Yehaa, Were Bottle Free
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Category: Have A Baby?
Forum Name: Toddler Times
Forum Description: Is bubs growing up and getting into everything? How do you train them to use the potty? When do you start feeding solids? Share your tips and advice here!
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Topic: Yehaa, Were Bottle Free
Posted By: emeldee
Subject: Yehaa, Were Bottle Free
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 3:51pm
I just wanted to post a celebratory brag that Andrew has been bottle free for 10 days now. We wanted to get him off the bottle well before the next baby arrived to try and reduce any bottle rivalry. In any case, he's happily drinking out of a cup and drinking more than he did with the bottle and doesn't seem to have noticed the removal. Yay!!!
Posted By: Millie1976
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 4:00pm
Yay for you - that's great!!
------------- Sebastien 2 years old
Olivier 3 3/4 years old
Posted By: jack_&_charli
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 4:35pm
well done!
Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 4:55pm
Yay, it took my Andrew forever to get of the bottle. Now he is off it is wonderful, so much cheaper at the groceries now too.
Posted By: emeldee
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 6:37pm
He's going in leaps and bounds this week.....he took six steps on his own this afternoon. I'm not sure if that counts as 'walking' since he fell flat on his face at the end of the six steps, but my little guy is becoming an actual toddler
Yep Becs, I agree about the grocery bill. Now if only I could get him out of nappies, we might be able to stop the grocery bill at $300...
Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 8:16pm
I'm almost at that stage, he is wearing undies at times and has been quite good at the telling mummy and daddy when he needs to go potty. I just got a whole heap of nappies from Treasures as I sent a whole heap back so I don't have to buy nappies for a few weeks.