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Do YOU wear make-up?

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Topic: Do YOU wear make-up?
Posted By: BuzzyBee
Subject: Do YOU wear make-up?
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 11:09pm
Prior to having bub I was one of those females that couldn't stand the thought of leaving the house WITHOUT layers of make-up (foundation, eye-liner, mascara ...the works). Then when I had Lucas I did a total 360 & I felt more comfortable within my own skin and didn't feel the need to ply on all the make-up. For the first time in 7 years I was leaving the house with maybe a bit of concealer/foundation IF THAT! I guess it was also partially due to being on my own, I didn't feel the need to 'impress' anyone. Now I only wear it on occasion when I feel like doing myself up a bit.

I know quite a few females who despite having a family etc are still very very religious with their 'make-up routine' and refuse to leave the house without wearing any...

So that brings me to my question - do YOU require make-up before you feel prepared to face the world on a day-to-day basis?

And has your 'beauty' routine changed since having bubs? If yes, how so?

ETA: Just for the record make-up isn't a bad thing and also while we're at it What are some beauty/make-up products that you swear by/can't live without?

Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 11:18pm
Well, i love makeup , without it, i look dead , or dying (people, STRANGERS in fact, have actually told me i do )

But, i only wear very light foundation , and mascara during the week and if im going out i wear heavier foundation , eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara

I have a problem with buying makeup tho , the problem is that , i er, buy it .
And i cant really afford it .
Foundations are my weakness, and ive tried, Shiseido, Elizabeth Arden , Nutrimedic, Nutrogena, Loreal , Revlon , Napolean , Bobbi Brown and Laura Mercier .
Its an illness , i actually go to a meeting about it . (its great fun ,we get to compare new eyeshadow colours .....)

Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 11:18pm
you make it sound like a bad thing I enjoy putting make-up on as it makes me look and feel good. I put a full face on every day regardless whether I'm going to work or not.

Even when I was home with Caitlin in the early days I'd put a little bit of bronzer or something on just to make me feel more human (and hide the massive dark circles under my eyes! lol).

I do it for myself, no one else


Posted By: BuzzyBee
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 11:24pm
Definitely not a bad thing Darl, some days I NEED it LOL! But I've just noticed recently that I'm not as phased about wearing it compared to when I was 16yo for example

Also while we're at it what beauty products/Make-up do you swear by?

I have major issues with foundation, always have. I seem to find one that works for me and then one day it just stops doing what it used to. Maybe why I can't be bothered with it half the time now

Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 11:28pm
I get BORED with foundations, and ive tried all kinds, eg stick foundations (like Napolean the best ) cream compacts (like shiseido, tho they seem different a bit , and Revlon ) and the powder ones, like revlon , but ID mineral foundation is best for that category me thinks.

For overall best finish ,i would have to say Bobbi Brown and Laura Mercier, are the best (just really expensive)

mascara, i like Maybelline the best

and eyeliner, i always use liquid ,and line the inside of my top eye lid and a thin line on top, i dont put any on the bottom as my eyes are too small

Posted By: BuzzyBee
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 11:32pm
Maybelline Great Lash (the pink & green one) is THE BEST Mascara, especially price wise too.

I'm yet to find a foundation that works for me, especially in winter when I have super dry/flaky skin...half the time I find the foundation makes my skin look worse (if that's possible lol)

Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 11:37pm
does the mineral ID one work ? tho if your skin is dry , that might make the dryness show up .
When i had dry skin i would exfoliat every day , and i wore a foundation ,no, it was a bronzer actually, from the body shop

and yep, thats my favourite mascara too

Posted By: BuzzyBee
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 11:41pm
TBH I've only ever tried a couple Revlon, Maybelline & MaxFactor foundations ...oh and this cheapie brand from the local chemist which is the one I've stuck with for a while now when I can be bothered putting it on. I hate forking out money for the stuff.

Posted By: Kels
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 12:26am

I dont wear any at all although does gloss count. I wear lipgloss a lot.

Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs

Posted By: Paws
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 6:39am
I still wear make-up most days, when I go to work and if I'm going out...on my "weekends" though if I'm not going anywhere in particular I won't bother.


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 7:22am

I wear makeup everyday unless I'm on holiday.


I work in an office in the CBD 5 days per week and always wear makeup to work.  I put makeup on before I take Michaela to dance on Saturdays and I put makeup on before we go to church on Sundays.


During the working week I have the full routine: foundation, concealer, powder, blush, eyelash curler, eyeliner, mascara, eye brow filler and gloss.   In the weekend I usually only put on a bit of foundation and/or mascara and some gloss.  That may seem like a lot of makeup for the work week but it doesn't take very long and my makeup is in natural colours so I don't look like a painted tart.


I am extremely "comfortable in my own skin" and am quite happy to go days without wearing makeup (I do this often when I'm on holiday) but as vain as this is going to sound I go from being pretty/plain without makeup to hot with makeup on. 


I take pride in my appearance and just as I like to take care of my skin and dress in nice clothes and wear nice shoes I also like the enhance my natural features with makeup.


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 7:26am

Originally posted by Mum2Lucas Mum2Lucas wrote:

I have major issues with foundation, always have. I seem to find one that works for me and then one day it just stops doing what it used to. Maybe why I can't be bothered with it half the time now


You probably haven't found a suitable foundation and it's also possible that your skincare routine (cleanser/mouisturiser) doesn't prime your skin well enough.


It's also important to remember you skin changes with age and hormones so foundations that used to be ok probably aren't now.  With your skin problems you'd probably want something as natural as possible so I'd go for a mineral powder foundation (from L'Oreal or Revlon) for aroun $30-$40.  It gives you a very light coverage and is the best thing for your skin other than no makeup. 


Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 7:52am
I'm pretty laid back - always used to wear the works but since I went on maternity leave I usually don't bother. although i ALWAYS put on mascara before I leave the house (or if someone is coming over!) cause otherwise it looks like I have no eyelashes!!

I usually buy Maybelling (but not Great Lash - that gave me an eye infection once) mascara and can't live without my blistex lipbalm... oh, and i love No. 7 eyeshadows and Rimmel products.

btw - if you're looking to save money and know someone in the USA or Canada, their make-up is super cheap. I get my sister-in-law to send it to me (as long as you know what you want). I can get my $40 foundation for around $20 and mascara and the rest is usually under $10!!! so worth the postage....

eta: cause of my bad typing

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 8:00am
No I don't wear make up, never have really. I will wear it if going out in the evening. I have had a couple of office jobs were I made the effort to wear make up but it normally only last a couple of weeks before I stopped bothering. I actually feel more self conscious wearing it than when not wearing it.


Posted By: gemsmum
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 8:28am
I'm not a huge make up person either. I put some on if I'm going out but day to day I don't bother. But I didn't really bother much before I had the kids anyway, so not their fault. I'm lucky enough to have dark, long lashes so no need for mascara, but I could do with foundation to even out the blotchy skin tones - it's just that when i have the choice between sleep or getting up early to do makeup I'd rather go bare!! Hehe.


Posted By: MissAngel
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 8:34am
[QUOTE=Mum2Lucas] do YOU require make-up before you feel prepared to face the world on a day-to-day basis?

And has your 'beauty' routine changed since having bubs? If yes, how so?

After Thomas is fed and changed in the morning, it's my turn to go get organised. I do the full routine - shower, hair, skincare and then makeup. Its my half an hour of making myself feel awesome and look good for the day. I didnt used to wear a lot of makeup before he arrived, but now I got myself some really awesome stuff and I love making myself look great when I feel crap :D
I use Napoleon makeup and skincare - although i've just bought a neutrogena Wave (the one off the TV) Used it last night and skin feels gorg. I'm wondering if I can put normal little makeup pads on with my own cleanser too :P

Alex, Thomas and Lily" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Daizy
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 9:26am
I never bother with make up when Im home or if Im taking the girls for a walk. To some friends places I dont even bother.

But if Im ever going to the shops or out anywhere else I have to - usually its only a bit of foundation and mascara. I do love having somewhere to go out to when I can really put makeup on, not that that happens very oftenAfter having Keira I didnt bother for a while and the ammount of times people told me I looked sick and pale, I never did it again.


Posted By: hooper
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 9:38am
never wear it, never have don't like it. plus always been told that i don't need it.
but each to there own.


Posted By: james
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 9:47am
not on a day to day wear but if i,m going out then yep not that i know what i,m doing but i have my mum and my sisters to help

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker" border="0" /></a>

Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 9:49am
i could not leave the house without doing my mascara/eyebrows routine

i love makeup but usually only wear the 'full kit' when going out at night or somewhere special in the day.

but i always wear mascara and pencil on my eyebrows because they are really light and i look hideous without pencil brows


Posted By: jaz
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:05am
I put on make up when I'm going to work, out in the evening and that is about it. I don't wear it around the house and occasionally will put it on if I'm catching up with friends during the day, more so if we are meeting at a cafe than say the beach.

I like to feel/look different when I go out at night.


Posted By: Peanut
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:08am
I LOVE make up and always put it on before going out. Not to impress anyone just cos I LOVE it! Eye shadows are my weakness....I have every colour possible so can match any outfit I am wearing. The only time I don't wear make up is on holiday or before swim lessons (but always put it on after!).

I am a bit like MissAngel, I love the half an hour of me time while I do it!

I really like Natio foundation - good price and a nice light moisurising foundation.

Caitlynsmygirl,I really need to find out more about those meetings and if there is a chch branch?


Posted By: LJsmum
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:09am
Always were foundation have found one that's o.k shiseido cream compact. Have just brough thin lizzy just to add over the top. Have tried heaps nothing is really wonderful.

I'm a big fan of natural skin care using antipodes at the moment. Also trying out body shop aloe range, but disappointed to see that they are not organic or natural at all. Have heaps of chemicals.

Does anyone know of a good natural foundation with no parabens??

Only waer foundation and lip gloss sometime mascara.


Posted By: peanut butter
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:09am

Oh you are making me feel so lazy!  I put the slightest touch of foundation on before going to work, blusher if I have any and thats about it.  SOmetimes lippy....but I never bother reapplying. 


I think I should make more effort but I am just too lazy and I am not good at it so I dont have the confidence.

Posted By: caraMel
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:10am
I usually don't bother if I'm just staying home and not expecting to see anyone, but I like to wear foundation, concealer for under the eyes and eyeliner for going out casually and the works if we're going out somewhere nicer.
I always feel like such a frump now that I'm at home most of the time, so I love the opportunity to make myself up properly when we go out!
My favs : Concealer - Dermacolour
                 Foundation - Revlon New Complexion
                 Powder - Max Factor Translucent

Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:11am
do YOU require make-up before you feel prepared to face the world on a day-to-day basis?
Hell no

And has your 'beauty' routine changed since having bubs? If yes, how so?

I use to wear a bit of foundation and mascara to work but I do mean only a little. So I don't do that anymore. I very rarely wear makeup. I don't like putting loads of crap on my skin.

Posted By: peanut butter
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:12am
Put it this way, I wear so little that I dont need to remove it.  It is all gone by the end of the day

Posted By: MelanieAndBree
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:14am

Dont really ever wear it except when i go out (as in, when im drinking and going out). Thats how ive always been. I hate it, when i wore it for work i eventually got lazy and stopped lol.

I hate it, its just annoying.

Mum to Briahna Robyn, 3yrs

Posted By: Candkids
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:45am
i love makeup, dont wear it alot tho although i have draws and draws full of it!!
it usually gets listed on TM

i couldnt live without my mascarra tho, i have really long eyleashes but there BLONDE!!! and without it it looks as tho i have none lol same with my eyebrows.

shisiedo mositure mist beauty cake foundation
and usually
l'oreal last archatect mascarra
$2 shop sell the best lip gloss

-------------" rel="nofollow">
DD 10.5yrs
DS 6yrs
DS 11mths
5 little angles watching from above

Posted By: DJ
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 11:51am
Yep I wear make up most days still - which surprises me - i didn't think I would bother.

I wouldn't bother if I was just going to the local shops, but if I was meeting someone I would.

I love elizabeth arden foundation, and antipodes moisturiser.

Milo1 I've tried living nature for a natural foundation and it is pretty awful - it actually ran down my face in summer when I was out walking (wearing a cap). I'm also using living nature mascara at the moment, but it often smudges by the end of the day.


Posted By: MummyFreckle
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 12:01pm

Heheheheh - this is a funny thread for me to read...I have never really worn make up, even when working in a very corporate environment in London. I only wore it when I was younger and going "clubbing"...but I was always the kind of "out there" chick who wore bright blue false eyelashes and lots of glitter....think techno drag queen. If DH and I are going out somewhere really special now then I would put on a very light face of make up, but its prob like 3 times a year if that! I have never in my life had a pimple - god knows how come - so have never felt the need to cover up my skin. Besides I am pale and freckly so just look wierd in foundation (IMO!) My beauty routine has always been very simple - shower with body wash, shampoo / conditioner, moisturiser on face...thats it. I guess the big difference for me now is that I dont get to have long enough showers to wash / condition my hair every day, so I do it every couple of days now...which I think is actually better for my hair (I have very fine hair)....and I am not putting junk in my hair every day now as I just tie it up.

Strangely though - I am quite a girly girl even though I dont do the make up thing.



Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 12:17pm
I wear makeup 99% of the time. Only foundation and eyeliner though, and lip gloss. I used to use Revlon New Complexion (cos I get very very dry skin) but have just changed to Shiseido Beauty Cake, and find it doesn't dry my skin out as much. And I always always wear moisturiser, regardless, otherwise my skin flakes off and looks

I generally don't wear makeup on the weekends now cos DF loves how I look without it, but still moisturise.

I really need to put a beauty regime in place to get my skin sorted for the wedding though....I get heaps of pimples and I HATE them!!!

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 1:55pm
argh me too Kate. My skin has gotten worse lately and i'm so angry about it.

I used to wear a bit of make-up, mainly mascara, eyeliner and lippygloss and light foundation.

Once i had the girls i still found that i needed to do the mascara thing and lipgloss just to feel like ihad done something for me that day - i learnt to put it on one handed if need be. lol

However the foundation has stopped - i can't wear it to work, i am in such a warm moist humid environment 24/7, it wreaks havoc on my skin. I already get PM-breakouts but when i am at work they are worse, and stay around for longer despite cleansing toning etc. am on annual leave at the mo that this time my skin is actually clearing fairly well considering i tend to break out bad mid cycle.

I always moisturise, my skin is quite bumpy in alot of places so i always have st ives apricot scrub and the body scrub too, and i swear by the body shop body butters, especially the pashionfruit one for dry skin, and the peach (limited edition).

I have never had much luck with foundations because i have pale skin, with heaps of freckles, red rosy cheeks and bumpy cheeks too. I never found one that worked. - until i went to a friends mary kay party not too long ago and found a perfect light feeling foundation that covers everything well, the conceler is wonderful too - so i bought it to use for the wedding. I now use that when going out and it's amazing how different i look. I love it.

lol have any other school mummys noticed the mums that get all dressed up to pick up and drop off their kids? is there some competition i am not aware of?

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: busymum
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 3:09pm
I wear makeup for work - just the basic, though, foundation and lippy. Occasionally when DH and I go out, I'll make a better effort Saturdays and often Sundays is my make-up-free day, I figure it's probably good for my skin to have a break. It's also nice to not bother.

Before I had kids though, I didn't wear make-up at all. My mum was strictly against it (and I had DD1 within a year of moving out of home) so I only had the odd bit of lipstick and that was all.


Posted By: Bubbaloo
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 3:27pm
I don't feel like I have to wear make up when if I leave the house but I have to do the full lot every day for work as I work in the industry my routine hasn't really changed much although have become more religious with skincare but that hasn't changed that much cos I have to do it because of my job.

I use Shiseido skincare and Foundation my fav mascara is Napolean Long black but have just discovered Estee Lauder Magnascopic which I love and the new Chanel looks great too so since I have been working I have just got used to wearing it everyday and doing it before I leave the house but I have one day that I wear no make up at all.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Was danni-chick

Mum to James

My Angel 28/07/08

Posted By: bookwyrm
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 3:29pm
I have worn a fair amount of makup since I was 14-15. I started to slow down on my makeup usage around 6 months pregnant.,.. I was loving the glow and would just chuck on some eyeliner and lipgloss. Now, I usually put makeup on if I have extra time (which isnt very often) or going into a social situation.


Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 3:38pm
Ok, put it this way , i love makeup so much , that i paid a grand back when i was 18 to do a makeup course for a year, (at Cut above), was quite fun actually , we got to do special effects makeup too, now THAT was cool.

The best foundations i have come across in terms of natural finish and staying power are Bobbi Brown , and Laura Mercier ....unfortunatly they are also two of the most expensive

I have to wear foundation, my skin is uneven toned other wise,if i had nice skin that was even everywhere, and not blotchy in parts, then i wouldn't wear it

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 3:42pm
Just wondered, for those who love makeup, is your mum the same?

I grew up in the country, it was impracticle to wear makeup while working on the farm for my mum so she never bothered and still doesn't really know how to put it on. So I never learnt and I SUCK at doing eye liner. I loved it at my wedding and I even had one makeup lesson but nope still suck at it haha.

Half the reason I don't wear makeup is that I suck at it the other half is that I'm just lazy and don't see the need for it all the time.

Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 3:46pm
nup, my mother hardly ever wears makeup .

I am good at makeup , (should be after doing a course) and often do my friends makeup too

Posted By: Bubbaloo
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 3:46pm
Nope mum doesn't do anything with her skin we grew up in the country too back then if I was going out with friends I just used tinted moisturiser and did my eyes. all my friends mums were in to it though so probably picked it up from them to start with the got into the industry.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Was danni-chick

Mum to James

My Angel 28/07/08

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 3:51pm
I don't wear make up, used to for going out and always have several tubes of lippy in the bottom of my hand bag.
Now that I wear glasses full time, I find they get filthy if i wear mascara so don't bother, I have long lashes that smear the lenses.
I do however put moisturiser with a built in sunscreen on every day.
I don't have a beauty therapist either, wish that was in my budget but I spend all my spare money on stuff for the house and baby savings.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: Andie
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 4:07pm
Originally posted by fleury fleury wrote:

Now that I wear glasses full time, I find they get filthy if i wear mascara so don't bother, I have long lashes that smear the lenses.
     ...ah ha! I knew there must be some advantage to me having my stubby eyelashes! lol

I wear light makeup in natural shades every day - have done for as long as I can think, probably will continue to do so. It's not dressy 'cover-up' makeup, but it's just a part of my getting dressed in the morning. I'll pull out a bolder lippie for when I'm going out, but only when I remember (so usually it's just my trustee lipgloss). I hate to use mascara, so I tint my lashes instead, and only use mascara if I'm going out and have left it a little too long between tintings. DH prefers me without makeup, so I guess it's really just me that I do it for.

Interesting Q, Stacey! Nope, mum only wears makeup when she's going out. But Ella is already picking it up... she loves getting into my makeup, and the number of times I've caught her with the bronzer and an orange face, and lipgloss over her lips & chin!!


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 4:17pm
My mum isn't big on make up and neither am I. I did go thru a stage where I got my hair done every 6 weeks, had my eyebrows done regularly and wore makeup several times a week but then I got pregnant and put on heaps of weight and now I really can't be bothered. I really do need to do something about my hair tho, it's so gray

When I do wear makeup I do foundation (a matte finish one so I don't need powder), eye shadow, liner, mascara and lip gloss.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Shorty
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 4:36pm
I am not a make up fan, I do own it and will only use it in a corperate situation.

My mum has always EVERY day worn make up, but I was too much of a tom boy growing up that I never got interested in it. I think I choose not to wear it now is I was never shown "correctly" how to apply it.

I do however have waxing done every month....that can be my femine touch


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:03pm
If I had the time I would make more of an effort, on the days I do wear makeup I feel more confident. When I do its a lot less then I used to wear pre-Isla.
I still get my hair cut/dyed/highlighted but its way less often now- more like 3 times a year now. I always get my eyebrows waxed every 3 weeks,..its my one MUST-DO! I have fair skin and very thick black eyebrows which are awful if not waxed, confidence really drops when they are bushy ( from being teased at school so much about them I guess!).
I wear mosituriser and lip gloss everyday, and several times a week I wear a thin foundation. I use one or 2 styling products on my hair after I wash it which is every second day.
I have never owed an eyeliner cos I so dont need it, and dont own any lipstick at the mo.

Posted By: pepsi
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:15pm
Nope, and don't know how to apply it properly anyway. If I do go out somewhere where I should make an effort, the best I can do is some mascara and some lipstick, but no foundation or anything else too complicated.

Posted By: 2bmumof3
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:43pm
Originally posted by cuppatea cuppatea wrote:

No I don't wear make up, never have really. I will wear it if going out in the evening. I have had a couple of office jobs were I made the effort to wear make up but it normally only last a couple of weeks before I stopped bothering. I actually feel more self conscious wearing it than when not wearing it.

Me too, I feel overdone quite often when I wear makeup....although I do love mascara. Maybe once a week tops I'll put on makeup and it's that thin lizzys stuff that looks really natural and like you're not really wearing anything. It's has it place with me particuarlly when I'm feeling down.


Corban (22/11/04)
Connor (18/04/06)
Chelsea (21/05/08)

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:46pm

Nope but if I when I get a new job I think I will make an effort as because of the enviornment I will be working in.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Candkids
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:49pm
my mum never wears make up at all really, dont ever remember her wearing any even when i was little.

-------------" rel="nofollow">
DD 10.5yrs
DS 6yrs
DS 11mths
5 little angles watching from above

Posted By: Bubnumber2
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:53pm
I don't wear make-up every day, I do when going out (going to the supermarket doesn't count!) and when at work...but day to day, not really. I'm finding that I can't be bothered when I'm pregnant.

I do have certain beauty routines that I like to stick to religiously, but they tend to be more of 'upkeep' type, like regular waxing, hair cuts and skin care treatments.
Last year or so I've figured it's a better investment of my money to fork out for really good skin care, than it is to pay a lot of money to cover my skin up.


Posted By: AnnC
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 6:14pm
I work with the public in a professional job (or so they say it is ) so i wear make up to work (which is 3 days a week normally) I wear powder, eyeliner, a natural eyeshowdow with a bit of purple or silver or colour thrown in. And mascara. Bit of lip gloss when I remember.
When I go out clubbing or drinking I like to try different things (not wild different though) and wear a foundation rather than a powder. It makes me feel good and I think I look better with it - although my daughter said I shouldn't wear makeup cause i am beautiful without it (she says .... awww )
I would love to learn to apply it properly. I would love to do like wedding make up on the weekend...
Anyone know who does it in taranaki???(teaching makeup techiques i mean)
But I am quite happy to go to the local shops without make up and mostly on my days off I don't wear it - let my skin breathe etc...
Every day i put eye cream and face cream on (keep those wrinkles at bay)
I LOVE make up - on the mother part my mum wears it but not like me who loves buying different colours etc....

ETA: i do not have problem skin and pimples are very rare (although I have had one or two) Although with age i have a lil bit uneven skin tone and those blacks under my eyes - actually my 'bags' show the minute I am slightly tired, hungover or sick. Always said I would get cosmetic surgery to fix it if I could afford it (and if there was such a thing to fix it)


Also Mum to Josh (15) and Brooke (10)

Posted By: AnnC
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 6:16pm
I remember when I was in Uk worked in a factory this girl would get up really early to do her make up and come fully make uped to work in a factory full of girls. I had to go round to her place once and she answered the door without her make up on and BOY she had the most terrible skin and actually looked rather ugly without it - I got a big shock.
I always remember that and make sure I am not always maked up so people know the 'real' me too


Also Mum to Josh (15) and Brooke (10)

Posted By: flakesitchyfeet
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 6:32pm
My mother does, but for work and social occasions only.
I don't bother except for the little bit of foundation if I've squeezed a not yet ready pimple :) But I'm blessed with a relatively clear oliveish complexion.


Posted By: Jennz
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 7:02pm
I wear it most days- I think I look nicer with it on Even if I don't- I feel like I do anyway

I wear concealer (estee lauder ideal light- brilliant for under eyes!!!), foundation (clinque smoothing), Bella Pierre mineral makeup, blush, mascara and lipstain with gloss over top.

Jen, Charlotte 7 & Kate 3

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 8:13pm

Originally posted by kebakat kebakat wrote:

Just wondered, for those who love makeup, is your mum the same?


Nope.  My mum hardly ever wears makeup.  She'll wear it if she's going out to a diplomats dinner or ball or something but other than that doesn't wear it. 


Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 8:23pm
Nope, my mum hates make-up - she says it makes her feel like her face is being smothered - she says the same about wearing nail polish. She doesn't wear make up ever. I did use to love watching my nana put on her bright red lippy though - i can always remember seeing her do that when i was little.

I didn't get much guidance in make-up really because my older sisters were 80's teens so they stuck with the thick blue shadow etc for far too long. lol

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: DJ
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 8:34pm
I remember "helping" Mum put on make up as a kid - but only occassionally when they were going out at night. She just wears a bit of lippy from time to time now and a tinted moisturiser.


Posted By: Nikki
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 8:43pm
Yes, I need make up to face the day ... yes my beauty routine has changed s a bit since having a baby - I have less time, so don't do masks or exfoliate like I used to, or hair masks ... and I have less money so no trips to the beauty salon (that stopped before I got preggers tho) .... and also the days I'm just at home I wear less make up.

The only time I don't wear make up would be working out, or if I'm sick. At home I'll wear foundation and a tiny bit of mascara at a minimum ... usually a litle bit of natural eye shadow too. For work or going out during the day I wear foundation, eye shadow, mascara and lip gloss ... at night I'd add eyeliner too. I usually have about 6 lip glosses in each handbag at any time!!!

I wouldn't even go to the supermarket or doctor without a little bit of foundation! I don't have bad skin, but it can get a bit uneven (I'm quite pale and have red undertones) so I think I look better with foundation on. But I use a liquid foundation so its only a tiny layer I put on. Its just part of my daily routine, like brushing my hair and cleaning my teeth and getting dressed! To me, grooming and appearance is quite important - I guess I just like to look nice. And I don't want to start look shabby just cos I've had a baby! hahaha. I found that in the early days when I was at home alot - if I had a shower and got dressed and brushed my hair/ put make up on, then I felt half human again (despite being sleep deprived and 10kgs overweight!!!!)

Yes, my mum wears make up every day.

PS - I also find I have to get make up on in the morning when I get a chance, as its so hard to do anything with someone under my feet ----- so I get it on when I can just in case I have to go out or someone comes over!

DS (5yrs) and DD (3yrs)

Posted By: mamanee
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 8:49pm
I wear makeup if I'm going somewhere, usually just a bit of foundation, mascara, eyeliner and gloss, but if I'm going out somewhere special, I'll add eyeshadow and more eyeliner to the mix. I collect eyeshadows, so I've got about 30 different compacts, big and small, mostly cheap ones from the $2 shop.   I used to wear a different eyeshadow every day but I can't be bothered anymore.   I feel a little bit self-conscious if I don't wear a little bit of makeup, as I'm very very pale and I think I look sick, I'm sure nobody even looks twice at me anyway, but I do it for me.


My mum wears very little makeup, but wears some every day.

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 8:56pm
i used to all the time, butnow can't be bothered. even for school, i will occasionally. I love makeup though....but i love my extra fifteen minutes in bed more!

I have culled my collection quite a bit and now rarely buy it. One of my students sells Avon, which I am adoring their lipstick.

Have recently gotten into organic skincare (from Herb Garden) and so have been thinking more about getting "healthy: make up too.

Posted By: yummymummy
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 9:02pm
I don't really but I didn't either pre babies so it hasn't changed. I make an effort if we go out ie to a restaurant for a nice meal/out with friends etc but only apply lipstick otherwise.
And I always use a fragrance - I loooove smelling nice


Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 9:09pm
Originally posted by Flake Flake wrote:

But I'm blessed with a relatively clear oliveish complexion.

dont take this personally .....but i hate you ....

Posted By: FionaS
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 10:29pm
I wear mascara almost every day + tinted lip gloss. For work I add a little eye liner and lip liner. Not a foundation fan but I do have some which I wear very occassionally.

I prefer a natural look but don't consider myself attractive so feel more comfortable with my mascara on.

Mummy to Gabrielle and Ashley

Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 11:31pm
I wear foundation, mascara and bronzing powder every day. I hate my skin (acne from PCOS and also freckles) so makeup makes me look bearable to the public

First thing I did the day after I had Jack was pop on some makeup before we had visitors. Makes me feel a bit more human.

Posted By: AliaDawn
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 8:15am
The most make-up I ever wear is a bit of eyeliner. Just not that worried about it! I've never used heaps of it, used to use eyliner and mascara as a younger teen, and the only real difference is - mascara ran out and I can't be bothered replacing it I have so many black eyeliners, and only use it like once a week... will probably last me forever


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 8:34am

Originally posted by emz emz wrote:

First thing I did the day after I had Jack was pop on some makeup before we had visitors. Makes me feel a bit more human.


LOL.  Me too! 

While I was in labour I took all my makeup off because I didn't want smudged mascara on my face during the first photos.  Michaela was born at 8:04pm and I got to maternity ward at 11pm so didn't have any visitors until the next morning but before they turned up I had a shower, brushed my hair and put on some makeup before the cameras came.  I'm pleased I did too, looking back on those first photos I looked so drained (not surprising really) but at least the makeup gave me a bit of colour.


Posted By: flakesitchyfeet
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 8:44am
Originally posted by caitlynsmygirl caitlynsmygirl wrote:

Originally posted by Flake Flake wrote:

But I'm blessed with a relatively clear oliveish complexion.

dont take this personally .....but i hate you ....

Lol no offence taken.
Sometimes wish I was more of a girly girl


Posted By: Nikki
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 9:37am
Oh yes, I had make up on before the visitors and cameras arrived too!!!

DS (5yrs) and DD (3yrs)

Posted By: Rachael21
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 5:11pm
The only place I don't wear make up to is playcentre and thats because it kept getting smudged.

I usually wear foundation, bronzer/blusher and mascara. For nights out I will wear eye shadow and eyeliner too.

I think I look way better with make up on too.

Posted By: Mum2L
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 8:17pm
I'm lucky, like Flake, to have a clear olive complexion. Plus I have naturally long, thick eyelashes, so no need for mascara!!!!

The only time I have worn makeup in the past year was for my wedding, and the makeup artist only put on a slight dusting of translucent powder, some neutral coloured eyeshadow and a little lip gloss.


Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 9:39pm
I'm too tired to care at the moment

But a few months after DD1 was born I decided I needed something to make me feel good and since I didn't have any makeup at the time (I was never a makeup wearer at high school/uni/first jobs) I went and splashed on a basic makeup set at the Body Shop. It was loverly! I wore it a bit mroe then - nothing like the thrill of new makeup. But I've fallen out of the habit.

I keep getting inspired to try new stuff though, a friend of mine has started a very cool site about make up and other nice smelly stuff that makes you feel good. - PrettyPrettyPretty is the best site ever!

I wish I lived in Welly sometimes so I could help them test the products!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 11 August 2008 at 11:08am
Oooo Mazz you are mates with the PrettyPrettyPretty people? Jealous. They are cool.

I started wearing make up daily when I got my job but after a couple of months I gave up. Ha.

I only really wear make up when I go out somewhere a bit flash

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 11 August 2008 at 11:31am
I went to Uni with Jo - she is pretty cool. I often wondered if you knew her/knew of her, you seem to kind of move in similar circles with craft 2.0 and for some reason I thought you'd know the Wellingtonista crowd too. Total assumptions on my part, and I've never met any of the others except for Jo cos I hardly ever get to Welly these days.
She is the legend who cooked all this amazing food and got it delivered to my doorstep when Keira was born - Welly to Hamilton! It was so cool.

Sorry - total TJ!

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 11 August 2008 at 11:43am
The only one of them I know in person is Martha... and that is through internet stalking. hehe Have heard a bit about Jo through M.

I just stare wistfully at the cool kids from afar.

Sorry for dragging this all further off topic

Posted By: ginger
Date Posted: 11 August 2008 at 12:11pm
I'm allergic to just about everything on earth so I have a mineral powder foundation which lasts me months and months (about 9 I think? and costs $70) and I get my eyebrows/lashes done every 4-6 weeks so you can see the stupid things, and that's it for me    I imagine my pasty ginger complexion will still need the powder after No.9 is born, when I go out, but since it takes about 10 seconds to throw the brush over my face, it's hardly much effort    I will however shrivel up and die if I can't get my eyebrows etc done!

Cuinn Lachlan 23.1.09 - 22:00
Antonia Helene 4.8.11 - 09:41

Posted By: Mazzy
Date Posted: 11 August 2008 at 12:13pm
Likewise - I know of Martha through Jo (and lurrrve babylicious, so cool). So I can say I'm only two degrees of seperation from you!

To bring it back on topic, I put on some make up for the first time in ages yesterday after reading this thread - it felt really nice to do something for me other than whack my hair up in the ponytail without brushing it It was only for an outing to the zoo, but I think the animals appreciated the effort.

Mum to two gorgeous girls!

Posted By: kriss
Date Posted: 11 August 2008 at 1:06pm
i like to wear a full face if i'm going out, and even just for days at home i wear foundation and mascara. tbh this daily routine kept me sane in my first trimester when i was feeling sicky
otherwise i didn't really feel like me..
i'm not sure i can so easily give it up after baby has arrived either
anyway my favs are elizabeth arden 8 hour cream which i use as lipgloss, cuticle cream, and spot treatment for any dry skin. lucas' pawpaw is awesome also. love lancome for eyeliners, maybelline mascaras and jane iredale liquid and pressed bases - i wear both for coverage.
has anyone tried the new loreal mascara with the tube technology for the look of extensions? not sure of its real name but wondering if it is any good?

Little Angel, April 10

Posted By: NeoshasMummy
Date Posted: 11 August 2008 at 1:35pm
Hmmmm used to wear it EVERYDAY before baby now I just wear it most days lol

My Favs?

Bobbi Brown foundation
Revlon uder eye concealer (great when u get jack all sleep)
Loreal pencil eye liner
Loreal lash extension mascara
Chanel lipgloss bracelet

I am also a fragrance addict
Vera Wang
Nina Ricci have my favourite editions

I am only just starting to buy me things again as while I was pregnant all my money went on baby gear and when baby came along only one wage ment things were tight and we couldn't afford all the things I used to buy myself, but now things are a bit easier so have been splurging again I look icky without makeup (well I think so anyway) Normally wear sunnies if I don't have much makeup on.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Mrs Te Kani ❤️
Neosha 26/5/2007

Posted By: nickyjames
Date Posted: 11 August 2008 at 2:26pm

My fave makeup is Ponds tinted moisturiser, which is great even by itself, or with a little concealer over any redness or dark shadows, loreal blush delice to make those cheeks pop, some mascara and a slick of gloss - 15 mins and a great pick me up.

Coming from Melbourne where it was nothing to have immaculate hair and wear a full face of make up just to pop down to the shops, to Christchurch where no one wears even a smidge of make-up or does their hair was quite an adjustment ha ha!


Posted By: Will267634
Date Posted: 12 June 2021 at 4:19pm
I love to wear makeup and I use Dermablend powder foundation because It is perfect for sensitive skin.

See:" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Hardisson262712
Date Posted: 02 September 2021 at 8:43am
I make up every day, I can't do without makeup on my face anymore. Maybe it's not very good, but on" rel="nofollow - magnetic liner has such a large selection of false eyelashes, I just can't stop when I go in when choosing and ordering these beautiful pieces. I really want to give up cosmetics, but I can't yet.

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