a day or five crackers. For a lot of people the reason is because they have a carb sensitivity (like myself) and eating too many carbs is the reason I put on weight.

Sure, it's nearly $1000 but it doesn't have to be an up-front payment, you can pay it off and that's for your years membership, all your consultations, your blood tests, your personalised diet and all the help you need.

From what my mum told me, she never felt hungry, the nuts and seeds you have to buy can come from the supermarket/bin inn, there might be a few things that you will have to get from them if you can't find them anywhere else, but basically everything you eat you can buy from the supermarket, the portion sizes of vegetables and protein are large enough so that you feel like you are getting a decent meal.

Sureslim does work, but it's the kind of thing you have to stick at. The reason it is so hard I think is because it is often a programme that people have been referred to by their doctor, for example they are morbidly obese (not everyone of course) and they find it difficult to exercise, so their path to weight loss is pretty much food based to begin with. Sureslim takes into account any kind of health issue you have, like diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and is medically designed to suit you and you only, so your programme will never be the same as anyone elses.

And you know what, I don't do sureslim, but I've lost 10KG in the past two months just by drinking lots of water, trying to limit myself to two slices of bread a day, not eating after 7PM, eating more fruit and vegetables and the most important one is eating breakfast!

Good luck!

Oh and definitely go along to the free sureslim seminar to learn more!

Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 3:16pm
A weight loss support 'network' would be great!! It's hard talking to all my no baby, flat belly friends about it!

Baalamb - It's my dads rowing machine but thanks to a groin injury on his part its all mine hehehe


Posted By: Sarah Beth
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 3:19pm
Hey Renee,
Interesting reading! Sure Slim actually works out cheaper if you have a lot of weight to lose, compared to paying for weekly meeting fees at weight watchers (which are $18 a pop now, though discounted if you buy in advance).

Carbs may not be evil, but I do like with weight watchers that I can have as much as I like as long as I allow for it in my points. What I personally didn't like about sure slim was how strict it was.

I am not so sure about the individual diet as the 4 people I have known that did it, their diet was exactly the same, though would guess a diabetic or someone with a heart condition etc would get an individualised plan


Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 3:22pm
Carbs are bad for me and make me feel quite bloated and sick so I can live with that hehe.

Thanks Renee, Hmmm not eating after 7pm and eating breakfast! Might have to try that lol

I wouldn't mind the fact that I have to stick to it because thats the reason I want to join a weight loss programme because I don't know how to do it by myself or what diet and foods I should be eating.


Posted By: mamanee
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 4:17pm
Originally posted by Sarah Beth Sarah Beth wrote:

Hey Renee,
Interesting reading! Sure Slim actually works out cheaper if you have a lot of weight to lose, compared to paying for weekly meeting fees at weight watchers (which are $18 a pop now, though discounted if you buy in advance).

Carbs may not be evil, but I do like with weight watchers that I can have as much as I like as long as I allow for it in my points. What I personally didn't like about sure slim was how strict it was.

I am not so sure about the individual diet as the 4 people I have known that did it, their diet was exactly the same, though would guess a diabetic or someone with a heart condition etc would get an individualised plan

Their programmes would probably be the same or very similar if they were all in the same weight bracket maybe. Definitely different if you were to have a medical condition or if you were a man.

I do know a bit about Sureslim but I get it mixed up sometimes. My mum is the expert, and she lost all her weight initially on Weight Watchers, so there you go.

Posted By: yummymummy
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 5:55pm
I'm def joining Sure Slim after I've had this baby. It does sound quite restrictive but I think that will be good for me as I can never have just a little bit of the things I love ie a fun-size choc bar - I'd probably end up eating the whole packet
Keep an eye on Trade Me - I've already bought the Sure Slim cookbook that way and that gives you insight into the plans. Also have a look at this forum - you can learn a lot from just reading the threads esp the cooking one
That said, I plan to join after I give birth to bub #2 as I need to go to the weekly weigh-in to keep motivated as I really can't do it alone - forum link


Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 6:27pm
yummymummy - I'm like that, once I get a taste for something I can't stop. So I would probably eat my points in chocolate lol.

Thanks for the tip


Posted By: yummymummy
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 7:47pm
There is a sureslim cookbook on sale at the moment - trade me link


Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 8:13pm
Ooohhh Thank you! I tried looking but couldn't find one


Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 9:18pm
after I have eaten the last of the 5 or 6 or so boxes of chocolates i was given for chrissy I am back to WW... I've stacked on 3 kgs since xmas...

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 9:57pm

I've done quite well over xmas I think - it'll tell tomorrow. I did weigh myself today at home and was under what I was at my last weigh in at WW. So fingers crossed for tomorrow.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 10:09pm
We really do need a weight loss section IMHO


Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 10:35pm
Yep I agree with a weight loss section. I'll def be joining after this bubba is born.

I did WW a few years ago and it worked well for me. It taught me how to make changes that I could live with and keep up. I needed the meetings - it made me feel accountable to someone else. I've also done SS (then got preggers with Ollie and it went out the window!). It did work, though I personally found it a bit restrictive. It doesn't help that I have little will power and a DH with even less! A friend of mine also did SS for TCC and she has kept the weight off really well, though sadly no bubba as yet

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 11:46pm
kirsten, i have the winsor pilates dvds...i just do the 20min workout one and have watched the advanced one only
i also have the core secrets dvd which i'm sure works and will do it one day


Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 07 January 2008 at 11:49pm

i have a bus trip to go on in feb and i want to loose 5kg for it so....i've just decided, tomorrow i'm going to take a pic of my flabby guts and post it on here. i'll be walking and doing pilates, eating good stuff and each week, i'll post a new pic of my shrinking belly.........anyone care to join me?


Posted By: MelanieAndBree
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 1:19am
My sister did the Tony Ferguson diet. She lost 10kgs in 5 weeks. Its good but also one that you have to stick to!

Then it has the maintenance thing (recipes etc) which helps you keep the weight off after you have got to your goal weight.

Its only 30 something for a lifetime membership.

Mum to Briahna Robyn, 3yrs

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 7:41am
I am on the core programme at WW and finding it fabulous. i really like restrictive nature of it as at times i would rather just pass than eat a bit, and am crap at tracking. My GF is on sureslim, after being on WW, she actually found out through the blood tests that she is a diabetic, so the programme has been great for her as she has a medical programme.

My DH wants to join the police force and has to lose about 12kg to get into a healthy BMI, so it looks like lots of healthy food for us over the next 3 months or so.

Posted By: james
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 8:06am
i,ve put on heaps around 9 kgs arrgghhhh ohwell back to eating heathly for me and more exercise

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker" border="0" /></a>

Posted By: baalamb
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 8:17am
Mel, we had a brief look into that Tony Ferguson a while ago, and you have to buy heaps of supplements! So while you're only paying 30 something for the membership, it's the added extras that would hurt your pocket, I'd imagine!

I put on 200g over Christmas and lost that plus some last week! Pretty stoked!!

Posted By: Paws
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 8:36am
Originally posted by jack_&_charli jack_&_charli wrote:


i have a bus trip to go on in feb and i want to loose 5kg for it so....i've just decided, tomorrow i'm going to take a pic of my flabby guts and post it on here. i'll be walking and doing pilates, eating good stuff and each week, i'll post a new pic of my shrinking belly.........anyone care to join me?

I am only posting pics in the restricted section!!! But I could be convinced.


Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 10:36am
i don't mind posting here because i'm not putting my head in it at all!!
maybe we could get a thread stickied in the gallery so we could put our progress shots in there? i just think if you put pics up, you're more likely to stick to it because we can actually SEE the changes

i'm off to take my pic....hope my camera has a wide angle lens


Posted By: MelanieAndBree
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 11:20am
Originally posted by baalamb baalamb wrote:

Mel, we had a brief look into that Tony Ferguson a while ago, and you have to buy heaps of supplements! So while you're only paying 30 something for the membership, it's the added extras that would hurt your pocket, I'd imagine!

I put on 200g over Christmas and lost that plus some last week! Pretty stoked!!

ended up being about $50 - $60 a week.

Mum to Briahna Robyn, 3yrs

Posted By: MissCandice
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 11:28am
Oh gosh i so need to be in this thread but here i am with a small bowl of chicken nuggets thats my lunch..

i really need to loose weight im becoming quite depressed about it

~ Mummy to a beautiful girl ~

Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 12:15pm
Jack and Charli - I'm in (anyone with weak stomachs beware) but I agree with paws - lets put it on the restricted section.

Oh I'm far to scared to weigh myself. . I lost so much weight before I was pregnant but it all came back on and then some.

Yay getting quite excited about loosing weight. Your all motivating me hehe


Posted By: james
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 1:39pm
i weigh my self yesterdAY ans relly wish i hadit now but have starated with healty food and running around the park with james and me and a mate are starting our aqua jogging on thursday so its a start i wont put photos up but will post my wight loss every week

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker" border="0" /></a>

Posted By: MelanieAndBree
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 2:08pm
I really want to loose weight but im not sure what i want to do. I have put on sooo much its yuck. I am thinking about trying weight watchers.

Theres no way you could get me to post a pic though lol!!!

Mum to Briahna Robyn, 3yrs

Posted By: almostthere
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 6:56pm
I post pics on my bebo site.. My bf in Blenhiem is also doing an awesome job losing weight, granted she has a good reason: she's getting married in April!
But i put them there as its an easy way for her to have a look at how im doing.. Ive managed to lose 5.5kg's since July last year by excersising and eating as well as i can. Granted I lost 12% body fat, so am now at 32% which i am alot happier about. PLus 12cm around my waist and other cm's all over my body. I do feel alot better about myself these days and I totally reckon a weightloss forum would be a great way to keep us all accountable..Well, as much as we can via internet!

-------------"> - chart

Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 9:48pm
Yay for you almost there!! Can't wait until I can say things like that.
My friends wedding is at the end of the year and I'm a bridesmaid so we are going to try and loose weight for it and her fiance is too


Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 08 January 2008 at 11:33pm
i don't mind if other's don't put pics up....i just know if i do, i'll be more likely to stick to it because pics don't lie   i have a tummy tattoo so you'll know it's my tummy every week


Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 09 January 2008 at 9:14am
I *might* put pictures up! Big might though lol..

I'm heading to WW soon to get weighed. I'm nervous.. it's been a couple of weeks since the last weigh in cause of the holidays etc.. I hope I've lost! DH wants me to have lost as well cause I told him I won't consider #2 til I'm under 75kg haha

Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 09 January 2008 at 10:16pm
Oh yay so I joined sureslim today and have started an excercise regime of sorts!!
Hope my motivation lasts
couldn't believe I weighed so much tho


Posted By: AnnC
Date Posted: 09 January 2008 at 10:30pm
I need to lose around 3-5 morekgs and I keep getting stuck on the same weight... so I have got work to do the biggest loser challenge again. (I lost 5 kgs last time in 6 weeks) i am a bridesmaid beginning of march and so want to lose the weight by then


Also Mum to Josh (15) and Brooke (10)

Posted By: AnnC
Date Posted: 09 January 2008 at 10:31pm
so any pointers - I have been doing portion sizes as i do not do diets well


Also Mum to Josh (15) and Brooke (10)

Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 9:56am
ann, get a ww points book, you can get them on TM. under 80kg is 18pts a day, over 80kg is 20pts...i think!

i was amazed at how much weight you can actually lose just by reducing use of butter/marg and use the lite version of everything. of course, walking each day helps too


Posted By: almostthere
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 10:42am
For me, i find that just choosing healthier choices and saying no!! really works for me.

If i have a craving I weigh it up in my head:
Do you really want this?
Do you really need this?
When was your last meal?

All done pretty quick i must say! lol

Geneally if i crave something, i do give in, but i dont eat the whole lot! say, a packet of big uns.. Mm, i love big uns!! but i find that if i put some in a bowl, i dont tend to eat the whole bag.

Same with biscuits. If i want biscuits, i add a tea or coffee (with lite blue milk!) and find that i cant eat more than two biscuits.

I make sure i have at least 1 litre of water a day not only is it good for your skin, it helps keep you full so you dont overeat.

I also find that 3 meals and two snacks a day helps keep the hunger monster at bay. so always eat bfast, then about 2-3 hours later have a small snack. say, a handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, a yohgurt a piece of toast.
then have lunch about 2-3 hours later. and then an arvo snak, but i find im not hungry in the arvo anymore so I have a milky coffee.. then dinner..

Keeping a food diary can help, if you can, cos it keeps you accoutable to yourself. you can look back on the week and go, gee, did I really eat that??

Also, take it in baby steps. dont try to do it all at once! Otherwise you will find that you cant gather enough momentum to keep going as you too busy trying to do it all. Also, dont berate yorself if you give in and eat a whole packet of biccies or chocolate. you are only human! Just tell yourself that and make a comitment not to do iut the next day. You can have two days a week where you dont have to be too stringent on yourslef and you will still lose weight..

If you wondering where i go tall this wonderful info, I have two dietitions and a personal trainer who is marvelous! the dietitions are cos of the diabetes and the personal trainer is to keep my excersise on track..

Sorry about the novel and I hope some of this info helps someone!

-------------"> - chart

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 11:09am

Ann I have the latest WW books. The points these days are worked out on how old you are, how much you weigh. How tall you are, how much work you do during the day. For me I get 23 points a day and it is quite hard to eat that many points in the summer time as all the salad stuff are free points.

WW have just updated their ultimate points guide (and there really isn't much difference between this one and the last one) so I would say a few people may be selling the old edition to get the new one so you could pick one up on TM for quite cheap.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 12:14pm
I'm down to 22 points now, was on 23, I don't always eat that many points.. but doesn't seem to matter since I'm actually loosing. It's just good to have to make sure I don't go buying lots of chocolate and pigging out.

Posted By: LuluBelle85
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 12:56pm
Hey all. I rejoined WW a few weeks before xmas and lost 3.4 kgs. Just had my first WW meeting last night since they closed down before xmas and lost another 1.8 kgs! So that makes my total loss 5.2 kgs. So I got my bookmark! Yay!

Me and my mum are doing it together which is great. We go to Curves gym at least 3 times a week, bike 10kms 3 times a week and play tennis a couple of times as well. I've done more excercise in the past month than all of last year combined. LOL.

I have a lot to lose (like 60 - 80 kgs) so am just taking it 5 kgs at a time. Baby steps! Next goal = 10 kgs!

Posted By: Kicker
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 1:41pm
Originally posted by jack_&_charli jack_&_charli wrote:

ann, get a ww points book, you can get them on TM. under 80kg is 18pts a day, over 80kg is 20pts...i think!

The points is worked out by a variety of factors, here is awebsite where you can work out how many points you should be on: - WW points allowance


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 2:33pm

Yay Lou that is good.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: james
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 7:38pm
oknot as heavey as i thought i was still just under 80kgs so thats good now to back into swimming and get on the boflex my dad broght

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker" border="0" /></a>

Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 8:51pm


The points is worked out by a variety of factors, here is awebsite where you can work out how many points you should be on: - WW points allowance [/QUOTE]

thanks for that's been a while since i actually went to WW so didn't know it had changed


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 8:58pm

Vanessa it has changed heaps now. They have just started the quick and easy thing this year so we are getting new stuff at the meetings now.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: AnnC
Date Posted: 10 January 2008 at 9:50pm
I just worked out what pionts I am allowed and its 19.

Now to look into that book thing. i started doing my pilates today although only got half way thru till i had to stop as phone rang then had to get ready for work - will do it again tomorrow and hopefully all the way thru


Also Mum to Josh (15) and Brooke (10)

Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 12:04am
that's a good start ann, well done

i've just posted my ugly fat pics in the photo gallery, feel free to go and have a laugh......i've only been walking 3 days this week and haven't done pilates once, so i'm off to a great start!!!


Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 12:06am
OMG just checked out that website for WW, i get 19pts but it says my healthy weight range is 50-62kg!!   that's got to be a very rough guide, because at 70kg i have a reasonable flat tummy and i'm VERY happy with myself.....if i was under that, i'd be too skinny (not that i'd complain if i ever got that low)


Posted By: Paws
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 3:52am
Gaaahhh! Well I'm doing pretty well so far but I've just discovered the hazard of working Graveyard overtime....I WANNA SNACK!! (and I swear the chocolate and chips in the vending machine is calling me by name!! )


Posted By: baalamb
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 7:23am
Vanessa, they use the range according to what your 'healthy' BMI should be. I thought it was ridiculous too! I had to lose 26kgs in the beginning, just to get to my top weight range. I really thought it was unachievable and about drove me to chocolate on day one, but now I'm over half way there, I might as well keep going LOL. My own personal goal outside of WW is 69kg, and that's so close now!

Gen, I don't do the graveyard shift, but I do a late shift on Saturday nights and it is SOOO boring, I just want to snack too. Luckily for me, we don't have a vending machine on our floor! I take lots of other snacky things with me though like rice crackers, pretzels, dried fruit, yoghurt. I know, hardly as exciting as chocolate!

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 11:34am
well, I joined WW today, and im weiging in at 81.7kg, which is less than I though, and I want to get down to 75kg again. I get quite a few more points cos I'm BF, i get 30!!! heaps, aye? I think I might try it on 25 and see how I go.

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 11:35am
may post a pic later....MAY that is...

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 8:07pm
annie, i actually found i lost MORE weight by eating my limit of points, rather than saving. I know it's weird, something about metabolism being like a fire, and logs and some crap.

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 9:05pm

Originally posted by lizzle lizzle wrote:

annie, i actually found i lost MORE weight by eating my limit of points, rather than saving. I know it's weird, something about metabolism being like a fire, and logs and some crap.

Pick me too for this. I found for a few weeks I wasn't eating all my points and I either stayed the same weight or put some on.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 9:05pm
yeah I get the point liz but ihave a method to my madness.. I save mine up for the weekends, where I might eat normaly ish, with a few treats (used to be booze in the old days, now it might be maccas on sat night..) but what I tend to do is go easy all day (like today managed all day feeling quite good on 9 points) then used most of my points at tea time. Will just play it by ear. I thought about food/eating all day today, though...

Plus, I go for a big fast walk for about an hour most nights with the dog, so score 3 bonus for that, so hope my rock and roll styles WW works....

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 9:11pm
Hmm yeah the BMI range does seem low. My range is 54-68kg. When doing WW I got down to 60kgs. Looking back at photo's of myself from then, I think I look gaunt. My personal aim when I start trying to lose will be between 65-70kg. At the moment I'm trying to stay at my present weight until the end of this pregnancy.

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 11 January 2008 at 11:38pm
I would like to get to 70kgs and then decide if I want to loose more from there. I am quite big boned so don't want to look skeletal


Posted By: BabyOnBoard
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 6:32pm
I'm so proud of myself! Did a bit of pilates and then dragged my mum out for a nice long walk!! I can feel the pounds falling off me hehe


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 6:38pm

Yay that is great. i jumped on the scales today and have dropped more. I really want to get to my 10kg and 10% at this weeks meeting. And then by the time I get to see DH again i'll be under 90kgs and in the 80's - i'll be very excited then.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: baalamb
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 7:56pm
That's great. Everyone seems motivated and on the right track

I weighed in this morning and lost 900g this week, taking my total loss to 16.7kg. My personal goal is only around 4.5kgs away. I never thought I would make it this far at ALL! I finally got the courage to try on some new clothes today and I bought 2 new pairs of pants... size 12!!!!!! I'm so excited. I haven't been a size 12 since I was at least 16 years old.

Does anyone have any short term goals to share? I want to have lost 18.5kg by February 16 (I'm a bridesmaid that weekend) and by our Gold Coast holiday in early March, I want to have lost 20kgs in total. I think it's achievable and works out to 500g roughly per week. And it's going to be completely unreal to be able to say I've lost 20kgs!!!

Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 8:37pm
Well done ladies you're all doing great!

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 8:40pm

I have my first one of 10kgs and 10% at next weeks meeting. That will take me very close to under 90kgs. I am really hoping to be under 90kgs when I get to see DH on the 16th of Feb.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 9:27pm
Isn't it funny how deceiving weight is, cause I wouldn't have picked you for being 90 when i saw you last at work BEcks.

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 9:39pm

I know most people I meet are very surprised at how much I actually weigh. I thik my height deceives it. I started WW at over 100kgs.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 10:10pm
I fell off the wagon spectacularly literally today with BEER, it was so bloody hot I just couldn't NOT have one. Ah well, tomorrow is another day..

Anyhow, My goal is 75kg, by my birthday in march, but 70kg is my ultimate, but I worry that I will have trouble maintining it.

Thought about food all day today as well.....

Was stoked to see that blueberries and strawberries are a really low point snack....

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 10:14pm

I make sure I have points for wine .

Berries are great snacks as they are so low in points and fill you up as well.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 10:22pm
yeah I leave points for beer as well, but I hadn't for today... never mind, I had a few pints over from yesterday and can make it up during the week, I guess...

Its the thinkng about food all the time thats doing my head in, and feeling hungry when I know I'm not - its just cos im busy thinking about food, lol. Grrr. I know that will pass in a week or so.

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 10:22pm
points, I meant and not enought for the 5 cans I have had... Oh well...

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 10:33pm
i am the same. i ahve to stop and think about the food - whether I am really hungry. GRRRR plyahouse disney - all i can hear now is my friends tigger and pooh singing "think think think"

Posted By: LuluBelle85
Date Posted: 12 January 2008 at 11:37pm
Have you guys tried the WW 'extras' ice cream range. YUM.
The berry mudslide and the mint one are YUM

Becks, good luck for your weigh in! Hope you get to 10 kgs! Can't wait till I get there too!

Posted By: Paws
Date Posted: 13 January 2008 at 5:38am
Had a little whoopsie involving pizza last night...whoops. Back on the wagon today.


Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 13 January 2008 at 7:34am
I have to start exercising more .. I say this every week ..

I need to start doing my kickboxing every day/night again and get myself into the habit of it. It's sooo good for loosing weight.

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 13 January 2008 at 10:54am

They have a mint on now. Yum I love the berry mudslide one but I am now on the look out for the mint one.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 13 January 2008 at 11:23am
I loooooove the WW ice creams! They don't stay in the freezer very long in this house!

I'm off to a good start, did my workout, sweating like a pig, now need anotoher shower or I'm gonna feel yuck all day

Posted By: Tara269428
Date Posted: 05 September 2021 at 5:06pm
I put on 15kg my last pregnancy and most of that was put on in the first trimester because of MS And then in the last trimester a lot of my gain was also fluid retention. 7 weeks after birth I am now 3kg off my pre preg weight I read somewhere that 12 - 18kg is the normal range.

If you can keep active and avoid comfort eating (definitely harder for me during the pandemic) you can definitely lose weight (even during your pregnancy).

The recommended 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of more intense exercise) definitely helps. That's a couple of walks or online cardio / Zumba / HIIT classes a week.

Yoga helped me lose my weight a lot faster.

Yoga burns calories when done the right way.

If you are serious about losing weight and getting fit, you might want to implement a 60-minute power yoga and/or vinyasa flow practice at least five to six days per week." rel="nofollow - This yoga weight loss program was easy to follow and worked for me during my pregnancy when I started gaining too much weight.

Each class is easy to follow, but is varied and enjoyable. Dynamic Sequencing means you'll always be challenged regardless of your current level.

If you want to follow my example, think about coupling your practice with a whole foods diet for optimal results.

Good luck!


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