Kick-starting labour - ideas?
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Topic: Kick-starting labour - ideas?
Posted By: RuthyH
Subject: Kick-starting labour - ideas?
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 4:36pm
I'm 8 days overdue, tried everything I've read about to get things started naturally and just wondered is there anything unusual you have tried that did the job? I haven't taken so much as a panadol through this pregnancy and want to avoid making this a drug-induced birth if at all possible. Thanks
Posted By: Mum2L
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 5:25pm
Nipple stimulation is one way of inducing labour, as it tells the body to start making oxytocin. It is a method used by midwives who specialise in home births to get labour to progress.
Posted By: skp
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 5:30pm
I'm sure you would know this already but BDing and having a really good orgasm is supposed to work
Posted By: RinTinTin
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 6:03pm
I've heard jumping off the bottom step is a good one.
The other one I know of is massaging the side of your little toe. Check on the net about pressue points, but I know homeopathic/naturopath type midwives often do this to induce labour or to restart contractions that have stopped.
Posted By: Rovic
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 6:25pm
My friend was overdue by a few days, ate pineapple joking that it was going to start her labour (as she had been told by her grandmother) and bubs was born the next morning. Old wives tale ??? lol
Posted By: Mamma2N
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 6:39pm
ok, well I tried everything in the book and at 8 days overdue I had had enough so i took castor oil. I know some people are dead against it but I didn't want to end up at CHCH womens for an induction.
(I will say I only took it as 2 days earlier I had an internal, I was 3cm dilated, cervix extremely favourable and babys head right there ready to go).
Anyway, took it 3pm, at 7.15pm had to go no2's (sorry TMI) by 7.45pm cont. 5 mins apart and she was born at 11.15pm.. so just over 3&half hours from go to whoa!
So thats one way.. although I would speak to your LMC first...
Good luck!
Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 6:54pm
I was 2 weeks O/D with DS1, the in-laws took us out for a hot curry dinner, also tried BD, went for a ride (over judders) don't recoment it or jumping.
Was booked for an induction 10am Friday morning & went into labour 1.30am, had baby c/sect 5.05pm.
Still was not ready, bag was not packed, place not tidy, lol, baby will come when ready & they won't let you go over 2 weeks. Good luck
Posted By: hailstones
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 7:25pm
I agree with Jazzy - bubs normally come when they are ready - unfortunately for us impatient (and uncomfortable) Mums.
I tried everything I could.......the 3 H's (hot sex, hot curry, hot bath), Pineapple (although the pineapple and the curry are supposed to have similar effects - ie clears you out IYKWIM), Clary sage oil - was told this can help but for life of me can't remember why - you rub it on your belly. Castor oil, walks, name it I tried it.
In the end my waters broke and then leaked for 3.5 days before they induced me (I was 8 days overdue at that stage), so you can try all the above things but they might not help - oh and some of them are pretty yuck (castor oil is disgusting!)
Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 8:10pm
Apparently the gel they use to induce labour is very similar to semen so BDing might be your best bet
------------- Lindsey
Posted By: RinTinTin
Date Posted: 25 June 2009 at 10:49am
DP suggested going and doing something that gets your adhrenaline pumping.
He took his sister for a blast on his race bike, scared the ba-jeepers out of her, but that evening she wnt into labour.
Know anyone with a really fast car?
Posted By: freckle
Date Posted: 25 June 2009 at 11:07am
My first labour I took castor oil and if worked a treat... it tastes damn revolting though and I still gag at the thought second I had a stretch and sweep and was in labour within 12 hours...
My sis was a week overdue and had had enough so took castor oil and within three hours she was in full labour!... I know it's not recommended though but it did work...
------------- mum to 3 lovely girls :D
Posted By: Babe
Date Posted: 25 June 2009 at 5:27pm
I had half a sleeping pill at 11pm (courtesy of midwife) coz my back hurt and at 6am my waters broke. I would put that down to him being ready to come more than anything else though!! He was apparently 3 days OD but when he was born he was perfect so I'm not going to be too rigid about due date this time round! Good luck
Posted By: LadyLizard
Date Posted: 25 June 2009 at 8:09pm
Ok, what does BD stand for?
(I know its something to do with having sexy time, but what exactly?)
Posted By: Nikki
Date Posted: 25 June 2009 at 9:00pm
I put clary sage oil in the bath and my waters broke about 15mins later. Wouldn't really recommend it though, as I had 30hrs of labour (not progressing then he turned posterior and face presentation) that ended in an emergency c section. Maybe my body wasn't quite ready. Or maybe that would have happened anyway, who knows.
------------- DS (5yrs) and DD (3yrs)
Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 25 June 2009 at 11:14pm
I tried everything to bring on labour, I ended up 13 days over due by the time Caden was born.
Babies wont come until they are ready Im afraid, it doesnt matter what you do, if your body isnt ready it wont work.
I hope bubs comes soon for you though, lots of labour vibes for you!!!
Posted By: LilyC
Date Posted: 27 June 2009 at 10:21am
Cleaning the house, going to the sauna, having sex and eating liqorice are said to help..
Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 27 June 2009 at 3:00pm
was just going to post the same as sheza.
all my babies were 14 days plus over and nothing i did could make them come early ... and not even a medical induction would make the last one come.
its just the way it is, they come when they want!
and there are very good reasons why taking castor oil is not recommended! this is from wiki
Castor oil has been used to induce childbirth in pregnant women, though it is not always effective in application. Castor oil, when ingested, triggers cramping in the bowel (making it an effective laxative). Thus, it is intended that such cramping extend to the uterus. In an overdue pregnancy in which the mother's cervix is already effacing and partially dilated, this cramping can lead to labor contractions. The irregular, painful contractions of castor-oil-induced labor can be stressful on the mother and fetus. It also leaves the laboring woman quite dehydrated as a result of the vomiting and diarrhea which result when the recommended dose of castor oil for labor induction is taken.
Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 28 June 2009 at 12:40pm
Ohh yes!! my MW said a huge no no noo to castor oil, so i didnt go near it at all.
I remember when I was waiting for Caden to arrive, it was you bizzy that said, they dont come until they are ready hehe, as I was trying all sorts(aprat from castor oil) to get him to come out lol! How right you were!! i will know better for this time
I was due on the 10th June, went into labour the 21st June at 2.30am and Caden STILL didnt arrive until 23rd June at 1 in the morning via emergency C Section, he just did not want to come out.
Posted By: freckle
Date Posted: 28 June 2009 at 2:57pm
Yip I totally knew midwives don't recommend castor oil for all the reasons you said bizzy... but to be honest I was desperate when I had it and didn't really care if it was gonna make it a more painful experience for me as I wanted her out
------------- mum to 3 lovely girls :D
Posted By: tiptoes
Date Posted: 28 June 2009 at 3:24pm
I heard Alpine tea was helpful and some kind of birth mix you can get from the naturopath. I haven't tried them myself, but had a friend try both and one other thing that I've forgotten.
Posted By: Andriea
Date Posted: 28 June 2009 at 4:49pm
apparantly callophylum from health shop is good. I tried that and every other thing under the sun with my last pregnancy but nothing worked. The labour was quick in the end but at 14 days overdue. This time Im not gonna bother If im overdue I am gonna make the most of sleeping in hangin with DH and my friends etc and just wait patiently. Good luck