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May 2008 mums [:)]

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Topic: May 2008 mums [:)]
Posted By: mum2emj
Subject: May 2008 mums [:)]
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 11:15am
thought i'd start us off

hope that everyone is settling into life with a new baby!!

im doing ok, having really emotional days... anyone else?!!

toby is doing great though, sleeps and feeds heaps better at night now but has silly feeds in the day where he tends to cluster in morning and night- all good.

his first week he gained 100grams

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 11:16am
Haha just done the same thing


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 11:17am

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 11:24am
hopefully admin will delete one for us.

we are doing pretty well here, still really werid cleanin boy bits through.
Xavier has put on 200gms in the last week which is really good.


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 11:26am
thats great hooper haha i hear ya on the cleaning boy bits!! hehe hubby thinks im a bit of a comedy act when i change toby...

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 11:29am
yer cam is the same trys to tell me how to do it.


Posted By: Tiff
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 12:22pm
Congrats on your babies, love the names!!!!


Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 1:33pm
Just popping in because I'm bored and had to come say hi - will hopefully be here officially at some point!
Save me up some tips on cleaning boy bits - I reckon if the previous May mums trend is anything to go by this overdue bubba has to be a boy!
Great weight gains!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 1:35pm
And ooh ooh! I just reached 1,000 posts! Milestone!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: susieq
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 2:00pm
I love the names too

Posted By: Snickerdoodle
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 4:38pm
Congrats on the new babies!!
I'm a May "baby". May rocks!

Great names, too!
I have a cousin called Xavier (he's 15). He's the only other one I've heard of


Posted By: Tiff
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 5:59pm
LOL Mazzy, my bubs was overdue and it turned out to be a stubborn girl!!!!! Sucks though doesn't it!


Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 6:05pm
yay for may babies - i too am a may child!
loving the names too by the way.

dont forget rach that cluster feeding is all normal in the beginning.

Way to go girls!!!!


Posted By: bookwyrm
Date Posted: 15 May 2008 at 6:45pm
So jealous that you all have lil bubbas!! My boy is growing so fast!!!!


Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 16 May 2008 at 2:10pm
hey how are we all today?
me iam really tired, did'nt get much sleep Xavier was awake quit abit during the night. hes making up for lack of sleep now through.


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 16 May 2008 at 3:22pm
im doing good today, toby is doing a bit better in his day feeds so far today- going for longer stretches! yay! i get so sick of the feeling of constantly being sucked on when i have the other girls wanting me too! so hopeflly this is the start of 2-3 hourly day time feeds etc.. rather than the cluster.

TMI question, how is everyones bleeding going? mine got really light for a while but its gotten heavier again over the last 3 days, nothing to be concerned about but has gotten alot heavier than what it was and im over it. have stopped taking iron pills but i think with that and the breastfeeding i think i might start up again in case i get a little low in iron from it.

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 17 May 2008 at 9:47am
Hey Rach, well mine has been bugger all but was told that happens when you have a c/s.
cluster feeding sucks, i feel for ya ive only got other kid to deal with you have 3.
Xavier is 2-5 hourly feeds, so its not to bad does cluster in the mornin and at night.
Hope you have a better day today.


Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 17 May 2008 at 5:02pm
Hi ladies,
Emotional day has set in, boobs like boulders and feeling quite tired. Hope to get myself sorted in the next day or so as dont like this!
Hope everyone else is OK?


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 17 May 2008 at 5:12pm
oooh my emotional day hasnt stopped gill so emotional over toby being my last! lol, and over everything very teary, im feeling for hubby at the mo- he is a grea shoulder though.

when are you all keen to catch up? i'm happy to have you all around at my house for a cuppa if its easier having it a house rather than out and about with brand new bubbas.

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 10:49am
that sounds like a plan Rach, would be much easier.
when ever any time suits me. Arvo's would prob be better through.
had a better sleep lastnight yay.


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 12:10pm
afternoons good for me too

thats great that you had a better night sleep really makes a difference to how you feel i reckon. toby woke every 2 hours last night for a feed- eek! he had one stretch from 3-6 though! lol.

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 12:27pm
anyone else want more babies already?!!! lol. i honestly thought i would feel complete with toby now- and having 4 kids i thought something in me would feel over it all, but i dont. i know that 4 is enough for me but i feel i could do it all over again! lol, someone help me!!!!! after all my complaining etc.. i really am going to miss it

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 1:03pm
Do I need to pull some posts from when you were waiting for Toby to be born and remind you how hard it was? Just kidding.
I don't want to hear you're not over it yet - that's my theory too, two kids will be enough for us and at the moment I'm definitely not going through this again...don't tell me it all changes! I want to stay strong!
I want to come to Nelson now too!

Geez, I shouldn't be in here so much...back to the due in May thread.

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 2:15pm
lol- i know mazzy! i dont enjoy it yet when its over i do and i miss it!!! nope! i have to keep telling myself no more!

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 3:01pm
yer iam not having any more, well i say that now, but really don't want another one.


Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 3:01pm
Hey Rach do you have a dog?


Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 4:42pm
Arvo's suit me too Rach!
Bad night last night. Morgan settled at 3.45 yep 3.45 and didnt sleep at all between 10pm and then! Somewhat knackered today.


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 6:01pm
ooh i bet you are gill- hopefully you'll get some sleep tonight.
hubby goes back to work tonight, so i hope that my night isnt too bad alone really not looking forward to it.

hooper- desiree (nice having a name!!) no i dont have a dog, no animals other than 4 goldfish.

gill- when is morgans scan? when i had my first baby we had heaps of problems, she was readmitted to hospital and had to have heaps of tests etc... had to have a heart scan, brain scan etc... was awful then a month or so later needed genetic blood tests hated waiting for results, which came back all clear they are different situations but just wanted you to know we went through something, so kind of understand what you are going through and am here for you if you need to talk

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 18 May 2008 at 7:24pm
Havent got the appointment through the post yet They said on Thursday that they would get us an appointment so was hoping it would arrive Friday/Saturday but nothing. Seeing Ruth tomorrow so hopefully she might be able to chase it for me if we dont get it tomorrow.

Feeds today have gone from being 3 hrs apart and are now 1 and a quarter apart. Wish he could be a bit more consistant.

I will be thinking of you tonight Rach. Although dh wasnt much use last night (bless him) it was stil nice knowing he was there.

I have a dog desiree?


Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 19 May 2008 at 7:19am
was only asking as thought you might of lived down the street from me, they have same sort of van as yours.
Hope your night went ok Rach.
Hope you have a better day Gill.
Xavier is pretty good really he does between 2 to 5 hours, usally 4 to 5 at night which is good means i can get a decent sleep.


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 19 May 2008 at 7:54am
the night wasnt too bad, had mostly 3 hour stretches... miss having hubby around but thats life aye?!! lol.

ARGH! just realised hubby has the double buggy in the car! eek! going to be a fun walk to school carrying toby, pushing kayla... this is where it would be handy to have a frontpack! it isnt far to school but may be a bit of a laugh for anyone watching me struggling! haha

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 19 May 2008 at 8:21am
yer that will be abit of a laugh Rach.
i borrowed a frontpack off a mate of mine its great, i love it.

Should we arrange to meet sometime this week or make it next? iam really not to worried when, any day suits me.


Posted By: Ariana
Date Posted: 19 May 2008 at 5:28pm
hey girls, i'm still here hehe just been really busy with the family and all.... anyway I will try pop back a little bit later and fill you all in on my lil fatty

hope you are all well, talk soon....


Mum to Minardi, Victoria, Alecia and William.

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 19 May 2008 at 5:46pm
look forward to hearing how you are doing ariana!!!

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 19 May 2008 at 5:47pm
anyweek fine for me, this week or next... havent got any plans for a while. so i'll see when is best for you both and i can work around that

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 20 May 2008 at 11:33am
what about friday arvo? say 1pm?


Posted By: daikini
Date Posted: 20 May 2008 at 12:39pm
Aww, you ladies are so lucky being able to meet up!

Jackson is doing well... he's very placid which is fantastic when there's three other children (and DH!) demanding my attention. He sleeps a lot (yay!) and has a good awake time around 4pm, before sleeping for 4 hourly stretches through the night!

I got a Moby wrap for my birthday last year, and I'm finding it fantastic... I put Josiah and (my) Xavier into the double buggy, and wear Jackson in the wrap. The other thing we do is put Jackson and Xavier into the buggy and Josiah either walks or goes in the little umbrella stroller, but that only works when there's not just me!

Right, time to grab some lunch before taking Josiah to kindy. Have a good day everyone

Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 20 May 2008 at 12:51pm
Wow Becca sounds like you have things sorted. both my two are asleep yay! (does a little dance).
MW comin this arvo will be interesring to see how weight xavier has put on.


Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 20 May 2008 at 7:29pm
I wont be able to come along on friday as Morgan has at last got his scan appointment through for friday. DH cant come with me either as he is back to work. Have managed to get someone to look after DD. Ruth has said that she will come along with me to the appointment which is great. Please dont let me stop you meeting up this week though.
Still a bit emotional here. I think that the tiredness is also playing a big part in that. Morgan did manage almost 3 hours in between a feed today which is great. (2 hourly overnight though last night)


Posted By: Ariana
Date Posted: 20 May 2008 at 11:01pm
Hey girls,
Gill keep your chin up, we are all here for you.. man you guys are lucky that you can meet up!!

Well my wee boy is one month old today where is the time going???
He weighed in at a healthy 9lb 4ozs yesterday... this is the same weight that Victoria was when she was born

We are sleeping brilliantly during the day (amonsgt the chaos hahaha) am trying to stretch Will out further at night.. going about 4 hourly somethimes has been as close at 3 hourly!!! Mummy is pretty tired but we are getting there... Sleep is over rated anyway!!

Will try and post some photos tomorrow...

Take care girls and I will be back soon...


Mum to Minardi, Victoria, Alecia and William.

Posted By: JPP
Date Posted: 21 May 2008 at 2:17am
Well my first post in the baby thread! I am sooooo exhausted the little man has been on my boobs for hours and just won't stop grizzling so have left him with DP for a milo break then gonna get back to it. I know its just next day baby grizzles and that he'll settle in the next few days but I've hardly slept since my lovely 17 hour labour and am struggling at the mo. You think it'd all come back so quickly and naturally but a 6 year break between bubs is a bit of an unexpected hurdle. I'll be back on again later hopefully all rested and laughing at myself for this post but right now it's 2am and I don't feel like laughing

-------------">                ">

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 21 May 2008 at 7:50am
jadey and gill

it isnt easy aye?!! im still all emotional and exhausted and with my history of depresssion after my first two girls it makes me a little nervous- hoping i dont head down the same path.

last night i just couldnt be bothered, was in tears at one of toby's feeds i just wanted to sleep hubby stayed home and im only just getting up now, but really want to be in bed!

gill- that is so nice of ruth to go to the scan with you and im more than happy to wait to meet up with you when you are free, sounds like we could do with some adult time and some support!!


Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 21 May 2008 at 8:49am
gill and jadey and to you Rach.

Mw came yesterday Xavier has put on another 200gm in a week up to 3.6kg now.
Poor little bugger has thrush in his mouth, i have it around both nipples very painfull, not much fun feeding him at the moment.

Goodluck for friday Gill, its good that Ruth is going with you.


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 21 May 2008 at 9:06am
wow!! xavier is doing great!!

toby gained 80g in 5 days, he is now 4kg!! lol cutie, took my girls months to get to 4kg and my boy is 4kg at 2 weeks! lol.

owch on the thrush sounds sore... i have been lucky not to get it but i remember my sister having it owey.

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 21 May 2008 at 11:30am
Hi all,
Gradually all of those may babies are arriving - Yay.
Thanks for the hugs! Its amazing how some days thats really what you need.

Already 1 week old - eek where did that week go?

My little man managed just over 3 hours last night in one stretch so I feel like I got some sleep, woohoo! He had a big feed at 10 am and then vomitted it up but has settled back to sleep so not sure when the next feed will be. Is everyone doing demand feeding?


Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 21 May 2008 at 11:33am
Great weight gains. Hoping Morgan will be weighed when I see Ruth on Friday.

DH boss gave him 6 days off which is great but it is horrible to think that it is almost coming to an end. He goes back to work on Friday and I think he is starting to dread it more than me! (funny thing is that he enjoys his job and still doesnt want to go back!)


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 21 May 2008 at 12:07pm
yeah, im demand feeding, wanting to get into more of a demand/routine feeding though! lol...

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 23 May 2008 at 11:56am
Finally! I can legitimately post in here!

I'm on strict rest at the moment to try and improve my eyesight so while DD1 is at creche and DD2 is asleep I thought I'd come in here and do a quick write up the birth story and catch up on things. How is everyone doing today? I'm still in the 4 day babymoon period where DD2 is sleeping fairly well and pretty easy to deal with...I know the sleep deprivation is coming! Big hugs to everyone.
Gill - how did the scan go? Or have you not had it yet? I've been thinking of you.

Right - birth stuff.
I had some BH on Sunday night but didn't think much of them. I posted in here I think - I slept right through the night so nothing happening then. On Monday I got up and got DD1 ready for creche. I was having some contractions fairly regularly then, about 15 minutes apart and 30 seconds long, but definitely nothing to stop me in my tracks. Had a few slightly more ouchy ones driving home from creche but put that down to sitting in the car. I spent the rest of the morning cleaning the whole house, doing washing and getting things organised, just in case I wasn't there that evening (but really thinking nothing would happen until the next day). At 1.30pm DH came home from work and we went to the appointment we had with the back up midwife. We'd had this booked since the week before so while I'd texted my mw to let her know contractions had started, I just figured I'd go see the back up and let her tell me if things were looking good or if it was false labour - which I thought it might be. Got to the mw rooms at 1.30pm and she was running late, so breathed through a few contractions in the waiting room, freaking out the obviously newly pregnant woman waiting in there (he he!). Saw the back up midwife at 1.45pm and she took my blood pressure, which was rather high, and had a few more painful contractions that I couldn't talk through. She called the midwife who said for us to meet her at the hospital to get some tests done because of my blood pressure. Back up mw said I was definitely in labour. We went home to pick up a bag (just in case) and organise mum to pick up DD1 from creche. While at home I had a huge contraction in the kitchen and felt the urge to push. So we really got moving, driving to the hospital with me kneeling in the back of the car, DH running red lights, the works! Arrived at the hospital at 2.15pm and met the midwife, who talked to me briefly and concluded we didn't have time for bloods or anything, this baby was about to arrive! Rach - I was like you, I still didn't believe it was happening so fast after waiting so long! Jumped up on the bed and knelt with my arms over the top of the raised bed. Midwife was AWESOME, encouraging and coaching the whole way, involving DH and generally fantastic. I'm so glad we changed.
I started pushing pretty much straight away. It was amazing, I really felt everything happening, I never had that sensation with DD1, it was like my body just knew what to do and with the midwife telling me to trust my instincts, I felt so much more empowered. Not in control really but like I was doing the right thing if that makes sense? The pushing was scary and I freaked out a bit, actually stopped at one point and started telling the midwife that there was no way this was going to work, this baby could not possibly fit out of me - it just wasn't logical! Lol. But got stuck in and pushed and DD2 was born at 2.50pm after 50 minutes of active labour. Whew! She was completely healthy, but gave me some grazes and a 2nd degree tear as she came out. And I'm still feeling really bruised today - pushing her out so quickly was a little traumatic! So after all that waiting, she arrived in a hurry. I'm glad we had the midwife appointment that day otherwise I may not have made it to the hospital!
Oh, and I never had a show or broken waters or anything - it all came out with the baby. And I am now sporting a lovely graze on the bridge of my nose where I kept banging my head against the metal bar at the top of the bed - I don't remember doing this at all, but apparently DH was trying to stop me!
I've not had this type of bruising before after the birth and am surprised at how tender I still am - sitting gets quite sore after a while. Is this normal?

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 23 May 2008 at 11:57am
Oh, and Rach, to answer your question from the other thread, there is a 20 month age gap between our girls - almost to the day!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 23 May 2008 at 1:15pm
gill- what time is morgans scan? thinking of you xoxoxo

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 23 May 2008 at 1:17pm
sounds like a great story mazzy!! owch for the brusies!! oooh great that you felt so in control, i didnt! lol.

20 months, geat gap i have almost (1 week short of) 21 between kayla and toby.

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 23 May 2008 at 1:50pm
Scan at 3.10 today! Not looking forward to it really hence why I havent ben posting for a couple of days but I have been lurking. DH is now coming too as he just went in and told his boss he had to go out for a couple of hours today and I think he was a bit shocked so said no worries. Seeing Ruth (mw) as well today. Was panning on going to the hip clinic but will do that next week now.

I will post later today to update you all.

Great birth story Mazzy. I intend to write mine in a day or so!


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 23 May 2008 at 2:25pm
yay that hubby is going with you gill hope the scan and his visit with ruth go well... xoxo

Posted By: erinalba
Date Posted: 23 May 2008 at 2:38pm
All the best for the scan Gill. Am thinking of you.

See my blog">">

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 23 May 2008 at 7:07pm
Well, here's the update:
Went for the ultrasound scan this afternoon. Morgan’s bladder is enlarged and left kidney is full of fluid, possibly blocked. They couldn’t see a mass of cysts which is what they thought that they had seen through me on the ultrasound, hence why they were diagnosing multicystic dysplastic kidney. From what we saw on the screen during the ultrasound you could see a clear difference between the 2 kidneys. From what they have seen today they seem to think that there could be a few causes: renal reflux or a faulty valve or something else. They were concerned and unsure why bladder is enlarged though. Right kidney is looking “bright”. This was explained as it was over compensating for the left kidney. They were reassured that he is peeing well at the moment though.
Had a call from the paediatrician once I got home to say that I will receive a call on Monday informing me of an appointment time for Morgan to have a dye test on his bladder and kidney in the early part of next week as an outpatient. They are hoping that this will show that he has this valve problem where it has developed possibly back to front? If this is the case he will be admitted to have this valve removed/shaved away.
If he did stop peeing over the weekend to take him straight to Nelson Hospital ED.

Feeling a bit strange this evening as now feel like I know less.

On a positive note though...he has put on 75g in his first week!


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 24 May 2008 at 6:29am
hopefully you'll get some answers soon gill- the wait must be awful you have a whole heap of cyber pals that are sending you lots of love and thoughts xoxox
great about his weight gain

Posted By: erinalba
Date Posted: 24 May 2008 at 9:22am
Big hugs to you Gill. It must be so worrying for you. Is my interpretation from what you wrote that it's a bit more positive, i.e. they can fix the kidney rather than removing it? I guess you won't really know until next week.

As Rach says, we're all here for you and sending you our love.

See my blog">">

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 24 May 2008 at 1:48pm
Even more big hugs from me Gill. Not knowing must be so hard, but I hope that also means that there is a more positive result for you and Morgan. It sounds good that he is peeing well and that weight gain is awesome! As the others said, we are all here for you and sending lots of good thoughts your way.

Question for you more experienced May mums How long did your babymoon last? I got eight hours sleep last night in two four hour blocks! I know it's early days yet and remember clearly that things change very quickly in this regard, but how long did you guys get before reality hit and the new babies found their stride with crying/eating/demanding all the time? It was only 20 months ago with Isla but I've completely forgotten everything!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 24 May 2008 at 2:28pm
mine have always started bad and got better so i havent had a babymoon period as such! lol. i had to wake jade and kayla to feed them 2-3 hourly for a while because of their sizes and jades lack of growth to start with.

toby has 1 longer stint at the start of the night usually goes from between 7-8pm last feed till 11-12 then he tends to have 3 hourly feeds (so far) with the odd 2hour some nights! he hasnt really got a routine happening yet but getting there slowly (YAY!!)

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 24 May 2008 at 3:44pm
First night was the best for me mazzy! but i stayed awake whilst he slept as i couldnt believe i actually had a boy!
We are having 1-2 hrly feeds between 5-10pm and then he goes off for a 4hr and then a feed and then another 3-4hr sleep. sure that will change again soon (probably tonight!). Enjoy your baby moon whilst you can

Thanks for the well wishes it really is appreciated. You are all great on here.


Posted By: my2girls
Date Posted: 24 May 2008 at 3:53pm
Congratulations Mazzy!! geez i forgot how time consuming newborns are and its only been two years since having my last!
I didnt sleep the first night after having my DD either, i just lay there with her in my arms looking at her!!
We are having a few troubles getting her to sleep in her bassinette at night, she doesnt want to be there, so for the last two weeks she has been sleeping in my arms in bed, although we had one night the night before last where she slept all night in her bed.
Feeding is pretty much every 2 hrs during the day and between 3 and 2.5 at night.
Im contemplating whether to get a sleep wedge and put that in her bassinette so she can sleep on her side which may make her more settled and feel more secure? even though she is wrapped.
Hope everyone else is doing well.
Mazzy did you end up going to River Ridge after Waikato?

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 24 May 2008 at 8:46pm
Yup, it nearly didn't happen because they were still a bit concerned about my bp, but my midwife convinced them that the staff at River Ridge could monitor it anyway, so I got to go. It was awesome, I can't rate the staff highly enough and the food was great! Best part - not having to walk half a mile to the bathroom every half hour to change a pad. Ensuites are fabulous!

Spoke to my midwife today and the general consensus is that if the baby wants to sleep - let it! I feel a little silly but had to check. Last time we got in trouble with the midwife for letting Isla sleep too much (she was jaundiced but we didn't see it and it wasn't picked up when we left the hospital) so I'm super paranoid I'm doing the wrong thing again. But she's having plenty of wet nappies and poos and not sleeping longer than 4 hrs at a time so far. I'm so used to Isla not sleeping (she's never been a good sleeper) that I'm blown away by Keira. I hope it lasts, but not holding my breath!
Still sore today, I can't wait to start feeling a bit normal again in my body (and stop walking like a cowboy). My tailbone is especially sore, I think it must have been quite mobile during the birth. The weepiness set in today too, I keep crying over everything and feeling rather out of control. How is everyone else?

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 25 May 2008 at 9:08am
Mmmmm... had those weeping days and have a weepy moment every now and then still Mazzy.

Dont feel stupid though asking the midwife anything. It is what they are there for so whilst they are around make sure you ask away - thats my theory anyway!

We had a good night sleep last night. A 4 hr and a 3.5 hr stretch and to top it all I had a curry last nigt for dnner so wasnt sure how that wold effect him - obviously didnt!


Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 25 May 2008 at 2:11pm
That's a great sleep Gill! It's always a bit of a gamble introducing things into your diet with breast feeding eh, but so good when it works out! I'm loving eating anything and everything I couldn't during pregnancy at the moment, it's still all a novelty.
Yeah, the weepy days are not much fun. I'm really emotional about Isla most of the time, doing things that we used to do together but now there's Keira as well and I think I'm grieving for that special time when it was just me and Isla. It's weird having invested so much time in her and totally spending all day looking after her and knowing exactly what she was doing and when and now that's all having to be adjusted since I missed several days with her in the birth centre etc. and now fitting Keira into it sounds odd but I really miss time with just me and my girl! My mummy radar is undergoing some adjustments to cope with two girls as well, I never realised how easy it was with just one!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: my2girls
Date Posted: 25 May 2008 at 2:19pm
Hi Mazzy, i felt the same and have only just started to feel better about it. Hubby goes back to work tomorrow so its going to be interesting to see how things go. I felt so guilty that i used to do everything for DD1 and now DD2 is here and takes alot more time its going to be an interesting week! I havnt been feeling teary really, only when my milk came in but your right, i never realised how easy it was with just one also. How old is your first daughter?

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 25 May 2008 at 2:26pm
She's 20 months, so still just a littlie - but suddenly seems so grown up since Keira arrived! My milk has just come in as well, that's a good point and probably contributing to all the teariness. I'm glad I'm not as emotional as I was when I had Isla, I had a massive melt down then. I just get randomly upset at the moment, poor DH has to deal with me bursting into tears over the dumbest things - I cried when I went with him to pick up Isla from creche because I usually drive out to get her and spend a bit of time playing out there and talking about her day, but instead he drove and I was the passenger in the car and we had Keira with us so it was all different. Such a sook!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: my2girls
Date Posted: 25 May 2008 at 2:47pm
Ohhh i can totally sympathise with that, i felt the same too, my DD1 is 25 months and it took her a week to get used to the idea of having another sibling but she is really good now and likes to help me, i feel really sad though that we cant just snuggle up and have our milo and breakfast together like we used to, now i have to juggle the two and try and breastfeed while i get breakfast sorted, im looking forward to getting into a bit of a routine (as much as you can with a newborn) so i can spent a bit more quality time with DD1, rather than just including her when i go to hang washing out!!

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 25 May 2008 at 2:52pm
That's pretty much how I'm feeling too! Can't wait to get a routine going, but I know it's going to take time. I'm terrible at waiting things out!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: my2girls
Date Posted: 25 May 2008 at 2:53pm
Yeh you sound just like me LOL!!

Posted By: Ariana
Date Posted: 25 May 2008 at 11:19pm
Hey girls, I know what you mean about routines or lack of any lol
It is so hard to juggle two little ones... Alecia is only 18 months (was 17 months when Will was born) so she really doesn;t understand. She is really great with him, it is just hardwork when she still needs me so much. But I agree she too has grown up heaps.

Sorry it is so short... the milk bar is open again!!! Will be back really soon and I will try and upload some more photos... Have been really slack lately


Mum to Minardi, Victoria, Alecia and William.

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 12:20pm
Had our week midwife appointment today, little guzzler has put on 1 pound since birth! So now 9lb 7oz! She's doing great, and her stinky cord fell off today so I'm happy that's gone. Hate those things!
Unfortunately I've popped a crucial stitch and it's not able to be re-done now because it's too far into the healing process, so looks like I'll be referred to a gynae and something will be done further down the track. Ouch! The things childbirth does to your body.
Hope everyone is doing well today - this milk bar is open again too, it never closes!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: my2girls
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 2:11pm
WOW 1 pound, that is really great!! Ouch about the popped stitch though
First day home without hubby today for me, all is going well so far, both girls have been great today, and i even managed to go out to the chemist with both of them (first time doing that by myself!) im quite proud of myself because i was quite anxious about it all. I was super organised this morning, even to the point of setting out me and Breanna's breakfast last night so it was all ready to go in the morning LOL.

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 2:13pm
wow!! what a great weight gain mazzy!! and OWCH on the stitch

had toby's check today too and snap mazzy!! he is 9lb7oz!! cute he gained 250gm this week. everything else is going good with him.

hope everyone is doing ok...

my milk bar is closed at the mo mind you he was fedding heaps this morning so im in need of a break!


Posted By: SarahandBubble
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 3:11pm
Hi ladies, has been a while since I have been able to come on and check on everyone! Have had a bit of a mixed week. After arriving at such a whopper size my wee man lost a pound and as of Friday still hadnt put any back on! MW was quite concerned. Spent all last week and weekend trying so hard to stay calm and keep my milk going and trying not to panic! Hopefully when she comes to weigh him tomorrow he will have put something on!!

Hsvnt had a chance to catch up on what everyone has been up to but I will try.

First day without Mark today! Miss him so so much! And wee man doesnt sleep during the day so struggle to even get a drink! Please put on weight my little one, Mama is feeling like a failure!!!

Sarah, and her little bugs!">">

Posted By: SarahandBubble
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 3:15pm

Sarah, and her little bugs!">">

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 5:32pm
Lovely photo's Sarah.

Please what ever you do dont feel at all like a failure Sarah. All babies do things slightly differently and all though your baby is awake during the day at the moment doesnt mean that he will be forever (it just feels like it at the moment). I feel for you. Some people have a breeze with their first baby and some people get the complete opposite. Babies also lose or put on after birth at different rates. I feel that sometimes mw can scare you into thinking that it is abnormal and it isnt. He was nearly 10lb wasnt he and so he has only lost the 10% which is what they say that babies can normally lose. He will soon pile on them pounds!

Morgan has another scan and dye test this week (thursday) so hopefully they will be able to properly diagnose something after this scan. He is peeing masses though.

He was weighed this am and has put on 115g in 4 days - piglet!


Posted By: SarahandBubble
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 5:57pm
Thanks Gill! Just want so badly to succeed with breastfeeding and give him everything he needs. Not worried bout the not sleeping during day thing, I'm getting good at doing thing one handed!

Have just read about Morgan! Sending all the good vibes I can to you and your fam! I hope they sort it out for you soon, so you can just enjoy your wee babe without worrying.

Sarah, and her little bugs!">">

Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 6:26pm
CUTE photos sarah!! caleb is gorgeous
im with gill- babies do do things differently- and you arent a failure... im sure he will start gaining weight for you

gill sounds like morgan is doing really well (with the weight and wet nappies!!) will be thinking of you on thursday, i really hope that you get an answer soon

Posted By: Mikki
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 7:29pm
hi sarah gorgeous little boy! don't worry about the weght gain. Taylah has taken 4 weeks to really put on any serious weight, but now at 4 weeks she has finally put on 600gms, mw was concerned cause in the beginning she did lose alot of weight, i am still breastfeeding which is now finally great and doesn't hurt, as well as expressing when i find the time and topping her up with between 50 - 100ml of formulae twice a day. taylah also does not sleep much during the day, but better awake during the day than at night, at night unless we wake her she would probably sleep right through. On thing i have found is topping her up one during the day seems to help her fall asleep faster, she seems to need lots of milk quickly and from a bottle its faster than from me, luckily she is taking both bottle and breast.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 8:38pm
Sarah, Caleb is so gorgeous!
I agree with the others, try not to worry about the feeding, you will get there and he will put on weight for you soon. Many babies lose weight the first week after birth. My friend's wee boy who was born the day after Isla lost weight and took ages to start gaining, but she was able to continue breast feeding right the way through and he's such a little chubby bubba now! I just posted in the other thread, but lactation cookies are great for boosting milk supply - I'll see if I can dig up the recipe for you. They're yum and easy to make/eat so great to snack on one handed
I'm about to put up some pics of Keira in the photo gallery so check them out if you guys want.
We had a good afternoon today too, Isla was in a great mood and Keira has just gone down in her bassinette, which she hasn't done yet, so I'm stoked. DH is going back to work next week, I'm not looking forward to it - well done to all of you who have started it alone during the day, you're legends!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 26 May 2008 at 9:10pm
Here's the recipe if you want it Sarah - you can use rolled oats instead of the ones indicated, and apparently adding cocoa is yum too.

Housepoet's Famous Lactation Boosting Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip & Flaxseed cookies ™
Ingredients :

* 1 cup butter or marg
* 1 cup sugar
* 1 cup brown sugar
* 4 tablespoons water
* 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal*
* 2 large eggs
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
* 2 cups flour
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 3 cups oats, thick cut if you can get them
* 1 cup or more chocolate chips
* 2 tablespoons of brewers yeast* (be generous)


Preheat oven at 375 degrees F. Mix together 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal and water, set aside for 3-5 minutes. Cream (beat well) margarine and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, mix well. Stir flaxseed mixture and add with vanilla to the margarine mix. Beat until blended. Sift together dry ingredients, except oats and chips. Add to margarine mixture. Stir in oats then chips. Scoop or drop onto baking sheet, preferably lined with parchment or silpat. The dough is a little crumbly, so it helps to use a scoop.

Bake 8-12 minutes, depending on size of cookies.

Serves: 6 dozen cookies

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 27 May 2008 at 8:05am
Might give them a go myself as they sound quite nice


Posted By: 2bmumof3
Date Posted: 27 May 2008 at 12:01pm
Hi girls, thought it was about time I rolled over to the born in may. My wee daughter may be giving me a false sense of security, sleeping from 9.30pm till 8am with only 2 feeds (my other two boys would have been up 4 times in that period). She's just beautiful and I get teary eyed everytime I think that she's my last kinda wondering if I shouldn't have made it such a permanant decision now (had tubes tied during c-section).

Sounds like a great recipe Mazzy, will have to try it out when I get a chance.


Corban (22/11/04)
Connor (18/04/06)
Chelsea (21/05/08)

Posted By: my2girls
Date Posted: 27 May 2008 at 2:14pm
That looks like a really yummy recipe Mazzy, i might have to try it too!
Sarah i remember the days with my first baby going through the no weight gain for a couple of weeks and struggling with breastfeeding, but it did come right and once it did it was great!!
Ashlee woke at 7.30am this morning which was great, however i could not get her to sleep until 12 today, and that was because i had had enough and put the girls in the pushchair and went for a walk! she has now been asleep in there for two hours! I felt sorry for Breanna beacuse i kept promising her to do things with her and whenever i put Ashlee down she would wake straight back up again...
On the way home from our walk i stopped at the park to her her play on the swings, i feel much better now that she had gotten to do at least one thing with me today... Its definately hard work!!

Posted By: SarahandBubble
Date Posted: 27 May 2008 at 5:50pm
Thanks for your support guys. And Mazzy you are a gem and Keira is just stunning! I will be trying those bikkies in fact I would eat cowpat right now if someone told me it would help cos the MW came this arvo and he hasnt put any weight on, in fact he may have lost a tiny bit more.
I feel so helpless and useless. I thought I had plenty of milk and now I dont know! She wants me to feed him, wait half hour, express, then feed him the expressed milk after his next feed. I hope it works! I feel like I have failed him in that I couldnt have him naturally and now I'm not giving him what he needs either. Its all feeling a bit overwhelming! I know I am a good mother, there couldnt be a little boy more loved but I like every parent just want to give him the best I possibly can and it hurts so much that its not working!

Sorry ladies, gotta pull myself together. This is doing nothing for my milk production! hehe! Just went and spent $100 I didnt have on easy protein snacks and complan, and nursing tea and anything else I thought might help!! Drove to the supermarket by myself with him even though I shouldnt be driving just yet! Oops!

Sarah, and her little bugs!">">

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 27 May 2008 at 8:57pm
The bikkies are yummy, I think they did good things for my supply with Isla, I hope they help. If anything, they are good comfort food while you are still doing something good for your supply.
Sarah my dear, I am sending you the hugest hugs right now. What a hard road you are having, you poor thing. You are doing your absolute best and all Caleb will be feeling is loved and cherished and cared for. You are giving him the best start possible, he WILL start putting on weight, some babies just don't at the start and there's no way of predicting who or why. Weight gain is just one part of the whole picture - he's otherwise healthy and looks just perfect in the photos you've shared. There will be a turning point for you, things will change.
I'll also add that I think every mum gets these feelings of being helpless and feeling like they're useless, for one reason or another. It's one of the side-effects of being a mama and actually means you're a pretty darn good one. I felt like such a failure for not picking up on Isla's jaundice when we first brought her home, and she was dehydrated because my milk didn't come in on time. My midwife was concerned about how yellow she was and really made me cry about her being dehydrated. It made me feel horrible and like such a useless mum. But we got there in the end, had to hand express into a shot glass and mix my little bit of milk with cooled boiled water and feed her from the cup, but she picked up and was fine with no long-lasting ill effects. If anything, coming through such a tough time made us really bond as a family and has made this second time around much easier. I know it will be the same for you.
Just don't go eating any cow pats, ok? They won't help!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 7:11am
Morning All,
Well its been a crazy week for me, got a phone call last wed, my Granddad wasnt to good all the family got rang.
So raced off down the coast got there 10mins to late.

Got back yesterday. Been up since 5 got bugger all sleep my DD is not sleeping to well. Xavier is all good, sleeping and feeding really well.
Hopefully will see my mw today.

Congrats to all new may mums
Right gota go catch up on some reading, hope everyone is doin ok.


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 7:39am
hooper, so sorry to hear about your grandad


to everyone

Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 7:53am
to you Sarah, My dd was the same she dropped more than 10% of her birth weight, she was having formula top ups. i felt pretty useless i throught i had failed as well. But once my milk came in we were away.
Like everyone has said every baby is different. Sounds like your doing a great job.
Hope you have a better day today. Caleb is such a cutie.


Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 1:09pm
Afternoon all,

Well tried to get ahold of mw she is away untill next week. (thanks for telling me) Got ahold of Ruth went in to see her, i have a infection in my wound site oh yay! so am on ab's, and i still have thrush in my boobs.

Hopefully Ruth will make it out tomorrow to do Xavier's 4 week check. Man it's gone quick.

How's everyone's day going? hope it's better than mine.


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 1:13pm
owch desiree! hope that the thrush and wound clear up soon for you.
wow 4 weeks!! that has gone fast! toby is 3 weeks today and i look back and it has gone soooooo fast he has real gunky eye at the mo, been cleaning and doing the massage and squirting titty milk in poor little man hope it goes away soon.
im doing ok- really tired though, the night feeds are taking it out of me!! im sure you can all relate!!!

well im off to get my haircut!! yay its been a whole year since i last had it cut!! (EEK!)

have a good one xoxo

Posted By: 2bmumof3
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 2:28pm
Sarah I hope it all starts looking up for you really soon, all any mum wants is the best for her children and it hurts us when we don't feel we're doing that. As for the not being able to have a natural birth I can completely relate, after 3 c-sections I feel very inadequate and like a failure in that area (2 failed VBAC's).

Hooper, so sorry to hear about your granddad

Gotta go babys needing resettling again, check in later


Corban (22/11/04)
Connor (18/04/06)
Chelsea (21/05/08)

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 2:38pm
Just had a text from my friends husband to say that she has gone in to labour today! Woohoo. I cant wait to hear her news! Shewas due 2 weeks after my due date and has gone into labour 2 weeks after Morgan was born. I hope she has her baby today.


Posted By: mum2emj
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 3:22pm
how exciting gill!!! YAY for your friend

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 5:18pm
Hooper, I'm sorry to hear about your grandad, and then the thrush and infection on top of that - what a rough week. I hope it all clears up for you soon.   
My tear isn't healing and I'm so paranoid about it getting infected. As it stands I will probably need to have surgery (under an epidural or general, don't know yet) to fix it. So annoying to have complications after the birth when we just want to enjoy our bubbas!
Great news about your friend gill!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: rosewood
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 7:45pm
She had a girl! Thats all i know at the moment. She has broken Ruths run of boys


Posted By: toniellis
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 7:53pm
Hi everyone!! How are all the May mummies going?
Erika is doing fantastic, so far she has been so easy it's unreal. Her first night she slept for a good 4 hours woke for a feed & nappy change then back to sleep for another 4 hours and then last night she slept for 6 hours in one stretch then again awake for a feed & nappy change before sleeping for another 4 hours.
Am I super lucky or what?? Not only that but since I managed to push her out instead of having he c-section I am feeling so good myself. Okay sore yes but I can do so much stuff which I couldn't do after I had my boys! Like sleeping on my tummy & jumping out of bed instead of carefully easing out...

Mum to Alex (11), Blaire (10) & Erika (8) and Damien (6)

Successful HWB VBA2Cs!
Soon to be surrogate

Posted By: toniellis
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 8:05pm
Also I hope you don't mind but here is my very long birth story

Monday morning around 5.20am I awoke to a contraction. Thinking nothing much of it I got up & went to the toilet where I had another contraction. I headed back to bed & gave Hubby a little nudge & commented that maybe today was the day… He just cuddled up & sleepily nodded before going back to sleep.
After yet another couple of contractions, I gave Hubby another nudge & told him to wake up so he could time the contractions: roughly 2 &1/2 minutes apart and about a minute long! Okay time to call my midwife!
So around 5.50am I was told to see how things went & to call Ruth back when I felt I needed her. Then I had Hubby call my Mum as I headed to the toilet again.
From the toilet I started telling Hubby what I needed because I was sooo not organised! Main things being to tidy up & get me a hot water bottle because the blimen contractions hurt!
Less than two minutes after getting the hot water bottle though, I was ordering him to run me a bath because the contractions felt so intense & painful. I knew that it was likely that things would slow down with getting into the water so soon but I didn’t care, anything to lessen the pain! And at first it did seem like things were slowing down but then it became intense again. I’m not sure what time it was but I asked Hubby to call Ruth because I couldn’t do it anymore. So she let Hubby know she was on her way.
I think it was about 8am when my Mum arrived with my little sister. Mum came straight in to see me & took over. By now my boys were awake & demanding breakfast so my sister & Hubby sorted them out.
I was crying & telling my Mum that I couldn’t do this & that the pain was too much for me to bear & I wanted to go to hospital for an epidural LOL!
8.10am and Ruth had arrived. She did an internal with me still in the bath and announced that I was not going anywhere as I was about 6 maybe 7 cm dilated! I couldn’t believe it as I had honestly thought I was still in early labour.
It gave me a second wind & with Mum reminding me to breathe through my contractions I carried on as planned.
Hubby had been given the job of setting up & filling the birthing pool which seemed to be keeping him happy & occupied. The second midwife was called & was asked to bring some gas with her. I was looking forward to using that gas!!
15 minutes later though I felt abit of pressure & pushed out membranes so Ruth was quickly on the phone again saying “forget the gas just head straight here”. We live rural so it is abit of a drive.
There was a little bit of meconium in my waters but nothing major & fetal monitoring showed that Bubs was happy still. Also Ruth reassured me that Bubs had most definitely moved from a posterior position to anterior.
I think it was around 9am that I moved from the bath to the birthing pool which was set up in the dining room. Also my Grandma arrived which was a wonderful, lovely surprise. I was feeling the need to push but was worried that I was not dilated enough so resisted the urge & begged Ruth to check me even though she thought I was fully dilated. I think the backup midwife Meredith arrived around 9.30am. Ruth checked me & found I had a small anterior lip on my cervix but was able to push it back so at 9.40am I started pushing!
I felt like a total animal with deep grunts that I couldn’t stop coming out of me as I pushed. I only stopped to ask if the head was moving at all. I think everyone was laughing at me a little bit as I was so anxious to make sure Bubs was coming out in between pushes! I kept putting my hand down to feel the head & it was reassuring to feel the head coming out more & more and quite easily too.
Hubby was sitting behind me (he didn’t want to see anything if he could help it!) while my Mum, Grandma & the two midwives stood watching in the front. Even my sister & boys came to see how everything was going before retreating back to my bedroom with my boys to continue watching videos.

At 9.58am I welcomed my beautiful little girl, Erika, into the world. She was brought out of the water & into my arms after only 18 minutes of pushing.
She weighed in at 8 pound 15 ounces (4.04kg), head circumference of 38cm & length of 52.3cm.
She took to the breast at 10.05am & as I got out of the birthing pool a few minutes later, out came the placenta. No tears, grazes or anything!
It was perfect...

Oh & apparently Hubby did see Bubs head coming out at one point & was soooo not impressed! My midwife laughed at him as he has no worries getting his hands dirty right up to the shoulder when it comes to our cows giving births!!

Mum to Alex (11), Blaire (10) & Erika (8) and Damien (6)

Successful HWB VBA2Cs!
Soon to be surrogate

Posted By: 2bmumof3
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 8:28pm
What a wonderful birth story Toni. I'm very pleased for you


Corban (22/11/04)
Connor (18/04/06)
Chelsea (21/05/08)

Posted By: toniellis
Date Posted: 28 May 2008 at 8:39pm
It all seems like a dream now. I have to keep looking at Erika & pinching myself LOL

Mum to Alex (11), Blaire (10) & Erika (8) and Damien (6)

Successful HWB VBA2Cs!
Soon to be surrogate

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