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you time

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Topic: you time
Posted By: first
Subject: you time
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 2:52pm
I keep hearing this is good for you but how do you make it happen for yourselves and what do you do?

I sure know my DH keeps making sure he has his time but I just feel like by the time I get everything done there isn't time for me.
Do we really need it or are guys the only ones that really need time to themselves?


Posted By: Kazzle
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 2:55pm
you 100% need "ME" time.

I am a firm believer that a happy mum makes for a happy household.

I go out every thursday night with my girlfriends (during winter we hole up at someones house) and have hot chocolate and yummy treats.

In the summer we go swimming or walking, or go grab an ice cream and walk along the beach.

On the weekends i go do the grocery shopping on my own, and make sure i get out for at least an hour just by myself.


Posted By: ?Lolly?
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 3:11pm
My Mother once said to me "I don't need me time." I asked her, "What do you think you are doing while you are reading your book."

I have started running agian, that is my sanity saver.

Captain Chaos (5) & the Trouble Monsters (2!)

Posted By: FreeSpirit
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 3:17pm
I found that I can take me-time at night - after all the chores are done and the family is fed and child is asleep, I shut myself in the bathroom and do my face (cleanse, use my good moisturiser) and do my nails. While my nails are drying, I read my magazine (often a baby related mag where I can find recipes or play ideas, other times my Cosmo). Once that's all done I put on my body moisturiser and nice PJ's, do my eyebrows, add a touch of lip gloss and go give DP a hug before I go to bed. All up it's about 45 minutes, and it's so nice to feel pretty once in a while!


Posted By: palomino
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 3:18pm
you will go crazy and angry if you dont have 'you' time. Learnt that from personal experience. You totally just need something that is yours. weither its crafts or exercise or retail therapy.

Posted By: lemongirl
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 3:28pm
I know this sounds counter-intutitive but I actually find that I'm more likely to keep on top of things if I have my me-time.

A couple of reasons:

1. You get a rest so you have more energy to do stuff.
2. You look forward to your 'me time' so get your stuff done quicker.
3. You are happier so you don't feel like life is so hard.

My 'me time' involves going to the gym but also decorating cakes/cookies etc.

Posted By: kiwisj
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 7:33pm
I'm a big believer in ME time too

When C has his big nap I always take 10 minutes (at least haha) to come on here and check out the goss, catch up on FB and my emails. THEN I worry about chores and errands.

Every Tuesday night DH comes home early (for him) so that I can go out and play football. I have been wanting to do this since about August but didn't get organised till November. I made DH block out his work diary on Tuesday evenings so there are no "important" meetings that crop up and force me to let down my team as well.

We take turns to go out with our mates on our own, I went out on Saturday night for a bottle of wine with a couple of friends. DH played squash on Saturday afternoon while I took C to a birthday party.

I find if I plan things, and encourage DH to do things as well, then it seems to work out.

Callum - Dec 2008
Daniel - Oct 2010

Posted By: flakesitchyfeet
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 8:23pm
I'm superanal about housework so 'metime' is a work in progress. Up 15mins before the baby for coffee and computer
Now when she goes down, I treat myself for an hour first, knitting/scrapbooking, THEN do the chores.
Hubby arrives home at 4.30, (we're lucky, he works over the fence, no commute), then oodle the poodle & I go out for 45mins ish. Hollie in bed at 630, then on run nights I run, write, read and sleep and on no run nights I write, business plan, read and sleep

The two sessions that H is at kindy a week are my anal cleaning sessions. I eventually realised that as long as my house was tidyish, the family didnt give a toss about how perfect everything was, but liked me to be in a good mood moreso ( I am an arse if I work my butt off and it gets messed up pretty quickly)


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 9:21pm

I have me time all the time. This year it was my once a fortnight trip to Feilding for band. A car trip down there, 2 hour practise, 1 hour talkinga nd catching up with people, then the car drive home again. I really enjoyed it. Now it is the evening DH works late once the boys are in bed it is my time.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Snappy
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 9:31pm
I would go nutty if I didn't have me time.

I go to the Gym 3-4 times a week and I love it. I even have my evening showers there, and take ages moisturising and scrubbing.. generally doing stuff I don't get to do at home without someone banging down the door! I feel good about myself and am always in a great mood. Its improved my fitness and health and my confidence too.

Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 10:14pm
Yep...Me time is good.

I was thinking I don't have much me time, not during the week so much but at least one weekend or maybe two I get out & go to my hobby which is dog showing.

This sat is the one this month, sucks that I have to leave at 6am & get back to a pigsty but the time out is good. Can't wait to the sun in the bay


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 01 December 2009 at 10:22pm
I joined a gym for me time and went to set classes so that My time was non negotiable........i found that if you say i need time out, you might get it once a week if your lucky, but when i joined the gym, my DH was on evening duties on those nights and i was off duty doing stuff that not only helped my health it helped my mental health as well and the whole family benefited from it. I had been getting depressed before i started at the gym and was amazed at my changes. DH noticed heaps and is all for me going back to the gym as soon as im ready after having this baby.

Shame the gyms around here dont have spas cos that used to be my final reward at the end, a 10min spa to prepare myself for going home to it all again

Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 02 December 2009 at 8:26am
I have "me" time around 3 times a week...when I go to the gym after DH gets home from work. Sometimes I also disappear on a Saturday for a few hours just to go and have a nosy around the shops, get the things we need that I haven't been able to get out and get through the week, that kind of thing. DH has drinks at work every Friday night, or rides the stationery bike here at home and we also go to speedway by ourselves, so our time is pretty well organised. It means that we have a time to take deep breaths and just relax a little.

Posted By: first
Date Posted: 02 December 2009 at 9:18am
Wow all those things sound great. I just need to figure out how to make it work. I think maybe Dh and I need to sit down and come up with some kind of timetable so we know when it is our time as usually DH gets his and I just kinda get left holding the baby., Don't get me wrong my DH is so good with our boy its just that I tend to put myself at the bottom of the list I guess.
Thanks for the inspiration.


Posted By: flakesitchyfeet
Date Posted: 02 December 2009 at 9:25am
Completely know what you mean! It was exactly the same here for a while I just had to figure out what i wanted to do, and then get proactive about it.
Good luck!


Posted By: lemongirl
Date Posted: 02 December 2009 at 9:37am
The other thing I forgot to suggest is that if you can afford it, then getting a cleaner in even once a fortnight makes a huge difference.

Posted By: ElfsMum
Date Posted: 02 December 2009 at 1:48pm
i agree with everyone first( i think it was the PND thing) i didnt want to leave Ethan and worried when i was gone..but now i go off shopping or just chilling whenever i want in the weekend and I make sure DH has some time too.. we are both free to go out at night whenever we want though we dont go out together hardly at all..

i felt guilty for a long time but I don't now:) now i am way more preg my wonderful mother has got someone to clean 2-3 hours a week on a friday for me too which is awesome(esp cause i suck at housework)

but yeah Dh and I sat and talking about having some time out and he tends to spend his in the garage and likes spending the rest of the time with Ethan and so it works quite well:)

Mum to two amazing boys!

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 02 December 2009 at 4:05pm
I so need me time, I am getting fed up with everything & so tired all the time. My 2 youngest ones are fighting all the time & everyone is so demanding. I am too tired to go out at night, & when I have me time at night it is always doing stuff or I feel the need to do things.

I am looking forward to next year as I will have 2 at school & 1 at afternoon kindy so 3 afternoons a week I get me time...with no kids....woohoo after 9 yrs that is such a big deal

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