2nd miscarriage...what next?
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Category: Support
Forum Name: Life After Miscarriage
Forum Description: Up to one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, yet for many the loss of a pregnancy is isolating and lonely. Share your thoughts and feelings here with others who have experienced loss.
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Topic: 2nd miscarriage...what next?
Posted By: Luckymama23
Subject: 2nd miscarriage...what next?
Date Posted: 16 February 2010 at 11:27am
Hi ladies,
Just come home from a scan and found my baby died 2 weeks ago, (at 8wks) so now have to go into hospital to discuss d &c. Had a miscarriage at 11weeks in November. And am now really disheartened. We have a beautiful 18month old son, who was concieved reall easily which makes things easier to cope with, but how do u keep on trying? and what are the chances of having another baby? as im not sure I could cope with a 3rd m/c
-so sorry for the poor me rant, but no-one seems to understand! Ive been told, oh well at least you have Jack, or never mind you can always just try again.
Posted By: littlestar
Date Posted: 16 February 2010 at 12:17pm
Just couldn't read and run. Its heartbreaking, got some serious tearing up going on here!
People say the dumbest things - they just don't understand.
Hugs - I'm so sorry!!!!
Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 16 February 2010 at 1:39pm
Im sorry too.. As Littlestar said, some people do say dumb things..
Coudl you talk to your GP about where to from here? I know they can do some tests (that normally they like to wait till 3 MCs to do) but some compassionate GPs will let you do them after 2. Was there any reason for your MCs? Maybe (if you want to) ask them if they could do some tests on your last angel baby?
Ive been told that the average person has a 20% chance of MCing, even after 2 MCs the chance is only slightly increased.
My friend had 2 MCs and then her 3rd PGcy resulted in her beautiful little boy, so there is definately hope
Sorry, Im prob no help, but thinking of you anyway..
+1 May 09 Angel
Posted By: lemongirl
Date Posted: 16 February 2010 at 1:56pm
People say the stupidest things sometimes. I know one of the most painful things for me was watching my DP's daughter interact with little kids and babies becuase I immediately thought about that sibling she'd never meet.
A couple of ladies in my due in thread had two miscarriages before going on to have a successful pregnancy.
Do a search on here for kicker as she has details about a specialist if that is the route you wish to go down.
I really hope things work out for you.
Posted By: jo1979
Date Posted: 16 February 2010 at 4:41pm
Kaaza I am really sorry to read your story.
It is weird how the rule is to have three miscarriages before any investigation happens. I often wonder which committee sat there and decided: yes, going through that three times is reasonable before getting any answers or solutions! I know it's about money but still...
I think what Emmi and Lemongirl say is true - there is hope, technically and statistically speaking. But when you are feeling so sharply those two losses it must be very hard to feel hopeful.
I don't think hope can be rushed. Let it creep in in its own time?
Posted By: Tinkerbelle83
Date Posted: 16 February 2010 at 7:38pm
I'm so sorry for your losses Kazza. I have just been through a very similar situation. Oct 09 mc at 8 weeks and baby was 5 weeks then just last week missed mc at 12 weeks and baby was 8 weeks. It's so devastating but I'm staying positive and think I'm gonna try charting to keep my occupied :)
My D&C went well. Stopped bleeding that night (Monday) but then started light bleeding Friday so not sure whether its just clearing things out or if its start of AF?
People have told me many a story of multiple miscarriages but they do go on to have babies. My midwife assured my I will get my baby one day. It's just harder for some people :(
ps, I was 1st Mum but changed my name as I am already a Mum to 2 angels :)
------------- http://lilypie.com">
3 precious Angel babies - Oct 09, Feb 10, June 10
Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 17 February 2010 at 10:42pm
My girls were born after 3 m/c, so please please don't give up hope. You may not be entitled to public funding for investigations into why they have happened, however you can pay to go private and have all the tests taken, if that is what you want. I was eligible for public but went private anyway to be seen in a reasonable time (there was a year long wait on the public list and I got in within 6 weeks privately).
How do you keep trying...you just hope and pray that this is it. And you never ever forget, but the pain does get easier to manage with time. I can't wait to have more children, but the thought of going through more m/c scares the crud out of me.
After all that dribble, huge hugs to you. The pain is such a deep heartwrenching pain that no-one can understand unless they have been through it themselves. I have a friend going through a m/c at the moment, and even having been in that place, I don't know what to say to her, except I'm here, if you need me, let me know.