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Waiting to TTC

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Name: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Description: Trying to get pregnant? Going through fertility treatment? Just planning your first or second child? There are many people out there in the same boat to help and listen and share with
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Topic: Waiting to TTC
Posted By: caliandjack
Subject: Waiting to TTC
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 2:11pm
I noticed there were a few ladies on here who are in the category so thought I'd start up a thread for us.

I am Fleur and have been a member on here for some time. Far too long it would seem.
Hubby and I have decided to start trying next year, so come January I'll be coming off BCP and will start taking folic acid.

I have been told to lose weight as I'm overweight already and don't know how my body will take pregnancy, I also am starting a regular exercise program.

Also can't decide if I should start collecting baby stuff now or later. I'm aware that once we do get pregnant and baby arrives we'll only have 1 income, so thought to start collecting stuff while we've got the $$

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: emma1010
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 2:39pm
I am also waiting to TTC. We are getting married november 1st, and want to start trying right away. In reality prob October! (I don't drink much at all and prob wont on wedding night pregnant or not).
We really want to start now but I wont fit my dress if we get pregnant straight away!
I am a bit scared reading all these threads of ppl trying month after month. Hopefully I don't stress myself out before I even start.

Have been saving a good amount each week (on top of saving for wedding!) just for baby for about 4 months, so will have an enjoyable shopping spree as soon as am pregnant!

Posted By: Brenna
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 2:46pm
Hi, great idea

I'm waiting to TTC for number 2 (probably about Aug).

Brenna will be turning 2 in October.

I'm working full time this year to be able to save enough to stay home for a full year with the next one, so far I'm half way there!

Fluer I think that starting to buy stuff soon is a good idea. It gets very costly! Do you have any family/friends that could lend you things?

My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 3:12pm

I can join in here!!!

We are still in the talking stages of TTC number 3. I want to start trying Later this year as I want a baby born later next year away from the beginning of the year as that is when the rest of mine are.

I need to have the 3rd very soon (well I want to) as once I am 30 I am having the baby oven and the rest all removed (i'm 26 now).

Fleur I think you have the right idea but what about putting the money into an account and then once you get pregnant you have that money to spend on baby stuff.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 3:23pm
We are going to start in September!

I've even gone through and worked out the date we can start because my cycles are so regular lol

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 3:23pm

Hi all

I'm Jo.  I turn 30 on 16th September and DH agreed several months ago now that for my 30th birthday we'll start TTC.

So just 2 months to go now and although I've been terribly clucky I'm now getting cold feet... I still really really desperately want a baby but am beginning to worry about money and stuff... but I have resolved to stop using condoms in September and leave the rest up to God (i.e. I won't be charting or temping etc, I'm just going to stop preventing pregnancy and have fun while we work on #2).


ETA: DH isn't getting off that easy, he'll be buying me some pressie for my birthday too


Posted By: Neeks
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 3:37pm
I can join in here too although it'll be this time next year before we start Baby Dancing

Yup, you heard right... my DF said YES and would LOVE me to have another baby if it makes me happy!!! (and shuts me up )


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 4:07pm
I've worked out with paid parental leave, my annual leave and my annual bonus we'll have enough for 22 weeks before the $$ run out, and we qualify for $70 a week WFF.

I'm also studying part-time extramurally, and while it would be great to plan a baby around the academic year, I think that's asking a bit much.

Now that I have a fixed time frame ie 6 more months BCP I'm trying to save and put things away in that time.
Who knows could well end up pregnant first time trying.

Not sure how much help we'll get from friends and family, I'm the last of my friends to have babies, not sure how many of them still have baby gear.

It will be DH's folks first grandchild, and my nieces are 6 and 11, so long time since my Dad had a baby.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 4:47pm

Yay Neeks that is really cool he said yes.

I am going to bring the subject up once we have all come back from overseas. Nigel has jungle training next month and I have my trip to Oz with the boys in September.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 5:16pm
Fleur, there's heaps of ways to save up extra money if you make a really good budget and get into good shopping habits. I've managed to have $200 a fortnight for food and I'm constantly coming under that even though grocery prices are going up. You could also take a mortgage holiday if you havne't thought of that already to give you breathing space if you wanted to stay at home longer.

Posted By: Sassy
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 5:33pm
I'll join too even though I've got ages to wait. I'm a first year teacher and we want to get my registration out of the way before having a baby. That's the end of next year, so we can start TTC March/April next year.

Ideally my due date wouldn't be till late Jan or Feb so I can still get paid for holidays as PPL is less than what I'd get over that time but I don't want to wait that long!

So the plan is to go off BCP in March and see what happens. My SIL is pregnant and due 24th Dec - I am so clucky already I've started making her bonnets and baby quilts and little merino tops. Heaven knows what I'll be like when my own comes along!

Posted By: Brenna
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 5:55pm
Stacey - how do you do your shopping for $200/fortnight?!

Yay Neeks for DH saying yes to another bubs.

Hi Sassy, I'm a teacher too so I understand what you're saying about timing! We are trying to time ours around work so that I get PPL and materinty grant. I'm only fixed term for this year but we are hoping I can get my job to roll over for term 1 next year then have baby due about June(ish). Now I just need to cross my fingers that I get pregnant as easily as last time

My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months

Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 6:16pm
I belong here too. We are going off BCP in Dec/Jan this year and getting married in March (we figure if it happens straight away I should still only be about 8 weeks at the wedding, so not showing). I will only be able to take the 14 weeks PPL (no unpaid), but hope to have quite a bit of annual leave accrued that I can use. All going well, MIL will be the babysitter if DF still needs to work, or he will work for them at their business, which is based at their home, meaning childcare will be easily. I am the main breadwinner, so with our mortgage payments I couldn't not go back to work (plus I would go stir crazy). That's the plan anyway....5 months to go!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 6:57pm
Originally posted by Brenna Brenna wrote:

Stacey - how do you do your shopping for $200/fortnight?!

Very easily actually, I could do it for $170 if I didn't buy the crap that I do.

We buy 2 tins of formula a fortnight, I buy half of Daniels food in cans which ain't cheap.

Thing is we don't eat much cheese, it's really fatty anyway so good for me not to eat lots of it lol. We buy our meat either at a butcher or we pay my parents for half a beast which lasts months and months.

I shop using a list, I think what meals do we want to have over the next 2 weeks and make sure I get all I need for those meals. We have standard things we eat like risotto, pasta bake, some sort of mexican like tacos and they are all cheap easy meals.

We buy mostly frozen vege so none gets wasted and its easy

But then I'm bad with chocolate and end up buying chocie bikkies and naughty foods which I don't need but WANT lol

Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 7:18pm
I'm the same Stacey - we do ours for $150 a fortnight, with a couple of topups during the fortnight for bread and milk. That includes all our meat and everything. We don't do dairy (except DF's milk) which helps. But then again, no formula or anything either. And we also do the frozen veges - they last a lot longer. We do tacos/burritos often (mince or chicken), and stews. We also make different meals with mince.

Posted By: emma1010
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 7:34pm
Yay there are lots of us.
We are so excited to start trying. OCtober isn't going to come soon enough. Although admittedly planning a wedding does make the time go fast.

Hopefully my cycle will start to become regular soon, stopped the pill months ago to give myself a chance, it is still about 35-40 days though.

I so want to start buying things but am holding off,. just saving everything, and will have the ultimate shopping experience when I can!~

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 7:44pm

I am at the moment working out my cycles to see what is happening when. I think I am Ov now as I am in a bit of pain on one side.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Brenna
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 7:54pm
I haven't been on the pill since before getting preggy with Brenna and since getting AF back when Brenna was 8 months, my cycle seems to be anywhere from 28 - 35 days.

I didn't chart or take temp when TTC #1 and will do the same this time around. I'll prob chart if I'm not preggy after a few months.

Becks, I also think I'm ov now. I get a bit 'keen' at this time of the month lol

My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 8:18pm

Like Brenna I didn't go back on the BCP so we've been using condoms since Michaela was born.  I'm ultra regular though and you can set your calendar by my cycle.

DH and I were talking today and although we'll be delighted whatever we get we're both really hoping for another girl for #2 (then a boy for #3 which I'm trying to convince to let me try for asap after #2)


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 8:35pm

I tried the pill at the beginning of this year to help with my bleeding - didn't work just made me bleed all the time - so I have given up on any pill ever working for me.

We are just using condoms much to Nigel's disgust but I don't want another baby just yet (if conceived right now it would be due in April and Andrew is then), and I know he doesn't want one just yet either.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 10:21pm
Well I thought I would say hi as well. We are planning to start TTC #2 in Jan next year (after we get back from the family bach as the walls are very thin ). If we are lucky enough for it to happen quickly again then Jack should be around 2.5yrs which is what I am after.

However I am really clucky at the moment, my manager (I am working casually from home) told our team on Friday night at dinner that she's 13wks pg, a friend of my SIL's is about the same, a friend in Denmark has just had a little boy a few days ago. Babies are everywhere! We were in the middle of , errr, "relations" the other week and DH said lets start trying now which I nearly said yes to! But I think I need a bit longer the get things sorted with Jack first.

I am looking forward to chatting with you ladies. I joined Oh Baby well after Jack was born so didn't want to join the April 08 thread as it felt so silly joining so late in the piece.


Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 10:27pm
Oooh i can join here too ! yay, ive always wanted to belong to a club ...(tho i did belong to the Georgie Pie kids club )

DF and i are getting married 2010 , but are planning to TTC around November/December , i'll go off the BCP in August , and basically we'll see how long he can last before he gets sick of condoms
Now that it feels closer, and were engaged im freaking out a bit , but im really adamant that i dont want to wait til after its we marry , Caitlyn is already six, in 2010, she'll be 8, i want another hopefully before then .

Yay Neeks , im so glad for you

Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 10:31pm
Hi all, great idea for a thread.

I'm Emma, married with Jackson (6 months) who was conceived naturally much to the surprise of ourselves and my fertility specialist.

We are officially trying in a couple of months, but we're not NOT trying at the moment IYKWIM. My cycles are completely up the wop, always have been, so unless another miracle happens like what did with Jack, we will begin clomid around October (if we get into the specialist that quickly). We would like to start TTC now but my sis is getting married in March and I'm her bridesmaid. I can be up to 6 months then but otherwise I won't fit my dress.

We have figured all we need for #2 is another carseat, double buggy, single bed for Jack, extra MCN's, clothes if its a girl (fingers crossed ), and new teats for the bottles which isn't too bad.

I really can't wait to have another baby but I'm also very nervous as Jack has started waking in the night again and I just think how terrible it will be with 2 of them. But then again everyone does it and I'm not going to put off having kids for a couple of years of sleepless nights! (not to scare anyone of course hehe)

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 13 July 2008 at 10:43pm
Ohhh, bring back Georgie Pie!!!

I was about 6.5mths pg when I was a bridesmaid for my brother and SIL. It wasn't as bad as I thought although it was a very hot day! Luckily the my dress was made and was a 2 piece so the dressmaker easily made it around my belly.

I understand about the sleepless nights Emma. Jack isn't a very good sleeper and I really want to get him sorted before we have #2. Don't want to be up to 2 babies in the night!


Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 8:51am
We never went back on the pill either, we used condoms then started randomly trying, got preg, not to be and told no pill allowed and I don't trust condoms alone so DH isn't get much of what he wants at the moment lol

I'm lucky about my cycles they are exactly 26 days long. I can predict when I'm going to ovulate and almost exactly when I'm going to see AF down to the last hour and that's without charting. I'm not going to chart, I refuse to chart, I think it removes all fun from it

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 10:17am

I am the same I am just letting nature take its place. It has done well with the other 2 so i'm sure another one can happen the same. Josh was a one night wonder (seriously was we know the night he was conceived ), and Andrew came from a night of not using a condom so fingers crossed the next one does too!!!

I have started my weight loss as well today. I have free access to the gym so went and did an hour workout of just cardio (to start with for now), on the treadmill, bike, rowing machine and cross trainer. I can already feel I did a good job.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: ohanlon82
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 10:34am
i need to join here too girlys :)

DH and i got married in Feb this year.. we said we would wait around about 6 months or so.. Came off the pill last week so just going to let body get back to normal (sounds funny LOL) we are not really going to start trying for another couple of months.. play it by ear.
hopefully it wont take to long.. cant really remember what cycles are like been on pill for so long..

i agree too bring back Georgie Pie - so good but not the best for my hips


Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 10:44am
Becks you are good! I'm starting again with weight loss today as well. Back to watching what I eat, cutting out the junk (which I've become bad with over the last couple of weeks) and in the afternoon when Daniel is up I'll have a go at trying one of my workout dvds and hopefully he will amuse himself a bit so I can try and get some of it done. I'm so sick of looking preg but not being preg!

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 10:56am

We have been really bad with the junk over the past few weeks as well. But it is all gone now apart from the small things for the boys lunches. I was thinking of going ot the pool this afternoon but I am going to do one of my dvd's so that I have a combo of cardio and stretch.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: muppet
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 11:20am
Oooo I belong here too

We're going to start trying around November (says me) or December (says DH) this year. We got married in January and since then I've been soooo clucky - I really understand how it's a 'biological yearning'. DH is looking forward to having a baby, although he doesn't quite understand my 'need'!

I'm a teacher too, so looking at having baby in the latter part of the year to take advantage of those summer holidays and also make it easier to arrange part-time work at the beginning of 2010.

I've got quite a bit of baby stuff already - just stuff I pick up on special from time to time - and have just got a few maternity bits too.

I'm really looking forward to starting a family, although I occassionally get 'cold feet' too. I play in a band and they're like my second family and am a little worried about how things will change when we have a little one.


Posted By: CuriousG
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 11:31am
I am joining in here too. We are going to TTC from June next year. This is because we have several overseas trips between now and then, the most important being that we are off to Fiji for my 30th and I don't wanna be preggers then!

Charlotte will be nearly 4 when the next one is due (or 4 depending on how long it takes to conceive). I am only having 4 months off work then DH will take 4 months and number 2 will be in day care from about 8 months. We can not afford to do it any other way. Unsure whether we will keep DD1 in day care or not when number 2 arrives - might put her down to part time rather than fulltime. We will be eligible for the 3 and 4 year subsidy so I expect we will be taking advantage of it.

I also want to drop a few kilos but man, its hard at the moment! I managed to lose 7kg recently only to put most of it back on over a period of about 6 weeks - eeeeeek! Have been sick that entire time tho so am not surprised, haven't done any exercise or anything.

I am very clucky but at the same time, rather nervous. I live 45 mins away from work and bus it each day. I am not looking forward to doing that in early or late pregnancy, its going to be very draining.


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 11:46am

Claire I am in a brass band too and they are like my second family as well, and being away from them at the moment is really hard. Both of my boys were due at the beginning of the year so I finished up at the end of the year. Andrew was 4 months when I went back (felt like I hadn't even left apart from a few new peope who didn't know I had been in the band since 1989, so was an old timer) and it was great. However after having Josh it took a little bit longer, he was about 6 months when I went back and I loved my time away again. It can be done!!!

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 11:48am

Originally posted by CuriousG CuriousG wrote:

I also want to drop a few kilos but man, its hard at the moment! I managed to lose 7kg recently only to put most of it back on over a period of about 6 weeks - eeeeeek! Have been sick that entire time tho so am not surprised, haven't done any exercise or anything.


We should try and get out together for a walk or....dare I say it..... run at lunchtime. 


Posted By: CuriousG
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 11:50am
Originally posted by MrsMojo MrsMojo wrote:


We should try and get out together for a walk or....dare I say it..... run at lunchtime. 

A run? Baaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa!   

A walk would be good tho...!


Posted By: ohanlon82
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 12:12pm
must be the day for weightloss he he
i have started back again aswell.. did WW and lost about 13kgs before wedding put about 6 back on - not very happy with myself but it happens.. just to much junk food as you say..
so started off awesome so far.. off for walk tonight with a friend and gym tomorrow.

got a few friends that are having there last babies so might be able to get a few things off them :)

as for money another story LOL - not sure work wise what DH and i will do but we will work something out


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 12:28pm

Originally posted by CuriousG CuriousG wrote:

A run? Baaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa!   

A walk would be good tho...!


Cool, I'll see you this Friday anyway and we can organise something then.


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 12:43pm

Oh yeah.  Forgot to add it's the returning to work thing that bothers me most.... which is why I'm gettinbg nervous about money etc.  I returned to work when Michaela was 5 mo and emotionally it was very difficult I felt like I was missing out and I resented my DH (who left his job and stayed at home with Michaela) for not earning enough to support us.  We had a rough first few months too, Michaela wasn't an easy baby, but by 4 months she and I were both a lot happier, more settled and really getting into a great routine... then a few weeks later I went back to work fulltime.

The practicalities of it were hard too, I have coeliacs disease which is a hereditory condition.  It's recommended that I don't introduce gluten into my babies diets until after 12 months and that I am still BFing when it is introduced but I had trouble expressing when at work, plus until 10mo Michaela was still waking several times a night for feeds and I had issues settling her at bedtime for awhile too.  It was nightmarish and looking back I'm unsure how I coped.

I also worry about how I'll cope with 2.  Michaela's pretty good most of the time but she's not a great sharer (what toddler is?) and she's especially envious of my attention.  Plus as a baby she had colic (undiagnosed) and I just coped.... I don't know if I would cope if I had a toddler to care for too. 


oh crap.... I think I've just talked myself out of ttc again (lol... just kidding)


I've changed jobs now and next time around I'll propose to my manager that I begin doing a bit of work from home for a few months before returning to the office, that at least will help with the BFing.  I'm also going to take a couple of weeks off to rest before the birth (instead of leaving work for my last day before maternity leave while in labour).

Michaela will be 3 by the time #2 comes so we'll put her in care for the free 20 hours and with DH's work hours (which are 2pm - 9:30pm) I'll have a lot of support during the day so I may actually be better off than I was last time with only 1 baby. 


Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 12:50pm
Thats a good idea about talking to your boss Jo , hopefully things will be easier on you jobwise this time

Now, we're adament we want to start TTC end of this year, but i must say , sometimes....I could happily start tonight (if i was off the pill etc)

Posted By: Brenna
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 12:55pm
I know what your saying Jo. I get worried about coping with 2 aswell. It sounds like you'll have great support with having your DH around for most of the day. Also being able to use the 20 hours free care is a good idea too. Hopefully your boss will be flexible with your work.
I went back part time when Brenna was 3 months and really struggled emotionally with that so this time we are saving so I can stay home for a full year then only go back part time.

My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months

Posted By: CuriousG
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 1:01pm
Jo - I really get where you are coming from with regards to DH not earning enough to support you. It really really irks me that this is the situation with us. Sometimes I wish I had the high powered husband who earned big $$ - enough to support us and I could stay home. However, I do actually enjoy working but sometimes it would be nice to be able to choose whether or not to work, or to be able to work part time. I am exhausted all the time having to travel to town and back every day and my day doesn't finish when I get home (unlike DH seems to think and just sits down on the couch!).

Annnnnyyywaaaayyyyyysssss.....very off subject. And I dont want to talk myself out of it cause I am actually quite excited!


Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 1:01pm
*waves* Hi ladies

We're planning on TTC #2 from October, but looking at the way FF is predicting my wacky cycles it'll be November. We're waiting on October for financial reasons as Caitlin will then be on the 20 hours free scheme at daycare so that will really help and hopefully I'll be able to work from home a lot more after bubs arrives. I went back to work after 4.5mths off and it was awful and I creid every single morning when I dropped her off at my Mum's. We won't have that option with #2 so will have both in daycare when I go back to work OUCH! (on the wallet and the heart strings )

What are you guys doing for preperation for TTC? It took us 18mths to get pregnant with Caitlin so I want to be as proactive as I can be this time around.


Posted By: Brenna
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 1:07pm
Well, as I'm sitting here I should really be out trying to get fit! I want to join the gym but $$$$ is stopping me so I'll prob do things from home. When I'm at work is the easiet time to get in some fitness cause I can run home from work in my lunch break, shower, then drive back to school.

Oh, I'm also going to get some folic acid this week.

What are you doing?

My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 1:12pm
I think we are strange that we will be better off with 2 children money wise just because of the huge difference we will get with WFF. It's totally crazy even when you consider the extra $ you spend on a child we still end up slightly better off. And we will actually be able to pop Daniel into daycare part time whereas right now we simply can't afford to.

I'm taking folic acid every 2nd day - just because I keep forgetting. And as of today am back to healthy eating/exercise hopefully if Daniel cooperates. Other than that we aren't doing anything.

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 1:22pm

I know what you mean G.  There are advantages to being a working mum but you're still a mum 24/7 and it's very tiring to be doing both jobs.  I find it especially hard that DH is never at home in the evenings (because of his working hours).  If I'm feeling unwell and don't feel like cooking or cleaning it's just tough, there's noone else around to do it.


I'm not doing too much to different prepare myself for TTC actually.  I eat pretty healthy (lots of fruit and veges and make most meals from scratch so I know what's going into my body).  I gave up coffee for lent and didn't start drinking it again (I have the occasional cuppa but mostly I'm caffiene free).  I'm currently taking multi vs for anything I'm not getting from my diet and I'll start taking extra folic acid soon (centrum only has 200mcg).

I'd like to do some more exercise and lose a bit of girth.  More for me than for TTC though, summer is just around the corner and if we're not pregnant I have no excuse for the current size of my stomach plus if I am pregnant I'd still like to have nice toned arms and legs but if last time is anything to go by I won't feel like exercising for most of my pregnancy so better get them looking good now.

As I said earlier I won't be charting or anything, I'll also not be adopting a preggy diet until I get BCP (i.e. I'll still drink wine, eat poached eggs, cold meats and soft cheeses etc).  My cycle is very regular so I'll know I'm pregnant pretty early on and can start my preggy diet from then.


Stacy, the WFF for us is pretty good too but it depends for us on EDD because it's based on the annualised income from April - March so if I got preg straight away we'd get more from WFF than if I didn't IYKWIM.


Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 1:28pm
Gosh you ladies are all very good, I am hopeless at exercise (hate it with a passion is closer to the truth!) so although I would love to loose about 4-5kg before we TTC so I am back at my pre-pg weight I am not really doing much. I have cut down on my portion sizes though and have managed to stop snacking most of the time. I obviously just don't want it enough to try too hard. I hadn't even thought to start folic acid or anything. I was probably very naive with Jack as I never charted, did temps etc, never even thought about it.

Although DH is a building apprentice we are very lucky that he earns enough for me to stay home. A few years ago he decided that he wanted to be a builder and told his bosses that he was looking to leave. They talked him out of it and although it has taken a while to come together they have diversified the business so that he can be a builder. They pay for all his training, tools, vehicle. I think that if we were struggling he would just have to mention it and they would help us out. We are VERY lucky.
I am working as a casual now with my work but my earnings are really just pocket money and only so I can try and get my brain working.

I plan to put Jack in kindy at 3 so he will likely be home with me and baby for a while to begin with. the thing I worry about most with having 2 is how to get them both bathed, fed and dressed by a decent hour at night.


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 1:36pm

Originally posted by Linzy Linzy wrote:

The thing I worry about most with having 2 is how to get them both bathed, fed and dressed by a decent hour at night.


  I had 2 kids once upon a time, for a couple of years when my sister was very sick, I actually don't think it's any harder than having 1 kid most of the time... but 2 can be messier

You just start earlier!!  I think it's easier as they get older as they can just do everything together... dinner, bath, pjs etc. plus they entertain each other too which makes it easier when you're busy making dinner and stuff.  When the littlest is still a baby you just wait until the older one is sitting on the couch with a cup of milk (or already in bed) and bath it then, or make bath time in the morning and become a pro at the after dinner face and hands sponge bath.


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 1:42pm

It can seriously be done. When I found out I was pregnant with Josh I was really angry, really angry. It wasn't the right time, right anything. I then went through the how can I love and care for 2 children. But it can be done and we are so much better off with 2 children with WFF. I waited till Josh was 1 before putting him into care and that way me and him got to bond better than I did with Andrew who was in care at 5 months. When the next one comes along Andrew will be at school so only Josh will be in care so that will help out a lot.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: emma1010
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 1:49pm
Hi everyone again. Good to see this thread taking off. seems there are quite a few of us aiming for around Sept/Oct which is exciting. Hopefully we can all join the TTC threads together!

Well in the mean time I am just planning the wedding, and saving all I can whilst I can work as much as I am now.
Very lucky that my job is full time, but is only 2 days out of 8 (and two nights) so will be able to go back to work pretty quick after baby and still only be away 2 days every 8, but still full time wage.. And hubby to be is self employed so will be home the days I am at work.
So financially we should be sweet, I am just saving to be able to buy all the things I know I am not going to be able to control myself on! I already spend so much time reviewing products etc haha.

Good that you girls are getting in to your fitness. I have to be pretty fit for work anyway, but want to go really hard out for next 3 months to be in the best possible shape before pregnant. The more I do before hand the more I will be able to keep doing.

Posted By: ohanlon82
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 2:14pm
i am trying to do the same over the next couple of months - get fit lose weight etc etc LOL

if either DH or i get to stay at home it will be me - DH earns good money but having a house in auckland i am not if i will be able to maybe part time just have to wait and see - DH said we should be alright for 6 - 12 months so all good :)

cant wait to buy baby stuff


Posted By: emma1010
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 2:31pm
yeh the shopping is going to be so much fun. So hard at moment putting so much in savings then I see stuff I want now, and partner constantly telling me to be patient and I will get to spend it soon!!

Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:08pm
Originally posted by Linzy Linzy wrote:

Gosh you ladies are all very good, I am hopeless at exercise (hate it with a passion is closer to the truth!)

You and me both hun! I'm at my pre-preggy weight now (77kg) and because all of my clothes still fit just fine I have no incentive to get off my butt and loose a few more KGs (but I would really love to, I'm just lazy lol)

For prep I'm charting and using OPKs as I ovulate all over the place (thought that had been sorted when I had endo removed in March but it's back to anywhere between cd12 and cd18 but at least there is no more pain! YAY!). I'm also taking folic acid and a womens multi vit which are about to run out so I might get that Blackmores version of Elevit (heaps cheaper!). I eat fairly healthy as Caitlin eats our meals too and I haven't exercised since the summer I've just signed up to go to yoga classes (all by myself! I'm such a wuss! lol). I'm also thinking about having accupuncture to regulate my variable luteal phase (I have it for a bad back and she said she might be able to help with that too). I also have a ticker so I can get excited at seeing those days melt away (I've been counting down since March!) So yeh - just a tad proactive

We don't get anything from WFF even with 2 kids Apparently we earn too much

You know what the worst thing is about these sales ... I'm pretty damn sure the sales weren't that good 2 years ago! I'm so tempted to buy heaps but every spare cent we have now goes into the baby #2 bank account (Yes! we have an individual bank account set up ) I know I'll go nuts on all things blue if #2 is a boy lol but I can sell all of Caitlin's old stuff to make up for it (well... that's what I'll tell DH anyways )


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:13pm

You'll love yoga!!  It's ok to do it by yourself since it's not one of those classes where you have time inbetween sets to chat it's usually pretty seamless moving from one pose to the next and you'll be busy focussing on doing the poses right and breathing properly (I know... did you realise that sometimes we don't breath properly lol).


Once you get BFP make sure you let your yoga instructor know so they can give you the alternative poses to the twists.


Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:28pm
I don't think we'll get anything from WFF, or if we do, it will be very very minimal. As for preparing...we're not really doing anything. I will give up smoking (as will DF) closer to the time of TTC. I don't drink, and we generally eat quite healthily anyway. The doc has said to come and see her 3 months prior to get a folic acid prescription. MIL has started knitting, and is doing a cross-stitch cot quilt for us. We have a bassinet and cot already (family heirlooms). And after the wedding we will start buying MCNs, as we are going that way instead of disposables. Most of our shopping will be done after the wedding really, or at least, after the wedding is paid for.

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:31pm
ok I've been good and done a workout. Only 15-20 mins but it was strength training and my abs are freaking hurting! haha. It would be lovely to loose some cm's from my tummy before TTC

Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:35pm
Originally posted by MrsMojo MrsMojo wrote:

You'll love yoga!!  It's ok to do it by yourself since it's not one of those classes where you have time inbetween sets to chat it's usually pretty seamless moving from one pose to the next and you'll be busy focussing on doing the poses right and breathing properly (I know... did you realise that sometimes we don't breath properly lol).


Once you get BCP make sure you let your yoga instructor know so they can give you the alternative poses to the twists.

I've done heaps of yoga classes before (through community education at the local schools) but I've always gone with someone else lol

What's a BCP? All I can think of is Birth Control Pill and I' don't think that's what you mean??!?!?


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:36pm

Good on you!!  I'm going to "shrink my female fat zones" tonight once Michaela's in bed. 

I used to do pump classes at les mills before having Michaela but cancelled my membership last year because I never used it and now I use DVDs as my 'gym classes'.


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:38pm

Originally posted by Two Blondinis Two Blondinis wrote:

What's a BCP? All I can think of is Birth Control Pill and I' don't think that's what you mean??!?!?

Whoops, getting my acronyms mixed up.  I meant BFP (or at least I think that's right....oh no, now I'm confused)


Posted By: muppet
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:40pm
I'm going to start taking Elevit in the next few weeks (although may look at the Blackmores one if it's cheeper!). Also trying to cut down on caffine and junk food. I don't really drink although I had a bit much last saturday

We won't get anything much from WFF unfortunately either. However hopefully when we TTC we will have a house or at least nearly have one and then we can save for baby.


Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:40pm
ahhh I getcha now!

What did you think the C stood for?!?!? *giggle*


Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:42pm
I'm charting (temp and CM), have to wake at 5 to do it though as Jack wakes anywhere from 5-730 in the morning *yawn*. Also trying to eat healthily but its been unsuccessful with DH away, now he's back it should be good. I'm going to get back into my TurboJam DVD's now that DH is back, he's leaving the room for 45 mins each night so I can do them.

Must go and get some folic acid though. I just buy it from the chemist as its only $10 for a 3-month supply.

I'm also researching and preparing for the girl diet etc. We are trying for a girl so I have to get my head around everything first. We are using the Shettles method.

If we do get a girl, I'll be so excited because I can sell all of Jack's clothes and get PINK stuff woohoo! If we have another boy, then we're set so that's exciting too.

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:44pm
wow you guys are chatters!

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:49pm

Emz, i am the same I eat so much better when Nigel is at home.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 3:51pm
from what I've read about the Shettles method we should have a boy and I'm pretty damn sure she's a girl

I read about it afterwards and ticked off the list for conception close to ovulation, BD position etc as I knew exactly when she was concived (a big fight and 1 go at make up BDing that month was what it took for us LOL)

Emz - If our #2s are opposites to what we have now we could do a swap of all the pink and blue stuff lol


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 4:04pm

If I have a girl (and god help me if I do) I have a ton of boys stuff to sell to get girls stuff.

People think I am mad wanting another boy, but those close to me know what my body is like and what I would more than likely hand down to my daughter. My nana handed it down to her girls and then all those girls have handed it onto their girls - stupid endo and PCOS .

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 4:30pm
We would love a girl, but will be happy with what we get. We don't want our sex life dictated by "methods" and ttc - hence no charting or anything like that. We want our sex life to just be fun and random, not planned around when I'm ovulating etc.

Posted By: Brenna
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 5:10pm
I'd love another girl but that's just because Brenna is so much fun! I also can only think of girls names. Boys ones are sooo hard!!! At the moment I've got 3 girls names and 0 boys lol

Toni we'v e got a 'saving for baby' bank account too, so your not alone

My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 5:11pm

Originally posted by Two Blondinis Two Blondinis wrote:

ahhh I getcha now!

What did you think the C stood for?!?!? *giggle*


To tell you the truth I don't have a clue what the BF stands for but the funny thin is I know exactly what BCP stands for and explained the acronym to Ginger the other day when she asked.  Just got myself muddled this afternoon.


We're hoping for another girl but will be happy with whatever.  We're having at least 2 more kids (3 more if I can convince DH) so another girl then a boy would be perfect.... but we'll be happy, delighted by and totally in love with whatever we get.



Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 5:28pm

Bf is breast feeding I think or best friend.

We are the same as Stacey, no charting no nothing just having sex lol when we feel like it.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 5:31pm
Are you talking about BF as in BFP? = Big Fat Positive.

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 5:52pm
When we do start TTC we won't chart etc or use any methods, we won't even find out if it is a girl or boy.

I think we are entitled to about $3 a week for WFF so haven't bothered applying, however may look at it at in March to get the lump sum.

We haven't got a "baby fund" as that would require me to budget and I am no good at that. I just whack it all on the Visa and hope that we can pay it all off at the end of the month, which we have managed to do each month so far. Which obviously means that I am not spending enough!


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 6:32pm

Originally posted by SallyBelly SallyBelly wrote:

Are you talking about BF as in BFP? = Big Fat Positive.


Ah, that makes sense.  Thanks SallyBelly.


Linzy, we're keeping the sex a surprise this time too.  We found out with Michaela because I wanted to but DH didn't so this time we won't.


Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 7:26pm
Originally posted by MrsMojo MrsMojo wrote:

Linzy, we're keeping the sex a surprise this time too.  We found out with Michaela because I wanted to but DH didn't so this time we won't.

DH wanted to find out with Jack and I didn't, as I was doing all the work I vetoed him! As my Mum said, there are very few surprises in the world so we made sure Jack was one of them


Posted By: Brenna
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 7:30pm
We aren't going to find out next time either. We did with Brenna but have decided to have the experience of not knowing 2nd time around.

My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 14 July 2008 at 8:13pm
Gosh go away for a day, and four pages later to catch up on.
We get $71 from WFF its not much, but its enough to allow me to go to lectures, and pay for Massey creche, which would be awesome.
As I want to pick up some extra papers, so when I go back to work I can go back to a more flexible better paying job.

We won't be charting or anything for the first few months, just want to get my cycles in order.
I am getting older, but i'm not too old yet. If i was closer to 37 i'd be more concerned.

I figure I can use this time to put a few $$ away each month, and build up my MCN stash. So many different ones to choose from.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:08am

Well, I managed to get in 40 minutes strength training last night plus I walk to and from the railway station every day which is 15 mins each way so I'm pretty pleased with myself.  It's just a matter now of keeping it up.  I also want to find a new yoga DVD, something a bit more challenging.


I'm also having second thoughts about my TTC start date.  If we concieve in Sep or Oct it'll be a bit of a struggle financially and if we concieve in Nov the babies EDD will be DH's birthday (which he already shares with his niece and older sister... can I handle another leo LOL) but anytime from Dec would be perfect.  Then again the chances of concieving straight away are pretty slim, it took 3 months last time and I'm 3 years older now and we don't see each other as often as we did back then, plus I'm looking forward to having sex that doesn't get interrupted just as it's getting interesting so we can put a condom on (TMI?).

If I discuss this with DH he will freak out, go and get another HP and put off TTC for another year - ok, maybe slightly exaggerating but he does worry about money, and when he's worried or stressed he tends to spend - that's why I'm the family treasurer.

I'm talking myself round in circles.  Thanks for reading my rambles.

p.s. I'm pretty sure we'll stop using protection in September leave it up to God from there.  What's meant to happen will happen.


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:22am

I know we are will ditch everything from the end of November, just so I can drink at Nigel's graduation and commissioning course. Nothing like having drinks paid for by the Prime Minister and Governer General

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:25am
DH can't wait until we can ditch the condoms. I hate them too. Then he's getting the snip - he's not too pleased about this lol.. but I've been told by a couple of docs they won't consider tying my tubes because I'm too young

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:30am
I don't think we're going to go for anything permanent like that, I don't want to have my tubes tied and DH doesn't want the snip so once we've had our 3.... or 4 I'll probably go back on BCP or get fitted for a diapraghm.  There's always a small chance we'll decide we can afford more kids and DH and I both want a huge family (he's 1 of 8 and I'm 1 of 6) so we won't be doing anything permanent just in case. 


Posted By: emma1010
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:31am
wow this is moving along fast.
Well it is pretty exciting to talk about, partner and I getting very jumpy to start trying, but definately holding off til October. As soon as I know I am pregnant I have to switch to light duties at work, which is fine but you can't do overtime, which is a big way to earn good money. So need to keep earning that up until the wedding as it helps so much with savings. After Oct/Nov wont be such an issue that I am loosing that pay.
But that is the only other thing that sucks, can't keep it quiet til the safe 12 week mark, as not allowed to carry on normal job, so as soon as I know, everyone I work with will know too :( So much for keeping a suprise!

Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:32am
DF would like a boy first, then a girl (so that she has an older brother to "look after" her like he did when he was a kid LOL not that she would have anything to do with that). Then again, twins run in my family (every generation, at least twice if not more per generation ) so who knows. We do definitely want a boy though, so at this stage we'd like 2 children, about 2 years apart and if both are girls, I might get my 3rd one That's in an ideal world though. I just can't wait to get off the BCP and get pregnant and have our baby!!

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:41am

Emma, what job do you do? (if you don't mind me asking)

I couldn't keep it secret last time and ended up telling people at about 8 weeks.  I'm very petite (5ft and sz 8-10) and my womb started building itself into a large spacious home very early so my work colleagues started asking my BF whether I was pregnant.  This time might be easier as I still have a small (nbot small enough) mummy tummy.  I'll tell my boss and then keep it secret as long as poss, I've even toyed with the idea of not telling people until it's so obvious someone says something to my face (which, if last time is anything to go by will be pretty early on).


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:43am

After the 3rd I am off to Southern Cross to have it all removed, I can't wait to have it done. No more AF will be bliss!!!!

The reason for me having it done is I have uncontrollable bleeding at times, endo covering everthing including my bowels , and PCOS on both ovaries. My mum had this and she handed it on to me - hence why I really don't want a girl.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:43am

Originally posted by minik8e minik8e wrote:

DF would like a boy first, then a girl (so that she has an older brother to "look after" her like he did when he was a kid LOL not that she would have anything to do with that). Then again, twins run in my family (every generation, at least twice if not more per generation ) so who knows. We do definitely want a boy though, so at this stage we'd like 2 children, about 2 years apart and if both are girls, I might get my 3rd one That's in an ideal world though. I just can't wait to get off the BCP and get pregnant and have our baby!!


If you get a single first time and twins second time then you get 3 for the price of 2


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:44am
Originally posted by mummy_becks mummy_becks wrote:

After the 3rd I am off to Southern Cross to have it all removed, I can't wait to have it done. No more AF will be bliss!!!!

The reason for me having it done is I have uncontrollable bleeding at times, endo covering everthing including my bowels , and PCOS on both ovaries. My mum had this and she handed it on to me - hence why I really don't want a girl.


I totally understand that Becks.  How soon after your 3rd can you have the operation?

Will you be trying any particular methods to get another boy?


Posted By: muppet
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:55am
My DH is pretty set on having the snip after we have the 2 kids I've got him to agree to. I'm one of 3, but as much as I love kids, I only want to have 2 for a number of reasons. DH is the youngest of 5 and hated it.

We're just hoping that everything's good with our baby making parts! DH's older brother and sister in law had to have IVF for their little one so we're hoping it's nothing genetic on his side.


Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:57am
We don't want more than 2 so we are happy with doing something permanent. I didn't enjoy being pregnant with Daniel. So only 2 full term pregnancies would be good lol.. if it happens to be twins next time that's fine.

Becks - no AF would be heaven! lol

Posted By: sally belly
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 9:59am
Hi girls *waves*

I might as well join in here too. We are looking at TTC #2 from December (although AF is currently missing in action so not sure what that's about ).

Truthfully, I would probably prefer a bigger age gap between the 2 but due to different circumstances - including going overseas for a year for DH's work & DH going back to sea (he's in the navy), Dec it is. Although we will probably have a break for a couple of months so we don't end up with 2 Dec babies.

I'm not doing anything in preparation but I will buy some more folic acid before then. I'm still BF'ing so don't drink much. I could always eat healthier but I'm finding that I'm still pretty hungry, probably from the BF'ing.

We would like a girl too but won't be doing anything in particular. I have no idea how to chart so we'll just see what happens . Liam was conceived in the first month of trying so it will be interesting to see how quickly it happens this time.


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 10:00am
Good on you for making the decision Stacey, I reread my post afterwards and hope I didn't come across as judgemental or condescending.  I know that DH and I are quite unusual (for nowadays) in our desire to have a large family and it makes a lot of sense to go for something permanent when you're certain that your family is complete.


Posted By: sally belly
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 10:04am
Originally posted by MrsMojo MrsMojo wrote:

p.s. I'm pretty sure we'll stop using protection in September leave it up to God from there.  What's meant to happen will happen.

I think that's a good way of approaching it Jo. We all have the tendency to overthink things sometimes don't we? . There doesn't seem to ever be the perfect time because we'll never have enough money, never be at the right time in our careers etc etc


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 10:05am

Nope not doing anything just going to hope like hell it is another boy.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 10:17am
Originally posted by MrsMojo MrsMojo wrote:

Good on you for making the decision Stacey, I reread my post afterwards and hope I didn't come across as judgemental or condescending. I know that DH and I are quite unusual (for nowadays) in our desire to have a large family and it makes a lot of sense to go for something permanent when you're certain that your family is complete.

Nah I didn't see it as that. We only want 2 because realistically it's all we can afford. Like yeah we would make it work with more but I missed out on some things as a kid as my parents struggled quite bad early on so I'd like to give my kiddies things I didn't have or experience - not to say my parents did a bad job or anything

Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 11:22am
My idea about charting etc is that I've only got one more shot to have a girl as we are only having 2 kids, so I might as well try everything. I don't think I'd be into it as much if I was having more. Not that it matters at the end of the day.

Looks like I may have ov'd yesterday but will have to wait a couple of days to see my chart on FF and see what they say. That would be so exciting. Best case scenario would be I ov at the same time each month from now on so we can plan it and then I won't have to go on clomid. That would be great.

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 11:24am

I think that if I haven't gotten pregnant by Feb next year then I will have to go and talk to my gyne.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 11:47am
We were having the exact same conversation last night. If we are not pregnant by April (6mths of TTC) then we will go see a specialist. After 18mths last time I don't think I could stay sane with another 18mths (not that I'm sane now LOL).

We haven't talked about any long term contraception plans. Before my endo op we talked about the Mirena with my specialist and that seemed like a good option as I can't take the BCP as it makes me really depressed/loopy/unstable (does this happen to anyone else? I tried 3 types after we had Caitlin and all did the same to me!)

DH doesn't care if we have another girl or a boy next time. I'm leaning towards a boy but only because that's what I thought I was having first time (just that hunch you get) but I'm not getting my hopes up and would be equally over the moon with another girl. In fact, if we could have another Caitlin that would be all good I just love everything about her, the way she plays Mummy with her toys (even puts her cars to bed lol) and her wacky sence of humour cracks me up every day

Is it October yet? *cluck cluck cluck*


Posted By: ohanlon82
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 11:51am
wow heaps of talk today...
cant wait to start trying either... DH and i had talk last night just need to clear a few little things up and do a little more on house then we are ready... Also would like to get me a new car aswell :)

DH really wants little girls and i dont mind.. would like a boy first off.. but as long as healthly i am happy either way.

we will have 2 or 3.. DH wants a big family but probably as big as we will get these days..


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 11:52am

Talking to my gyne last time (he is also my OB) he said that after I have my 3rd and it is VB then 6 months after that. However if I have a CS it will be a knocked out CS and he may do it then and there, just depends.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 12:20pm

Toni, Michaela's such a little mummy too.  Whenever we visit friends with babies she forever has her arms out "ta ta ta" wanting to hold the baby and she plays babies with her toys too and is forever making her toys kiss and cuddle - oh bless!


Posted By: Joscia
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 12:30pm
Hi - can I sign up here too??
We're going to start TTC in September - all going to plan...
We actually started trying last October, but then I had to change jobs unexpectedly, so the timing wasn't ideal.
I've been off BCP since then - so it's kind of just a case of deciding to go for it!
DH wants to get our bathroom renovations finished before we start TTC - but that's pretty much all that's 'stopping us' at the mo.
Kind of exciting!
I signed up on here last October - but try not to come on too much because it makes me WAY too clucky!

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 12:31pm
All this talk is making me very clucky! Bu t similar to your Megs we have ti finish the house then sell it. Mum got the ball rolling when she said a few months ago that she didn't think I would cope with 2 kids in our house. She's right, the living area is relatively small and it sometimes feels too small with just Jack's things in there.

We had never even thought of doing anything permanent after we have had our 3 kids. I suppose I would like to keep our options open just in case.


Posted By: ohanlon82
Date Posted: 15 July 2008 at 12:57pm
yeah same with us - not alot really holding us back.. but i have said i wanted to finish these couple of things off and DH is feeling the same way so that is great... Paint faster DH LOL just kidding.

friend had a baby girl on friday - going to see them sometime this week.. oh no cluckness on LOL LOL

Oh how exicting for all of us


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