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Your Best & worst baby items questions..

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Topic: Your Best & worst baby items questions..
Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Subject: Your Best & worst baby items questions..
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 9:43am
What are the things you just absolutly loved for your baby ie changetable, baby bath etc?

What were the things that were a waste of money?

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

TTC 6 years
IVF it is
IVF/ICSI round one
10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN
IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs!
20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties
2 Frosties still in freezer thank god

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 9:52am

What are the things you just absolutly loved for your baby ie changetable, baby bath etc?  I loved my change table my FIL made for me, meant I didn' ahve to get down on the floor straight after giving birth

What were the things that were a waste of money? Fancy burb cloths, an old fashion cloth square did the job

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought? For my next I am getting a hammock.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Neeks
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 9:55am
What are the things you just absolutly loved:

Cariboo Motion Sway Basinette - helped in teaching my little one to sleep through the night at an early age (as in 6 weeks old)

What were the things that were a waste of money?

The baby bath, she hated the bl**dy thing and would scream as soon as she saw it.. so we ended up having to wash her hair in the sink, and sponge bathing her for the rest until she was a bit older/bigger to go in the big bath

Burp cloths - she wasn't a very spilly baby and whenever she did bring up a little bit, I just grabbed a cloth nappy

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

A change table - We've been changing her nappies and dressing her on the bed or floor and it's getting a bit old PLUS my back aches now that she's a bit more mobile and unwilling to sit still for long periods of time LOL


Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 10:42am
What are the things you just absolutly loved:

Wraps, they were bertini wraps and they were brilliant and cheap. And also my change table, got it for $20 on trademe and it lasted 13 months until Daniel started becoming a terror on it.

What were the things that were a waste of money?

Polarfleece blankets, I didn't buy them but loads of people did

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

Dunno, I haven't found anything I needed

Posted By: NeoshasMummy
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 10:44am
Love my change table, after having a c-section I found it great!!

Loved my matching PP patch outfits, Neosha was a spilly baby which ment she was permanently stuck in bibs so it was nice to have pretty ones that matched.

Loved my tommee tipee closer to nature bottles

Loved my Amby baby hammock

My rocker was a waste of time she HATED it with a passion, she also hated her jolly jumper and the exersaucer I have no idea why and I kept trying to get her to enjoy them as I spent so much money on them but she wasn't having a bar of it!

Next time we are having a Papasan cradle swing, a change table with the bath in the top if I end up going for another c-sect as before DP had to fill the bath and bring it over for me.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Mrs Te Kani ❤️
Neosha 26/5/2007

Posted By: Snappy
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 12:04pm
What are the things you just absolutly loved:

Change Table, Cloth Naps (They have many uses!), Mountain Buggy , GO-GO sleeping Bag, wraps (i bought 2x pumpkin patch ones which were quite stretchy) And sillybillys bibs.

What were the things that were a waste of money?

Definately the polar blankets for me too, I think I bought about 4? I only have used one of them for the buggy or on the floor.   My natures sway Baby sling (Only used it twice),

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

I started buying baby clothes when I was pregnant from the Pumpkin patch outlet online in bigger sizes. I wish I had of bought more, because hes grown out of everything! Oh, and I wish we had of bought our Go-Go bag earlier. It was on my wish list when i was pregnant, and we didnt buy it until he was 3 months old.   Im Glad we didnt buy a new basinette, Jackson only lasted 4 weeks in his basinette that we borrowed!

Mummy to two beauties... Formerly Kaiz.

Posted By: katie1
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 12:58pm
Mountain buggy, change table, angel care monitor, cloth nappies (flat square ones - used for EVERYTHING) go go sleeping bag, silly billy bibs once on solids

Didn;t use much:
Front pack and also polar fleese blankets which people gave us lots of.

Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 1:13pm
What is a go go bag and sillybilly bibs?

TTC 6 years
IVF it is
IVF/ICSI round one
10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN
IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs!
20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties
2 Frosties still in freezer thank god

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 1:23pm

Go-go bag is a sleeping bag

Sillybilly bibs are great bibs that are lined at the back so stuff doesn't go through to the clothes.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: sadie
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 2:08pm
Ezee rocker basinette
Swaddleme wraps, and then go-go bags
Bouncinette - brilliant for parking in the bathroom so you can shower!
Flat cloth nappies
White noise CD
Decent playgym

Thought would be essentials, but haven't actually used much:
Jolly Jumper
Baby Bjorn

Waste of money:
Sangenic nappy bin

Posted By: xLUCKYx
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 2:19pm
Baby bouncer - great for when having shower and cooking dinz
Playgym - floor mat thingy with toys
Exersaucer - again great to keep bubs in one place when trying to cook or do something
Breast Feeding pillow - MUST HAVE! So much better than an ordinary pillow and good to help prop baby up to sitting too when the time comes!

Thought would be essentials, but haven't actually used much:
Jolly Jumper - it's cool and fun but we just forgot about it all the time
Blankets - we had blanket overload too....
Change Table - borrowed one from a friend -didn't use much beyond the bath part and was good for storage - I used to mainly use the floor or bed for changes with a change matt underneath.

Waste of money:
Toys - hate to say as I love toys but you don't need heaps... not something to waste too much precious $$ on

Posted By: MummyFreckle
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 2:36pm

LOVED - MB Carry Cot / Mountain Buggy itself. Large muslin wraps that my mum made for us. Change Table. Front pack. Small wash cloths (we use these for so many things!) . Sangenic nappy bin. Safety Sleep. Avent sterilister / avent bottles. PlayGym & Mat. Bonds cotton vests from Kmart. Jolly Jumper. Exesaucer.

HAVENT USED MUCH - all the bottees that we were given (he hated wearing them and would squirm to try and kick them off). Blanket overload (lots of gifts of polar fleece ones - we only use natural fibres on his bed, so that occassionally get used in buggy and thats it). Peanut Sling - loved the concept, but he didnt like it when he was little and preferred to be in the front pack.

WASTE OF MONEY - Breastfeeding pillow (I couldnt get comfortable with it, so used a pillow instead).

NEXT TIME AROUND - would like to get a hammock, but not sure if we have room, so might just get nice bassinet.



Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 2:40pm
Hated my change table, big waste of $25 dollars that i could have spent on food and chocolate, my back was too sore to use it , it wasnt at the right height , they need to be at such a height that you dont have to bend at all .

Best thing, my jolly jumper, God i loved that thing, and luckily so did Caitlyn


Posted By: BuzzyBee
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 3:38pm

*Exersaucer- Our entertainment from 6-9 months, he could have probably stayed in it longer but he was a big boy and could tip it over when he got hypo and jumped frantically. Great coz you know they're in the one place while you go off and do chores
*Jolly jumper - Lucas got a great work out with this, he basically lived in it from 3-6 months, was his fave time of the day.
*Tiny Love play gym with arches that go across and have the toys dangle down over bubs...
*Breastfeeding pillow - these were fantastic, never actually used it for breastfeeding but was great for propping bub up and aiding him to learn to sit on his own. Then as he got a bit older he relaxed back in it when watching tv or reading books etc

*Large Baby Bath- Lucas STILL has his baths in this and hes coming up 19 months, he kicks up a fuss if I try the big bath but he'll just have to get over that soon. At least we've been saving water...

Flat cloth nappies - came in handy for EVERYTHING


Front pack- so impractical when you have a kid that weighs half a Next time I'll be opting for a fancy sling and eating less during pregnancy

Breast Pump - I splashed out on a $250 electric breast pump. Only ever used it once when I had my tonsils out recently, otherwise its always been straight from the tit- thats what the good Lord gave em to us for lol

Deluxe Reclining Padded Highchair -Ugh the most impractical buy of them all, a total bitch to clean bulky even when 'folded'. Downgraded to your simple foldout high chair and am still using it ...

Toys - We have nearly all the playskool and fisher price range, it's ridiculous. Half of them he doesn't even play with. Some toys are fantastic - just don't go overboard with them as they usually end up preferring adults stuff/things you find around the home...

3 Wheeler Pram - Steelcraft ....omg what a waste of money! Aside from being a fiddly piece of @#%* it didn't fit in my boot so I had to sell it after only one use, I only got 1/3 of what I originally paid.

DO NOT BUY A SANGENIC NAPPY WRAPPER BIN - complete waste of money ...and the refills cost an arm and a leg


Well, toys certainly won't be on this list. I have enough to entertain a brood of 10 +

I quite like the look of those Moses Baskets (as opposed to a basinette or straight into the cot from birth ...)

I think next time around I will be much more cautious of what I buy and how much I spend etc ...we live and we learn. I definitely wont be buying half as much stuff though...

Single Mum to a darling wee boy of 3 years :)

Posted By: BuzzyBee
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 3:38pm
Holy ...I just wrote an essay there for ya

Single Mum to a darling wee boy of 3 years :)

Posted By: Jay_R
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 3:43pm
Loved: Change table with bath in it and shelving underneath; exersaucer; moses basket; flat cloth nappies; muslin wipes and bigger sized cloths; Angelcare monitor

Didn't need: Hmmm, nothing that we had really except perhaps the jolly jumper - exersaucer was far better.

Next time: MCN's!!

Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 4:05pm
What are the things you just absolutly loved for your baby ie changetable, baby bath etc?
-changetable (folding so we can now put it away - can't keep him on there anymore)
-baby bath - still use it now, just sit him up in it if he needs a quick bath
-capsule - rear facing carseats with the tether straps going over are a PITA (we have one, you can get ones that are different though) and there's no way I would put a newborn in it as they'd be hard to get out.
- old fashioned cloth nappies for burping cloths (I can lend you some if you want )
-hats: winter and summer, all different sizes.
-bassinette - great for the early days
-a 2nd-hand breast pump- just sterilised heaps. Better than paying full price and worked fine.
-MCN's! So cheap and easy.

What were the things that were a waste of money?
-polarfleece blankets that people bought. Can't put them on the bed so a waste. I have a whole wardrobe full of them (seriously have maybe 10-15?!)
-non-backed bibs - best to buy quality PUL backed ones so it doesn't soak through
-soft toys: people gave us so many, we probably have close to 40 of the suckers.

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?
-more toys and clothes for later on. Everyone buys rattles etc but its at this age (9ish months) where you realise that everything's crappy and then you have to go spending with the little money you have.
-More flannellette sheet sets. We only have one set with the fitted bottom. The flat bottom is really annoying but now have single sheets too so will just use those and wrap round.

Posted By: aussiegirl
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 4:34pm
What are the things you just absolutly loved for your baby ie changetable, baby bath etc?

* baby bath * cloth nappies * BIBS, we go through about 5 everyday! * musical rocker - Hayley sits in it and it plays music, has flashing lights and swings
* playgym *baby Bjorn - Hayley is very nosy, so enjoys being able to see when we are out * snap n go wheels for the first couple of months, so easy just putting the capsule in it and off you go! * baby picture books, hayley loves them!

What were the things that were a waste of money?

Have to agree about the polarfleece blankets. We have pretty much used everything else we have bought or been given

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

More MCNs when I had the money!

ETA: We were given a Sangenic Nappy bin - have hardly used it

We were also given a capsule WITHOUT a base, has been a total PITA, totally recommend a capsule that has a base!

Mum to Hayley **30.6.08">

Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 4:36pm

What are the things you just absolutly loved for your baby ie changetable, baby bath etc?

~Swaddle me 
~silly billies and mum 2 mum bibs
~deff. my change table
~and for all 4 weeks i loved my avent breast pump cause the kid couldnt latch and i had the sorest boobies.
~i heart my paco mini musical

What were the things that were a waste of money?
~the crappy bibs with velcro that get stuck to everything and dont suck up anything gunk just bounces off.
~stupid heavy bulky milano stroller.
~the thousand of booties, woollen hats and blankets ppl bort, they must think they are essentials.

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?
~phil and teds sport, but im getting one next baby anyway.

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 4:40pm
What are the things you just absolutly loved for your baby ie changetable, baby bath etc?

*I found the change table a LIFE SAVER after my C Section(I dont use it now though, floor is better and safer),

*Lots of flat cloth nappies, they have MANY uses

*Bassinet, meant I could have him right next to my side of the bed, easy for night feeds and popping the dummy back in his mouth without getting up lol

*His Hammock! Love it!!

*Swaddle Blankets

*Closer to Nature Bottles

*Breast Pump


*Electric Swing(life saver!)

*Mozart Mobile(Synpany in Motion(sp?)

*Colourful Toys, he has heaps and we love them and it keeps in happy


What were the things that were a waste of money?

Sangenic nappy bin, too many newborn clothes, baby bath(sink way easier), too many blankets.

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

Nope not really


Posted By: jaz
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 6:41pm
What are the things you just absolutly loved for your baby?

Change table
3 wheeled buggy
High chair with removable tray
My sisters hand spun hand knitted woolen shawl

What were the things that were a waste of money?

Jolly jumper (used once with Caleb but all the time with Brooke)
Baby bath (mostly used the bathroom sink)
Too many breast pads
Front pack

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

I should have bought maternity pads instead of relying on using them at Birthcare as I ended up having an unplanned home birth. Luckily my neighbour did a supermarket dash for me half an hour after I had him.


Posted By: maltese
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 7:36pm
Absolutely loved:

-Merino Kids gogo bags - don't have to worry about blankets over their face
-Baby Bjorn front pack - has been an absolute lifesaver as we have spent a lot of time at airports
- Tiny Love classical musical mobile
- breastfeeding pillow, still using it to prop baby up
- black and white picture book
- merino hats and gowns

Waste of money:

-Sangenic nappy bin - threw it out after a day!
-sling - all the babies weight is on one shoulder...even when baby was 4kg it was too sore.
- booties - my winter baby used socks or pants with covered feet
- duvet and bumper for cot. Looked really cute but never used due to suffocation concern

Anything you wished you had bought?:

- I got snap 'n' go wheels when baby was 6 weeks old - wish I had got them earlier. Really allowed me to get out and about.
- more bibs, I still need more!


Posted By: SMoody
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 8:40pm
What are the things you just absolutly loved for your baby ie changetable, baby bath etc?

I have an compactum with a change table on the top with a bath in it. Was great when she was a newborn and me having the ceaser to bath her without bending too far. Bit sucky to carry the bath to empty it however. Although hubby did it. Other great buy was the Kango Pouch as I could do anything I wanted while having her in there.

What were the things that were a waste of money? For me personally was bottles, dummies and the breast pump. This kid just chucked me with the bottle at 6 weeks and absolutely refused. The Nuk bottles however was okay as I used it for Rooibos tea at 8 months for her.

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

Not really. this time around I will buy my own rocker as I borrowed one from MIL and have to buy a new capsule off course and just some general stuff. But they are small for such a short amount of time that half of the stuff is actually unnecessary and is wastage. You can combine products and rather safe the cash in your childs account.


Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 8:57pm
What are MCNs?

Posted By: peanut butter
Date Posted: 15 October 2008 at 9:35pm
MCNs =Modern Cloth the ones you dont need to fold.  They are basically as easy as a disposable.....and very addictive

Posted By: my4beauties
Date Posted: 16 October 2008 at 8:33am

Love my changing table, it's been through all 3 kids!


Wished I'd bought a decent cot!  I bought one second hand when pg with Rico, which was ok, but it was a NZ standard (small) cot and my kids grew fast!  I then bought another one off my sister earlier in the year but it's breaking fast!!!! 

My babies:

R (9),G (7), J (5)" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: MelanieAndBree
Date Posted: 16 October 2008 at 10:37am

Whats wrong with polarfleece blankets?



Couldnt have lived without: change table, sillybillys bibs (briahna was a dribbler, she was constantly wearing a bib), cloth nappies, bouncinette, baby gym, walker


Could have lived without:  Front pack (used it once), Booties and mittens (she wore socks most of the time and she never scratched herself and when they were on her she would get them off!), Jolly jumper (barely used it), bath in the change table (only fit in it for about 6 weeks).

Mum to Briahna Robyn, 3yrs

Posted By: CuriousG
Date Posted: 16 October 2008 at 10:53am
What are the things you just absolutely loved:

I was given a bath sling, and it was the best - much easier than holding them in the bath.

Jolly Jumper!

Bouncinette thing. She spent a lot of time sitting up, she wasn't into lying down to play.

What were the things that were a waste of money?

Stupid booties from P Patch that kept falling off and not keeping her feet warm - woollen booties were much better!

Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

A rocker or swinging chair thingee. I will def get one next time!


Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 16 October 2008 at 11:00am
Can someone please tell me what the difference is between a Bouncinette and a rocker?

Im so confused!

TTC 6 years
IVF it is
IVF/ICSI round one
10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN
IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs!
20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties
2 Frosties still in freezer thank god

Posted By: Daizy
Date Posted: 16 October 2008 at 1:47pm
A bouncintete, the base sits firmly on the ground and bounces when whe chicld wriggles or you move it. A rocker is similiar to a bouncinette except the base is more like a rocking chair and I think it has to be rocked. I have a bouncinette and I love it, just a little jiggling and shes asleep. It was also so handy in the begining keeping her off the ground so she wasnt trampled by her big sister all the time. It also keeps them upright and able to look around while you are doing stuff around the house. I love it!


Posted By: Daizy
Date Posted: 16 October 2008 at 1:54pm

What are the things you just absolutly loved for your baby?

My Moby wrap

Muslin wraps and cloths - used for everything!


Moses Basket - Didnt take up much space and I could put it anywhere

Breast Pads

Baby Bath - we dont have a big bath and used this right untill Keira was 2, by then she was making too much of a mess so we had to shower her.

What were the things that were a waste of money?

Too many NB nappies, Maddi never fitted them and we had 2 big boxes

Change table - My SIL tried to convince me that I had to have one and it saved so much space. Saved more space not having one. Although It does seem to be handy for those who have had a c-section, if you have the space.


Going back in time is there anything now you wish you had of brought?

If I had space there were heaps of things I would have liked. Excersaucer, Jolly Jumper, cot, mobile...

After the first one I think I worked out exactly what I needed.


Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 17 October 2008 at 11:10am
Thanks that makes perfect sense now!

TTC 6 years
IVF it is
IVF/ICSI round one
10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN
IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs!
20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties
2 Frosties still in freezer thank god

Posted By: Danaj
Date Posted: 17 October 2008 at 9:21pm
What's an exersaucer?


Posted By: Daizy
Date Posted: 17 October 2008 at 9:28pm

The baby just sits in the middle, and can spin around and play.


Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 18 October 2008 at 12:43am
Ohh Steph! I TOTALLY agree with on the stellcraft 3 wheeler! It didnt fit in my boot and it was a $$*&@$!! to collapse and open, i got SOOOOO mad with it, and it was heavy!
After having c section I could hardly lift the damn thing even 6 weeks after the operation! So i sold it on trade me for $220, so i got a fair chunk of money back, ended up getting a Mountain Buggy Urban(i think) its light blue, really light to lift and a piece of cake to fold up and open and it close's FLAT!!

So i also reccomend the Mountain Buggy!!!!


Posted By: sadie
Date Posted: 18 October 2008 at 11:43am
Two more necessities from me:

Phil & Teds buggy. Folds up really small, and you can clip the capsule to it which is a godsend in the early weeks.

Decent coffee machine! Being able to make good coffee at home makes for a happy mum.....

Posted By: MissCandice
Date Posted: 18 October 2008 at 12:04pm
I hear you on the steelcraft, it was a peice of.. junk!
So easily tips over with a bigger baby in it, like 6m+

I LOVE my mountain buggy urban :)

~ Mummy to a beautiful girl ~

Posted By: pomikiwi
Date Posted: 18 October 2008 at 1:51pm

Small faceclothes (still use them now)
White cloth nappies
Calendula ointment -the best nappy rash cream ever!!
Change table - I had a c-section so it was perfect


Polar fleece blankets - they dont breath.
Too many toys
Too many clothes


Mountain buggy instead of the crap thing I bought which was still expernsive

Better front pack, which I'm going to get this time.

DD-Carys Amelia 17.03.06

Posted By: LittleBug
Date Posted: 18 October 2008 at 8:05pm
- change table
- mobile above change table
- flat cloth nappies (used for spill cloths, and anything really)
- bouncinette
- Avent electric breast pump
- wraps/sleep sacks
- warm hats & woollen singlets
- dummies for sleeping with (and dummy chain)
- blankets (all kinds... Dunedin is cold, and they were brilliant for going out, especially polar fleece ones in the stroller)
- capsule and snap'n'go wheels
- baby books, especially touch'n'feel ones and rhyming ones

Could have lived without
- baby bath
- hundreds of soft toys
- front pack
- baby powder (we were given heaps of baby powder and never use it)
- "fancy" newborn clothes... when she was that teeny it was easier to dress her in all-on-ones and romper type suits.
- bassinet (Chloe was out of hers after 2 weeks)
- TINY baby books (think 10cm or less - she just isn't interested in them)

Next time will get
- proper spring mattress for cot (instead of crappy foam one we have)
- maybe a sling

Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).

Posted By: lilfatty
Date Posted: 19 October 2008 at 10:39am
- My sky! (Live pause rocks when you have a screaming baby)
- Sling I carried Issy for the entire first three months
- Two merino go-go bags and a cotton one for day sleeps
- Hammock
- dummy chain (thank you LB)
- capsule and snap'n'go wheels

Could have lived without
- rocker (she never liked it)

Next time will get
- a pram we can put both kiddies in

Mummy to Issy (3) and Elias (18 months)

I did it .. 41 kgs gone! From flab to fab in under a year - LFs weight blog

Posted By: kakapo
Date Posted: 19 October 2008 at 4:02pm


knitted woollen pants (longies) and jerseys


MCNs and flat cloth naps

wraps, sleep sack and merino go-go bag

dummies for sleeping and air travel

baby bath

Phillips baby monitor


Could have lived without

change table –  felt safer changing DS on the floor as he’s always been a wriggler

front pack

"fiddly" newborn clothes - DS used to scream every time we dressed him in anything that took longer than 2 secs to put on.


Next time will get

Angelcare sound and movement monitor for peace of mind


Posted By: Febgirl
Date Posted: 19 October 2008 at 4:44pm

- pram - splurged and bought a bugaboo and have no regrets at all
- capsule for up to 13kg - fits onto pram base and still using it now at 9 months
- change table - great for storage as well
- flat cloth nappies - can never have enough
- merino clothing
- Avent electric breast pump - really glad bought an electric one as I expressed one feed a day from 2 weeks - 7 months
- Jolly jumper - DD LOVES it, it's the highlight of her day
- Exersaucer - not quite as much fun as the jolly jumper but still a favourite

Could have lived without

- Sangenic nappy bin - I really like ours unlike most posters it seems! - but I agree they aren't a necessity
- Electric baby swing - present from grandparents, I know most babies love them but DD wasn't too fussed on it
- Wraps anything smaller than 1m x 1m - bubs outgrow them too fast and makes it easy for them to wriggle out

Next time will get
- we bought a tummy tub when DD was about 3 months old and it was brilliant, next time will use it from birth

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