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Anyone using Rhuger?

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Reflux and Allergy Support
Forum Description: Struggling with a refluxy baby? Looking for tips to deal with allergies? Share your experiences here.
Printed Date: 23 November 2024 at 7:54am
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Topic: Anyone using Rhuger?
Posted By: whitewave
Subject: Anyone using Rhuger?
Date Posted: 14 May 2009 at 9:36pm
I went to my doctor in Port Chalmers (just out of Dunedin) last Monday when I suspected my son had reflux, and she has suggested trying the Rhuger (rhubarb and ginger) mixture before using Gaviscon or anything else. This stuff is made in Dunedin, which is handy, so started it on Monday night. So I've been giving it to him for just over 3 days now, and not sure if its doing much for him.
Has anyone else tried this, and if so, how long before you saw an improvement (if any) in the reflux?
I'm really not sure how long I should stick it out for, or if I should go back to the doctor to get something stronger for him.

Posted By: MamaT
Date Posted: 04 April 2010 at 8:54am

Just thought I'd bump this.

My cousin's baby had reflux and his wife got on to Rhuger, she swears by it and suggested I give it a go. So have just ordered it.


Any other experiences?


Posted By: mollycat
Date Posted: 04 April 2010 at 7:53pm
Did absolutely nothing for my little one's reflux. I thought it was more for wind/colic (?)

Gaviscon didn't cut the mustard either. It only made life slightly more bearable but still horrible.

All the best with your little one's reflux!



Posted By: MamaT
Date Posted: 05 April 2010 at 8:32am

Yeah, we did try gaviscon, I found it did improve things but it made him quite constipated within a few days of using it so I had to stop. I'm seeing the doctor next week so hopefully he'll give us losec to try, but thought perhaps a natural method might be best if it does work, but maybe not


Posted By: whitewave
Date Posted: 11 April 2010 at 10:03pm
Hope2Be, how bad is Cooper's reflux? Campbell's reflux was pretty minor, but he had worse troubles with wind, as it turned out. The Rhuger worked really well on him, and in fact we've only just weaned him off it. He still gets tummy upset with foods like onion, so I'm having trouble finding something else now!
The Rhuger won't be very effective if the reflux is bad, I'd say. But worth a try if you want to try something natural first.

Posted By: MamaT
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 10:38am

I saw the doctor who ended up prescribing us Ranitidine. I did try the Rhuger once but had a couple of horrible days with him after that so have given it a miss and stuck to the Ranitidine which seems to be giving him some relief at the moment


I may go back to it later down the track depending on how we get on though as I would prefer to go natural if at all possible


Posted By: whitewave
Date Posted: 14 April 2010 at 10:08pm
The Rhuger did take about a week to start showing improvement in Campbell. But if the Ranitidine is working well for Cooper, then that's great!

When he gets a bit older, if the reflux appears to be easing you can always try the Rhuger again then. Good luck!

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