Adult allergies
Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Reflux and Allergy Support
Forum Description: Struggling with a refluxy baby? Looking for tips to deal with allergies? Share your experiences here.
Printed Date: 11 March 2025 at 5:02am Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.05 -
Topic: Adult allergies
Posted By: Rachael21
Subject: Adult allergies
Date Posted: 19 November 2008 at 9:27pm
I'm not sure if anybody can help here but Ben (my DP) has really bad ezcema, he says its worse when he sweats but sometimes it flares up randomly and even when its not bad he still has heaps. He also has quite bad asthma so I was just wondering are there any tests suitable for him to try and figure out whats causing it. He has been with the same dr for ages who just doses him up on some cream and pinetarsol for the bath but its kind of got to the point where even thats not working so well.
Any help greatly appreciated. TIA
Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 19 November 2008 at 9:36pm
Hi, he could ask his doc for skin prick testing which can then be done at medlab. He might be able to just ring medlab for the test directly (not sure about cost though). Might also be worth him asking for the gluten blood test too. Does it seem seasonal at all, my DH has just been tested and came back pos to ryegrass, birch trees and something else.
He's at work but I will ask him later how much the test cost, the doc referred him for it. He was tested for loads of others ones as well but was negative to them all, things like egg, dairy etc.
Other option would be to see a homeopathic doc as they do allergy testing as well, they just use different methods.

Posted By: Andie
Date Posted: 20 November 2008 at 8:47am
He needs to figure out if it's worse at certain times of the year, or after any dietry changes, etc... see if there's any pattern to it. And he can ask his Doc for a skin prick test - some Doc's seem reluctant to arrange them and I don't know why. But if he has no luck with that, maybe see a different Doc and ask? They can test for food allergies and environmental ones.
------------- Andie
Posted By: Rachael21
Date Posted: 20 November 2008 at 12:46pm
Ok thanks guys. I don't think its very seasonal and he gets quite bad hayfever when the seasons change but his skin doesn't really seem to get worse with the hayfever. I might send him off to the dr again then. Thanks.
Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 20 November 2008 at 12:48pm
I asked DH and the test didn't cost anything as he was referred. Hope he finds out what is causing it, ezcema sucks
